Chapter 568

Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but Mu Ran recalled the scene where he commanded Xiong Shang's army to resist the rebellion in the Kingdom of Jin.

10,000+ people turned into dry bones in just a few days. This is just the battle between the motley crew and the elite. What about the elite against the elite?

Liu Mingzhi didn't dare to think about it. Although he had passed the stage of post-war syndrome, Liu Mingzhi still seldom recalled the scene of the first battle of the Kingdom of Jin.

Because of this, others honored him as Confucian Commander in the First World War. Liu Mingzhi never felt that this was an honor. What he saw was not the name of Confucian Commander, but a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

There is never blood in war, there are only corpses and sadness.

Those who beautify the war are the biggest executioners. Perhaps the generals of the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang, like Zhang Kuang, have seen everything through.

Every time there is a war, apart from winning, I think about how to bring all the brothers home.

Take you home, just five words are as heavy as Mount Tai.

"Sister-in-law! Don't be too polite, I'm sorry you can come back in your busy schedule!"

Wei Xiaolian nodded cautiously: "It's nothing, it's the same wherever you work, not to mention the salary paid by the Sir is higher!"

As soon as Wei Xiaolian opened her mouth, Liu Mingzhi knew that Wei Xiaolian was definitely a simple woman, and it wasn't that the family didn't stay in the house.

Wei Xiaolian's marriage to the Shi family is both lucky and unfortunate, but who can predict the ending in advance!
"Old man, let me tell Sister Wei how to grow sweet potatoes, you can go and plow the fans, it's all yours!"

"Thank you sir!"


"Sister Wei, come with me and I will tell you something that needs attention."

"Okay, women must listen carefully!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the land where one-third of the seedlings had been planted: "Sister, sweet potatoes are easy to feed, but weeding must be the main thing. The nutrients in the land cannot be occupied by wild vegetables. The most important thing is that the seedlings have a strong ability to take root. Every ten days or so, the roots of the seedlings on the ground should be turned over, so as not to let them disperse the nutrients of the main root, this principle is the same as pruning unnecessary branches and leaves of fruit trees, do you understand what I said, big sister?"

"Listen and understand!"

"That's good. What I'm going to say next may not sound good. Eldest sister, don't take it to heart. Let the ten acres of land be taken care of by the eldest sister. The nutrients of the land are very important. You can form some women at home and go to the farm to collect some. Farmyard manure from humans, animals, uh, is feces!"

Liu Mingzhi rubbed his nose and heaved a sigh of relief when he looked at Wei Xiaolian who had an expressionless face.

He secretly scolded himself for being hypocritical. In the eyes of farmers, feces are just a matter of common ears, and there is nothing worth covering up.

"Okay, the woman knows, what should I do if I just bury it?"

"It's too troublesome to bury it. Sister, you can see that these ditches are specially prepared. Put the excrement on the other side of the field, lift water or pour it with a water truck, and half the ditch water will do. How often do you water sweet potatoes? Sister, you have rich experience." , look at the growth of the seedlings, I am a layman and can't command you!"

"The woman knows!"

"As for the manpower, you can look at the arrangement. Adults and teenage children can do it. Two taels of silver a month. Meals are not counted. As long as the sweet potatoes can be planted well, it doesn't matter if you eat a bucket of rice a day. Meals are paid by me every month." Someone will send it to you, don't worry!"

"If you can't make it, you don't have to worry about eating for two taels of silver a month!"

"No, wages are wages, food money is food money, they can't be confused!"

"Thank you sir, the lady thank you sir for everyone!"

"Hey, big sister, it's us who live on salaries who are sorry for you! Some people are doing things that are not as good as pigs and dogs while eating the taxes and rations of the common people. Sorry, big sister!"

"There are two children who depend on each other, and the women are content. I can't let the man feel cold in the ground. No matter how hard or tired, I have to raise the two children."

Looking at Wei Xiaolian and Liu Mingzhi with a firm tone, he sighed in admiration.

God, it doesn't open its eyes.

"Okay, it's not easy for me to ask about the eldest sister's affairs, you should go and get acquainted first!"

"The woman is leaving."

Liu Mingzhi nodded and didn't say much. Originally, he wanted to help Shi Laowu persuade Wei Xiaolian to remarry, but now it seems that it is better not to be a bad person.

Such a staunch and strong woman, I don't have any qualifications to judge.

How many people talk about life and death every day, but how many people can do it? Husband and wife are like birds in the same forest!
Looking at the busy people in the field, Liu Mingzhi wanted to help, but looked at the Su embroidered brocade clothes on his body to dispel the idea.

Helping out yourself would not only be counterproductive, it would make them feel uncomfortable and delay the planting process.

Although Liu Mingzhi was unwilling to admit it, he had to admit it.

Throughout the ages, no matter how enlightened the officials are, people are divided into different classes.

Sitting in the carriage and watching the farming, Liu Mingzhi realized that it was almost sunset, and Liu Song rushed back with the food ordered by Young Master Liu.

Ten roasted whole lambs exuding a rich aroma, ten stewed pig heads and twenty altars of ordinary wine were enough to fill ten carriages.

"Master, I'm back. I spent a total of 83 taels of silver, and the shopkeeper only wants 80 taels of silver!"

"Old butler!"

"Hey, my lord is here, my lord, please give me instructions!"

Fu Shan, who was sitting and resting beside him, hurried over.

"Bookkeeping, give Liu Song 100 taels of silver, 80 taels of food, and 20 taels of reward!"

"Yes, my lord!"

As the housekeeper of the Liu Mansion, Fu Shan dutifully carried the ledger with him.

Liu Mingzhi, who has always been indifferent to spending money, has learned Liu Zhian's tricks at some point, and will record and save money large and small.

As time went on, Liu Mingzhi also had to admire Liu Zhian. It was true. Once the family business grew, the sporadic expenses were not a small amount, and it was easy to mix them up if they didn't keep accounts.

Although he is now an official, Liu Mingzhi still learns Liu Zhian's way of doing business all the time.

Liu Zhi'an was able to make the Liu family one of the four major families, so he naturally had his own unique way of doing things. Being an official is actually no different from running a business.

It's all calculations.

It's just that the calculations are different, one is gold and silver, and the other is people's hearts.

"Old housekeeper, I'm going back first. I will write down any list and account expenditures reported by the villagers later. After the villagers finish work, they will share the food and wine prepared by Liu Song. Don't favor one over the other. Men, women and children are the same. until full!"

"My lord, don't worry, this old servant will do it himself and will never let the people down!"

As the sun set, Liu Mingzhi once again looked back at the people who had almost finished their work, and walked towards the carriage with a smile. Such a day was much more fulfilling than listening to the memorials of the civil and military ministers announcing the good news.

When you become an official, if you don't go to the people to take a look, you don't know the suffering of the people.

Just look at the few flamboyant strokes on the memorial to govern the people, and the country will collapse sooner or later.

There are already things about drinking soldiers' blood, but there are fewer things about deceiving others!
Looking at Wen Renzheng who didn't know when he would come back and was dozing on the carriage: "Old man, it's time to go back!"

The two rode together on horseback, and Wen Renzheng took a sip of wine: "I don't feel sorry for spending so much money to take care of ten acres of wasteland!"

"You'll know when you don't waste the land, you can't use the donkey to pull it around, you have to live up to your conscience!"

"Yeah, I don't know how many people have violated their conscience for the sake of their future."

(End of this chapter)

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