My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 383 The Rise of the Tribe

Chapter 383 The Rise of the Tribe

The snow is one foot and three feet, and there is no horseshoe wrist.

Compared with the snowfall in the capital of Dalongchao, the snowfall in the Turkic tribes was even worse. The sky and the earth were all covered by snow.

It was hard to find the snow-covered road, but a group of mighty and continuous cavalry was on their way without any hindrance, and found the road they had walked in the snow accurately.

There were tens of thousands of cavalrymen, and it was dark and oppressive as far as the eye could see, as if the dark clouds had landed in the sky, which was depressing.

The cavalry under the crotch of tens of thousands of cavalrymen are all majestic and powerful Turkic horses. The cavalrymen rushing in the cold and snow sneezed and sneezed from time to time, and the heat diffused.

Tens of thousands of cavalry were dispatched with great momentum, but the thick snow seemed to be the best shock absorber, completely covering the sound of horseshoes.

An exquisite and large carriage was driving in the middle of the cavalry team, and was tightly protected by the cavalry.

A horse riding in the opposite direction came on the snow, and pulled the war horse under his crotch in front of the carriage: "Princess, the situation of the Tuoba tribe has been investigated clearly. Now they are making a fire and cooking. They are unprepared. There are 7000 soldiers and one horse. Fifteen thousand horses, more than 3 old and young, orphans and widows."

A bright wrist stretched out from the carriage, and the cavalry immediately handed over the information in his hand.

A moment later, a clear and majestic voice came from the carriage: "After the ceremony, I ordered General Bahana to send out a cavalry force of 3000 men, detour from the west of the Tuoba tribe, and wait for the time to go. General Shi Sizhe led [-] cavalry Detour back three miles away from the king's tent of the Tuoba Tribe, don't act rashly, and wait for my concubine's orders."


"Commander Morton, send a team of envoys to the Tuoba Tribe, and go to recruit Tuoba King Tuoba Khan after the arrangements are made by General Tuohana and General Shi Sizhe."

"Abiding by the order, princess, what if the Tuoba tribe refuses to surrender to our Huyan tribe?"

"Like the Tuli tribe of the Rouran tribe, there can only be one king on the grassland, and that is my Huyan tribe."

"Follow the order."

The person in military uniform in the carriage is none other than Princess Jin Wanyanyanyu.

Through the light in the carriage, Yan Yu was flipping through a book with a meticulous expression, and there was a maid serving beside her, and there was nothing else in the huge carriage.

It is inconceivable that Yan Yu, as a female class, dared to lead tens of thousands of cavalry to go out.

What's more, it is not surprising that nomads like Turks treat women as accessories.

Yan Yu married Hu Yanyu, the second prince of the Huyan tribe, as the princess of the Jin Kingdom, just for the dream in her heart that she swore for love.

Even though Huyanyu was not valued in the Huyan tribe, Princess Jin was different. As the princess of a country, she didn't know how much more honorable she was compared to the Huyan tribe.

After marrying into the Huyan Tribe, Yan Yu used the dowry she brought from the Kingdom of Jin to win people's hearts, develop her cronies, and cultivate her confidantes.

The Turkic tribes did not have the concept of the Han people like the monarch, the minister, the father, the son, and the son. They always believed that the strong should be respected, and some people were slightly shy about Yan Yu's wooing at the beginning.

Over time, gold, silver, jewelry, silk and tea leaves, which are rarely seen on the grasslands, and Yan Yu's inspiring ability, gradually many generals began to favor a woman like Yan Yu.

Especially after knowing that her husband, His Highness the Second Prince Huyanyu, did not care about this matter, many generals who believed in the eldest prince Huyanchile were gradually brought under Yan Yu's command.

Compared with the blunt eldest prince Huyan Chile, Yan Yu's ability to describe big cakes made a group of generals of the Huyan tribe gradually warm up.

To unify the grassland, there is only one tribe on the grassland, and the most powerful tribe, the Huyan tribe, was born from them, and they will be worshiped and worshiped by future generations.

No one could endure such a temptation to let their own tribe replace the Shibis Royal Court, which had already existed in name only, as the king of the grassland.

The matter proceeded secretly and slowly, when Wang Huyanzhuo of the Huyan Tribe discovered that something was wrong, Yan Yu already had an appealing force in the Huyan Tribe that could respond to everyone.

In addition, in order not to quarrel with the Kingdom of Jin, King Huyanzhuo of Huyan could only allow the two powers to appear in the Huyan tribe. On one side was the eldest prince Huyan Chile whose hearts were gradually unstable, and on the other was Yan Yu who was in full swing.

The reason for this situation is that Yan Yu's eloquent words and eloquence drew a big pancake for the people of the Huyan tribe.

Snowfall on the grassland is something that Turkic tribes don't like very much, because the heavy snowfall means that countless cattle and sheep of their own tribe will freeze to death.

Warm tents are not enough for people to live in, but how can they be used for cattle and sheep? You can only watch them freeze to death, roasted with tears in their eyes, and their mouths are full of oil.

Snow-covered grasslands are the most difficult time for all tribes. No one can resist natural disasters. The Han people can't do it, and the Turkic tribes who live by grazing and regard cattle and sheep as their lives are even more difficult.

Yan Yu, who was gradually in power, began to form a caravan to try to trade with the Dalong Dynasty, but ended in failure, then trade with the Kingdom of Jin. With the support of the name of Princess Jin, the caravan of the Kingdom of Jin and the Huyan Tribe started a mutually beneficial trade.

The Kingdom of Jin needed healthy horses to form cavalry, and the Huyan tribe needed silk grains to survive the five months of cold winter.

The Queen of Jin Kingdom was the only one who knew about Yan Yu's ambitions. The words that Yan Yu said before she married the Huyan Tribe were still somewhat chilling in retrospect.

For a man, he would not hesitate to plunge the world into the flames of war. Such thoughts are too vicious and vicious.

However, when the queen knew that the Jin Kingdom caravan started border trade, it was too late to stop it. At that time, the Huyan tribe had already hoarded a large amount of food under Yan Yu's operation.

When the first snow fell in the cold winter for about a month or so, Yan Yu knew that her chance had come, so she strongly lobbied Hu Yanzhuo to attack the small tribes around her, slowly growing the Huyan tribe.

As the king of the Huyan tribe, Huyanzhuo is more ambitious than others, but he is also quite cautious. He is afraid that other tribes of the same size as himself will not sit back and watch his Huyan tribe grow stronger, and will definitely hinder it, so he can't make up his mind again and again.

Yan Yu told the Huyan tribe that no tribe would hoard a large amount of food like the Huyan tribe, and even if they knew, they could only sit on the sidelines and have no choice.

If you are too busy to take care of yourself, how can you talk about hindering the growth of the Huyan tribe.

However, Hu Yanzhuo did not agree to dispatch Yan Yu's entire army to destroy several surrounding tribes in one sentence.

Although Yan Yu was annoyed at Hu Yanzhuo's timidity, she did not refuse. She knew that once Hu Yanzhuo tasted the sweetness, her inner desire would expand endlessly.

It can be seen that Yan Yu is already quite handy in grasping people's hearts.

Under the leadership of Yan Yu, the five thousand elite soldiers of the Huyan tribe marched directly towards the Rouran tribe. The attack method that had already been checked and calculated dozens of times in their hearts was mastered by Yan Yu's command.

Ambush soldiers, send people to persuade them to surrender, and attach themselves to the Huyan tribe. How could King Rouran be willing to be a vassal of the Huyan tribe and directly expel the envoys of the Huyan tribe.

That night, with the sound of horns piercing the tranquility of the Rouran tribe, five thousand elite cavalry fought against the Rouran tribe without declaring it.

The Rouran tribe was caught off guard by the sudden attack of [-] cavalrymen, causing countless casualties. King Rouran was beheaded directly.

This war captured 2000 Rouran cavalry, more than 1 people, old and young, more than [-] cattle and sheep, and [-] horses. They won the first battle, and they returned with a big victory, which made Hu Yanzhuo feel completely heartbroken.

(End of this chapter)

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