My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 3735: Focus on momentum rather than strategy

Chapter 3735: Focus on momentum rather than strategy

The little cutie lowered her eyes to look at Young Master Liu, smiled faintly, nodded her head twice, then slightly opened her lips, raised the glass in her hand and took a sip of wine.

Immediately, she gently sipped the wine on her red lips and turned slightly to look at Duan Dingbang who was sitting in front of her right.

"Father, Marshal Duan's previous remarks have indeed taken many things into consideration. It is not an exaggeration to say that he has considered everything.

Therefore, regarding what Marshal Duan said before, I agree with the general situation.

However, Yue'er has two slightly different opinions."

Liu Mingzhi smiled faintly and nodded, then peeled a melon seed with his fingers and threw it into his mouth.

"Haha, if that's the case, then Yue'er, please tell your two slightly different opinions to your father and all the ministers."

Duan Dingbang immediately put down the wine glass in his hand and bowed respectfully to the little cutie.

"Please feel free to give me your advice, Princess. I am all ears."

Song Qing, Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Wanyan Chizha and other generals also stopped drinking or eating melon seeds and nuts, and turned their heads to look at the little cutie.

The little cutie felt the gazes of dozens of generals looking at him, and with a smile in his beautiful eyes he took a sip of the wine in the glass.

“Father, Marshal Duan said at the beginning, know yourself and know the enemy, and you will fight a hundred battles.

Later he said that an arrogant army will inevitably be defeated, and underestimating the enemy is a big taboo in military strategy.

Yue Er had no objection to the two points made by Marshal Duan. "

The little cutie smiled faintly as he spoke. He first glanced again at the dozens of generals who were looking at him, and finally set his gaze on Duan Dingbang.

"If I remember correctly, Marshal Duan, before you said that arrogant soldiers will be defeated and underestimating the enemy is a taboo in military strategy, you quoted a proverb.

Even a lion needs to use all its strength to fight a rabbit.

Marshal Duan, you should be referring to this proverb, right? "

Upon hearing this, Duan Dingbang immediately gave a fist pump to the little cutie.

"Your Highness, if you remember correctly, this is exactly the proverb I said."

After listening to Duan Dingbang's answer, the little cutie smiled and nodded, then reached out and picked up a melon ball and put it into her cherry mouth.

"After quoting this proverb, Marshal Duan went on to elaborate on several of his thoughts.

For example, the need to face up to one's opponents, and words like "right time, right place, right people" and so on.

When Marshal Duan was speaking these words before, your Majesty and all of you ministers were listening.

Therefore, Yue'er, I will not repeat it again. "

Liu Mingzhi nodded with a smile, glanced at the generals in front of him with a faint smile, and ate a melon seed.

"Yue'er, please continue."


The little cutie smiled and nodded twice, then raised the wine glass in her hand and took a sip of the wine with her cherry lips slightly parted.

“When a lion fights a rabbit, it also needs all its strength.

Marshal Duan quoted this proverb, and combined with the various words he said afterwards, his thoughts and ideas were quite similar to those of Han Xin, the great military genius of the early Han Dynasty.

Han Xin, the military genius, believed in using soldiers, the more the better.

Marshal Duan's ideas on the use of troops are similar to those of the military genius Han Xin.

Marshal Duan, what the princess said should be correct, right? "

Hearing the little cutie's question, Duan Dingbang nodded solemnly.

"Your Highness, that is indeed the case."

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, picked up the pipe on the corner of the table, slowly stood up from the chair and walked to the side.

Then, he skillfully filled the pipe with tobacco and looked back at the little cutie with a cheerful look.

"Girl, from what you said before, it seems that you don't particularly approve of Dingbang's military tactics, right?"

Upon hearing this, the little cutie smiled in her beautiful eyes and lightly raised her delicate eyebrows, then immediately turned her head to look at Young Master Liu.

"Father, Yue'er doesn't disagree with Marshal Duan's way of deploying troops. I just have a slightly different idea."

After Liu Mingzhi took a puff of his tobacco, he happily threw away the matches in his hand.

"Yue'er, please continue."

The little cutie nodded with a smile, then slightly tilted her fair neck to drink the little wine left in the glass in one gulp, then picked up the wine jug on the table and refilled herself with a glass of wine.

"Father, whether it's the sage Han Xin or Marshal Duan, both of them use the military strategy more based on momentum than strategy.

As Sun Tzu's Art of War says, attack where the enemy is least prepared and take the enemy by surprise.

Over time, this is what we now call taking the enemy by surprise and attacking them when they are unprepared.

It is stated in Sun Tzu's Art of War, chapter on military momentum.

The speed of rushing water can float rocks; the speed of a bird of prey can break bones; this is due to its momentum.

Therefore, those who are good at fighting have a dangerous momentum and a short period of time. Their momentum is like a stretched crossbow, and their period is like a trigger."

When the little cutie said this with a smile on his face, he gently turned sideways and looked directly at Duan Dingbang.

"Marshal Duan's strategy of deploying troops is to use a large army to press forward and to strike a heavy blow to the enemy with all his strength. This idea is certainly very good.

Just as Marshal Duan said before, even a lion needs to use all its strength to fight a rabbit.

However, Marshal Duan, while you are emphasizing this point, you are overlooking a most basic issue.

That is, the issue of the deployment of troops for the various armies of our Great Dragon Empire that are heading on the Western Expedition.

The most obvious point is that Marshal Duan only considered the situation of his own troops, but ignored the situation of the other two armies of the Western Expedition, as well as the troops of the Anxi Protectorate and the coalition forces of the Western Regions.

Marshal Duan, the 100,000-strong army under your command consists of the front, middle and rear armies, which are mainly composed of infantry battalions, archery battalions, artillery battalions, crossbow battalions and baggage battalions, supplemented by cavalry.

As far as this princess knows, the total strength of all the cavalry of the two guards of your two armies heading west is about 5,000 cavalry.

However, the other two armies heading west, the troops of the Anxi Protectorate, and the coalition forces of the Western Regions were different.

The left wing of Zhang Shuai's army that marched westward included tens of thousands of cavalrymen from the three armies of Xianzhen, Ruishi, and Baizhan.

The right wing of the Western Expedition Army under the command of Nangong General includes tens of thousands of cavalrymen from the Po Lu, Fu Tu, and Fang Armies. "

The little cutie smiled faintly as he spoke. He first raised his glass and took a sip of wine to moisten his throat, then looked towards Young Master Liu with a beautiful smile.


After Young Master Liu turned around and exhaled the smoke from his mouth, he looked happily at the little cutie who was looking at him.

"Well, girl?"

"Father, if Yue'er remembers correctly, before the Great Dragon Empire's various armies set out on the Western Expedition, you gave Uncle Zhang Mo and the Western Regions' coalition forces a separate order. This order was for the troops of the Anxi Grand Protectorate to form a separate army with the troops of the Western Regions, and they would not be commanded by a commander.

Their main task was to characterize the situation based on the two armies' expedition to the west.

Responsible for assisting, clearing out, attacking and encircling the reinforcements and other troops sent by the barbarians of the two countries.

Father, Yue'er should be correct about this, right?"

Liu Mingzhi raised his eyebrows slightly, took a puff of his tobacco, and nodded happily at the little cutie.

"That's right. That's exactly what my father did when he sent the message to the two armies of the Anxi Protectorate and the Western Regions."

The little cutie nodded with smiling eyes, then turned his attention back to Duan Dingbang.

“Marshal Duan, you are also a leader of the troops.

I don't need to say much about what kind of troops are needed to assist, clear, attack, and encircle the enemy, right?"

After hearing the little cutie's question, Duan Dingbang frowned and pondered for a moment, then bowed to the little cutie with a serious expression.

"Reporting to Her Royal Highness, we need to focus on cavalry."

The little cutie laughed a few times with voices as sweet as silver bells, then slightly tilted her fair neck and drank the wine in the glass.

Immediately, she stood up from the armrest of the chair with graceful manners, pressed the wine jug in her hand and poured herself a refill of wine.

"The two armies heading west will mainly consist of cavalry, supplemented by infantry.

The same was true for the troops of the Anxi Protectorate and the allied forces of the Western Regions.

So, Marshal Duan, do you think that the military strategy you considered earlier, in addition to being applicable to your own troops, can also be applied to the deployment of troops of other armies heading west?"

As the little cutie's clear and sweet voice fell, the expressions of everyone present changed.

Young Master Liu chuckled and took a puff of his pipe, a hint of imperceptible relief flashed across his eyes.

Zhang Kuang, Nangong Ye, Wanyan Chizha, Yun Chong, Huyan Yu, Cheng Kai and other generals were all well-read in military books. After just a moment's hesitation, they understood the meaning of the little cutie's words.

After a moment of silence with a complicated expression, Duan Dingbang stood up from his chair and bowed deeply to the little cutie.

"Your Highness Princess, your words have enlightened me. I have learned your lesson."

The little cutie took a sip of the wine in the glass with his lips slightly opened, then walked towards Duan Dingbang with a smile on his face.

"Marshal Duan."

"The minister is here."

"Marshal Duan, in fact, there is nothing wrong with your previous idea.

Judging from the current strength of our Great Dragon Empire's armies heading west, there are hardly any rivals in the entire western countries.

However, there are some things where you only see one side of the story and ignore the other.

When a large army is approaching and the enemy is being fought with all their might, there are only two possible outcomes.

The first result was that the enemy saw that our Dalong Tian Army was unstoppable and chose to surrender without a fight even though they knew they were no match for us.

As for the other result, it is the opposite.

That is, the enemy will fight to the death and will never surrender, and will fight a desperate battle with our soldiers on the Western Expedition.

If it is the first result, then everyone will be happy.

But, Marshal Duan, can you guarantee that you will not encounter the second situation?"

Duan Dingbang's body trembled, and he stood up from the chair with a troubled look on his face.

"This! This! This!"

"Your Highness, I cannot guarantee it!"

Seeing Duan Dingbang's conflicted expression, the little cutie smiled and nodded her head a few times.

"Marshal Duan."

"The minister is here."

"Marshal Duan, when it comes to the art of using troops, there is actually no difference between using momentum and using strategy.

Each of them has its own advantages, it depends on how you use them.

Judging from the current situation of our Great Dragon Dynasty's Western Expedition Army, if we use force, the casualties of our soldiers in the Western Expedition Army will be difficult to predict.

After all, no matter what the circumstances, cavalry is not suitable for sieges.

  Perhaps Marshal Duan, you should think about this: the enemy troops may not necessarily wait for our soldiers of the Western Expedition to attack the city!

But this naturally brings up another problem.

Marshal Duan, facing the situation like the lion fighting the rabbit that you mentioned before, you also need to use all your strength.

In other words, if you, Marshal Duan, are a general of the enemy army when a large army is approaching,

So, besides defending the city, do you have any other countermeasures?"

Duan Dingbang was silent for a moment with a complicated expression, then he looked at the little cutie and shook his head gently.

"Your Highness, I can't think of any other solution.

Under such circumstances, the only correct choice is to defend the city."

"The best military operation is to attack the enemy's plans, the next best is to attack their alliances, the next best is to attack their troops, and the worst is to attack their cities."

Seeing Duan Dingbang's slightly helpless expression, the little cutie took a sip of the wine in the glass with a smile on her face, turned around with a faint smile, and walked towards Young Master Liu who was smoking a few steps away.

“Chuck, chuck, chuck.

  Marshal Duan, no one in this world is a fool. You yourself would not make such a choice. Do you expect the enemy generals to make such a choice?

In this case, the question naturally goes back to what this princess said before.

As the art of war says, take the enemy by surprise and attack where they are least prepared.

There is also the later chapter on military momentum, which describes the speed of the rushing water, which can even float rocks... Its momentum is like a stretched crossbow, and its timing is like a trigger.

As far as the current situation is concerned, there are hundreds of thousands of elite cavalrymen under the command of our various armies heading west.

With such an advantage, our soldiers in the Western Expedition can completely catch the enemy by surprise and quickly annihilate the enemy's effective forces when they are unprepared.

This forced the enemy to fear the power of our Western Expedition Army and they had to voluntarily lay down their weapons and surrender.

In this case, why should we use a large army to attack and kill the enemy with all our strength?

Although both of these two methods are very effective in dealing with the enemy, the number of casualties among our Dalong soldiers in the end is quite different!"

"This this!"

The little cutie walked to the side of Young Master Liu with light lotus steps, turned around with a faint smile and looked towards Duan Dingbang.

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