Chapter 592
Liu Mingzhi, who was eavesdropping, heard the footsteps and hurried back to his original position, pretending to be ignorant and looking at the surrounding environment, as if he had no idea that he had entered a 'den of thieves'!
The door opened, Zhao Qi and Brother He came out one after another, Zhao Qi nodded kindly to Liu Mingzhi.

Brother He stared at Liu Mingzhi with some unkindness as if he wanted to see something, Liu Mingzhi nodded in response under his vigilant eyes.

It's really no different from a weak Jiangnan scholar.

This is really not acting, Liu Mingzhi is indeed a scholar in the south of the Yangtze River, as to whether he is weak or not, it is hard to say.

Brother He didn't relax at all about Liu Mingzhi's performance, but just now Zhao Qi made it clear that this seemingly frail wandering scholar in front of him had some strength, and he was able to catch Zhao Qi with one move and make him powerless to resist.

You must know that although Zhao Qi is not a master of martial arts, he has also practiced a rough kung fu. The ordinary banker's three or five moves really can't do anything to him, but this guy in front of him who calls himself a wandering poet...
Brother He examined Liu Mingzhi for a while and finally asked, "Where do you come from in the south of the Yangtze River?"

"Big brother, my younger brother's ancestral home is from Jinling in the south of the Yangtze River. Although he has traveled to many places in the past six months, his accent has not changed much."

Brother He thought carefully for a while that Liu Mingzhi's accent was indeed that of the Jiangnan generation, and this cannot be faked, which basically ruled out Young Master Liu's identity as a secret agent of the Qingzhou government.

Brother He nodded suspiciously: "Are you looking for something to eat?"

"Yes, yes, elder brother Huiyan, my younger brother's credentials were confiscated by the guards at the gate of Qingzhou City. No inn in the city is willing to let my younger brother stay. If I can't find a way out, I don't know how to live in the future." go down."

"Have you practiced boxing and kicking?"

"I have practiced. My younger brother's family in Jinling is considered well-off. I have learned a few simple kung fu self-defense from the nursing home at home. It is difficult to enter the elegant hall. Big brother will not think that my kung fu is not good?"

Liu Mingzhi directly admitted that he had practiced boxing and kicking. He knew that sophistry was useless. Zhao Qi had already told Brother He in front of him that he caught him with one move. If he wanted to gain their trust, he might as well admit it openly. down.

"Well, it's not bad, come in, but don't inquire about some things, knowing more will not do you good!"

"Yes, yes, I must abide by the rules. I would like to ask, big brother, can I give something to eat first when I go in? You also know that I have a big appetite at my age, and I can't bear it!"

Brother He and Zhao Qi shook their heads with a chuckle: "You guys are not welcome, so don't worry if you eat."

Liu Mingzhi's simple and honest performance dispelled the doubts of the two of them. Before entering the door, they asked for food first. This is the most basic thought of a hungry person.

"Thank you, thank you two big brothers for taking me in!"

He Qi looked around at the empty houses and streets, walked into the houses first, and Liu Mingzhi followed.

It's just that Liu Mingzhi quickly made a few gestures before entering the door. It seems that he can't return to the Yunlai Inn today. He must send a message to the relevant department to go back and change places with Song Qing and Qinglian.

The leader of the guard at the Qingzhou city gate obviously has bad intentions, and he really doesn't have 30 taels of silver to satisfy his greed, or the greed of the Qingzhou government officials.

Walking into the houses, Liu Mingzhi was a little dazed. The seemingly dilapidated houses were actually hidden. The entire block of houses was opened up, and the inside was an extremely spacious place that could accommodate thousands of people.

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the thousands of people in front of him who were leaning on the corner of the wall to rest with yellow and thin faces. All the clothes on their bodies were ragged and even exuded a strong odor.

Glancing at Zhao Qi and Liu Mingzhi, who had nothing in common with each other, he sighed silently. I'm afraid the two of them have already gotten used to the environment in front of them.

Silently following Brother He, Liu Mingzhi looked at the victims who were looking at him curiously and nodded slightly in response.

Walking into a fairly tidy private house, there is a relatively complete poplar table and a few rough stools, which are all the furniture in the room.

Brother He gave Zhao Qi a slight signal, Zhao Qi nodded and smiled and looked at Liu Mingzhi who was pretending to be cautious: "Brother, I don't know your name yet!"

"Oh oh, back to Brother Zhao's younger brother is called Willow, the tree of the willow tree."

Zhao Qi nodded: "Brother Liu, sit back first, brother will get you some food to fill your stomach!"

"thanks, thanks."

After Zhao Qi left, Liu Mingzhi looked at the house in front of him pretendingly: "Brother He, can you tell me what happened to Qingzhou Mansion? My brother was fine when he passed by Hezhou, so why was he confiscated when he arrived in Qingzhou?" If they don't return the certificate, the younger brother will starve to death and won't be able to enter other cities, and naturally he won't be able to return to his hometown."

Brother He looked at the sky outside melancholy: "Don't think about it, you won't be able to leave Qingzhou City within half a year, and you may never be able to leave Qingzhou City. Today's Qingzhou Mansion is under martial law!"

"Martial law? Why martial law?"

"Do you know why your credentials were confiscated?"

"I don't quite understand. I thought it was the Qingzhou Mansion's rule. Will they give it back to me when I'm about to leave?"

"Because you know about the locust plague, they are afraid that you will leak the news! If you take your identity, you will become a refugee without household registration. There is nowhere to go. Naturally, you can't spread the news so that they can hide their eyes and ears. the goal of."

"Brother, the more you talk about the younger brother, the more confused you become. Since the locust plague has occurred, shouldn't the officials deal with it? Why do you want to hide it? They can write a letter to His Majesty the emperor to deal with the locust plague."

After listening to Liu Mingzhi's words, Big Brother He's face showed a frightened look, as if recalling some frightening scene.

He shivered uncontrollably, Brother He looked at Liu Mingzhi with lingering fear and shook his head, his tone trembling: "It can't be cured, the locusts are overwhelming, the crops are gone, the leaves are gone, even the weeds that no one cares about are gone, When locusts cross the border, not a single blade of grass will grow!"

"Why didn't the governor of Qingzhou Prefecture and the governor of Qingzhou open warehouses to release grain? The imperial court clearly stipulated that the state capitals in various places should store 30 shi of grain in Shangzhou, 20 in Zhongzhou, and 20 in Xiazhou for emergencies. Since the locust plague occurred, The governor of Qingzhou should immediately write a letter to His Majesty asking for an imperial decree to open a warehouse to release grain to help the victims. Qingzhou is a central state, and it is supposed to store 30 grain. Didn't Dudu Tong and Wutong Dudu write a letter?"

"It's up, after two months of reading, the surplus food in the people's homes has been exhausted, and the prefectures of Qingzhou Prefecture began to release food for disaster relief, but the food for disaster relief is alas."

Liu Mingzhi narrowed his eyes, and an aura of calm and prestige disappeared in a flash. The Qingzhou government really deceived the superior and the inferior. The emperor did not order disaster relief at all. According to the laws of the Great Dragon, the crime should be executed and the whole family sent to the army for three thousand miles.

"Come here, brother Liushu, the meal is here!"

"Thank you, Brother Zhao."

Liu Mingzhi hurried up to meet him, one accidentally stepped on Zhao Qi's foot, Liu Mingzhi's face flustered: "Brother Zhao, I'm really sorry, I'll clean it up for you."

Zhao Qi put two rough porcelain bowls on the table: "It's okay, let's eat first!"

"Let's clean it, little brother really has it." Liu Mingzhi, who was bent down, looked at Zhao Qi's shoes in a daze, took a quick glance at Big Brother He's shoes and nodded thoughtfully.

"Brother Zhao doesn't mind it!"

(End of this chapter)

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