My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 563 We Are Legal

Chapter 563 We Are Legal
"Hmm! Cough cough!"

A muffled cough came, breaking the tranquility of the garden.

Qi Yun immediately left Young Master Liu's arms like a frightened bird.

Glancing quietly at the person who came, his face was even redder like the haze of the rising sun, and he looked at First Young Master Liu reproachfully, it wasn't this bad guy, how could he be caught and raped so embarrassing himself!

Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked, Liu Zhian, Mrs. Liu, Wenren Yunshu, and Huyan Yunyao were strolling together, and Liu Zhian introduced the scenery and buildings in the garden to Wenrenzheng and the others from time to time.

But at this time, the four of them ignored the scenery in the courtyard and looked narrowly at the sweet and sweet young master Liu.

Liu Mingzhi cleared his throat, grabbed Qi Yun's wrist and put it on his arm, straightening his expression like a newlywed couple in the West: "Good morning!"

When Qi Yun wanted to struggle, Young Master Liu tightly held her wrist.

"There is nothing to be afraid of. This is our family. We are legal. For couples who are marrying through the media, according to Dalong's law, couples are not allowed to have intimacy!"

Liu Mingzhi's voice was resounding, and he didn't know whether it was for Qi Yun or Liu Zhi'an and the others!
Unable to break free, Qi Yun could only let her husband grab her wrist and walk towards the crowd, not daring to look up at their expressions.

Liu Zhi'an shook his head helplessly, but didn't say much, the young couple just wanted to do something in his home.

Bai Rixuan and showing affection don't get in the way of himself and others, Young Master Liu is the master of the Earl's Mansion, okay!

Wen Renzheng caressed his beautiful beard and looked at Young Master Liu and his wife cheerfully: "It's good to be young!"

"Hey, what the old man said is not meaningful. Could it be that the old man was also young?"

"Zhi'er, don't be rude to the head of the mountain!"

"It's okay, it's okay, flowers will bloom again, people will never be young again, and the old man wishes to be young again, but time flies, and time is not forgiving."

"Old man, you see, the old man is open-minded when he lives. Birth, old age, sickness and death, yin and yang reincarnation is God's will, just look at it!"

Liu Zhi'an glared at his son angrily: "Fuck you, you're not even old enough to talk to this old man, you're not qualified yet!"

"Hey, Zixing's words are different. Those who are masters are teachers. If you have aspirations, you don't have to be old. If you don't have aspirations, you can live a hundred years. Don't underestimate the young people of today, it's amazing!"

Liu Zhi'an was so happy about Shanzhang's praise of his eldest son that he pretended to be a strict father and glared at Young Master Liu: "Yes, what Shanzhang said is true!"

Wen Renzheng glanced at Qi Yun, who is a small bird and a person, and then at his granddaughter, he was so happy, the happier your couple's life is, the safer your old granddaughter will be.

It's such a peaceful day!

Ask yourself, Young Master Liu is indeed the best choice for your grandson-in-law. He is a young talent, and he has the qualifications to open a house and the ability to establish his own family in his weak years.

To say that this ability is really not something to choose, if it is not good, it is not good. This kid has already married and established a business, and has two concubines. If Young Master Liu is still a lonely family and a widow, he is so well-known that he doesn't mind making a good marriage.

It is absolutely impossible now, no matter how bad the Wen family is, no matter how frustrated Wen Renzheng is, the eldest lady of the Wen family cannot marry someone else to fill in the house!

"Boy, I have been waiting for your baked sweet potatoes all night, shouldn't you express it?"

Saying that made Young Master Liu stop laughing: "Old man, while we are waiting for sweet potatoes to be baked, we are preparing sweet potato seedlings at the same time. Tongyuan and his party are imminent and cannot be delayed. The land waits for no one!"

"Then don't delay. The old man will go to Tongyuan with you to have a look. No one else has seen sweet potatoes. The elders in Tongyuan may not agree to plant this kind of food. If something goes wrong, the old man, as a peer, can take advantage of it." Reconcile it!"

"Miss, take your mother and Miss Wenren for a walk, pay attention to your body, there are still many things to deal with as your husband."

"Well, the concubine knows."

"Grandpa, Junior Brother, this way please!"

"Liu Song, call Han Zhong, Xiao Wujiu and others, and find a few fierce servants to bring twenty pairs of scissors, and tell them that there is work to do!"

"Yes, Xiaosong will go right away."

Under Young Master Liu's organization, it was the first time that the Liu Mansion was so busy.

About three poles were raised every day, and nine out of ten of the newly planted sweet potato seedlings in the side yard were cleared away, leaving only a small number of sweet potato seedlings and watermelon seedlings.

All were loaded on the prepared carriages, eight or nine carriages were fully loaded.

"My lord, this old slave will guide everyone."

The old housekeeper Fu Shan finally came in handy after a long time, sitting on the bullock cart happily waving the bullwhip.

"Okay, thank you old butler!"

"Whatever the Sir said, this is what the old slave should do."

"Hurry up, try to get to Tongyuan County before noon!"

The bullock cart slowly drove out of the city, carrying Young Master Liu's expectations and expectations for Dalong's future population explosion.

In ancient times without science and technology, people’s lifespans were actually extremely short. A life span of 60 years has been rare since ancient times. A 50-year-old is an old birthday star, and a 40-year-old is already full of children and grandchildren.It is a matter of course for [-] years old to call himself an old man, enough to see how short the average age in ancient times is!

Dalong's three-step plan has already taken shape in Liu Mingzhi's mind.

One is to end the separatism of the three kingdoms of Dalong, Jin, and Turkic, and complete the unification of the world one day earlier. No matter where the people are, they can rest and recuperate without being harassed by the flames of war.

The second is the matter of trade with the West. Once the country is stabilized, it is easy for Dalong's soldiers to do something if they have nothing to do.People feel at ease, but they are also unwilling to be lonely and live in panic. The most important thing is that Dalong's navigation technology must catch up with or even surpass the West.

A few people from Hoe Wo can float to Dalong when they are destroyed by the waves, and the Japanese country, which is a bigger country, can sail thousands of miles to Dalong, but what does Dalong's navy ship look like? Liu Mingzhi still doesn't know anything.

As long as nothing happens, the Westerners will sooner or later discover the country of Dalong, and they will not make any preparations for diplomacy with the foreigners.

A weak country has no diplomacy, and Liu Mingzhi does not want the Eight-Power Allied Forces to invade Dalong.

Even Liu Mingzhi hoped that the Dragon Fleet would sail overseas and sweep across the West, even at the cost of using swords.

Kindness can be left to friends, but it must not be left to hidden dangers in the future.

Regarding foreigners and other races, Young Master Liu never planned or believed that they could live in peace, so he had to act first.

With the foreign traitors like Hoe Wo leading the way, we can get twice the result with half the effort.

The third is the problem of population. The population of Dalong is only over 1000 million, which is still too small, and about [-]% of that of later generations. Although the war is one of the reasons for this, the root cause is the bad environment. , easy to die young, and there are countless people who starve to death due to lack of food.

"Since I'm here, I'm going to live in vain. I'm no longer alone. I have to leave something for future generations!"


"Ouch... old man, I told you not to eat so many sweet potatoes, you must not listen!"

(End of this chapter)

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