Chapter 650 Talking about Chicken and Duck

It is true that there are three women in one play, what if there are four women?
Liu Mingzhi finally understood why the prince said that the emperor was relieved, and he couldn't bear the character of talking non-stop.

Moreover, you always make fun of Master Ben when you make jokes about Mao.

Although I did something wrong when the third princess was in a coma, we are innocent.

Why do you say from your mouth that the young master and the third princess can't wait to give birth to the child tomorrow? This is too outrageous, isn't it?

In all fairness, the appearance of all the concubines in the harem is the best choice, otherwise they would not be able to be concubines, and any one they take out at random is comparable to their own wife Qi Yun.

He is even slightly better than Qi Yun in terms of temperament, especially the mature and charming demeanor, and the ecstatic eyes are pleasing to the eye and the eye.

But you can't stop her articulation is so annoying.

Several women were still talking non-stop, Liu Mingzhi nodded and agreed from time to time, the rest of the time he kept beating, uh, shooting, five consecutive blows, just a little fart!
The queen touched the cards and glanced at the rice paper on the table beside her, pretending to chat casually while playing cards: "Lord Liu, I heard that you were the head name Jie Yuan of the Jiangnan Mansion back then. I don't know if it's true or not?"

Liu Mingzhi replied while pouring water for Concubine Yu: "I was lucky enough to get the first name Jie Yuan, but Jiangnan Dangyang Academy Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, there are countless talented people and strange people, it is just a fluke to get the first name Jie Yuan. For example, Chen’s younger brother, Hu Jun, the current Hanlin scholar, is the number one scholar in the two new subjects, the first Huiyuan, and the first champion. I even regretted that if I hadn’t been so lucky, Hu Hanlin could even become the Sanyuan and the first in history! "

"How can there be so many coincidences in the world? It's not bad to be admitted twice. Hu Hanlin Bengong has also met him. He is indeed a dragon and a phoenix among people!"

"Your Majesty's eyes are like torches. Hu Hanlin is talented and pedantic. In some respects, I am ashamed of myself. Xie Yuanlang, who is just a state test, is nothing at all!"

"Master Liu, you don't have to be too self-effacing. I accidentally got two sentences that I don't understand. I want to ask Master Liu to explain them to me!"

Liu Mingzhi paused, a woman who is well-behaved in the world must be a well-educated person, a person who has read a lot of poetry and books, and there are words that she can't understand?But since Liu Mingzhi said it, it's not easy to refuse!

"My lady, please tell me, but if my explanation is wrong, please don't mind me!"

The queen turned her head and glanced at the third princess who was pretending to be serious about embroidery, her red lips slightly parted: "There is a phoenix coming to the instrument, it is not a wu!"

Liu Mingzhi held the mahjong and chanted softly for a while before typing it out: "Your Majesty, this sentence should be adapted from "Shangshu. Yiji". Xiaoshao is [-]% and Phoenix comes to the instrument. There are different uses for the Phoenix to come. Its meaning is also different, but what the empress said is that there is Feng Laiyi, Fei Wu Bu Qi and the combination of them expresses emotional matters. It can be a letter of lovesickness written by a man to a woman, and vice versa. I don’t know that the phoenix tree can attract phoenix birds to build their nests!”

"Oh, if you put it that way, isn't this sentence similar to Feng Fei soaring, Four Seas Seeking Phoenixes?"

"Your Majesty is really well-versed in poetry and books. It is indeed good. There is a phoenix in the instrument, and it is not a wubuqi. It is indeed similar to Sima Xiangru's "Fengqiuhuang" in the Han Dynasty. If it is written by a woman, it is to tell the man, little girl. Do not marry if you are not a king, if it is written by a man, it means that this sycamore tree is the best place for a girl to live, and it has the meaning of courtship!"

The queen looked at Liu Mingzhi with a clear expression and nodded: "Lord Liu is indeed worthy of Jie Yuanlang, the explanation is really exquisite!"

"Your Majesty praised it absurdly. In fact, it can also be used for the king's recruitment of talents, but since the opening of the imperial examination, there are few people who are talented, and this phrase of seeking talents is hardly used!"

"What Master Liu said is that if a man writes these eight characters to a woman, it means asking for marriage?"

"It can be said that, but it's just a thousand words, it depends on how others understand it!"

"Then what do you mean if the person who wrote this has already married and established a business? This girl also has a heart for this man. She can't let the man divorce and get a wife and marry another!"

"It's not easy for two people to be happy in love. It is a match made in heaven for a man to be interested and a woman to fall in love with her. If he didn't get his wife's consent, he wouldn't take the liberty to write such words!"

"If Lord Liu were this man, what would he do?"

"If I'm a minister, I'm sure I'll carry a big palanquin to marry this woman. Otherwise, why bother to write such a letter to disturb the girl's mood. I must write such a letter after my wife agrees to write it!"

"Touch yourself, you're crazy! You're all right and wrong, five taels of silver per person!"

"Young lady is lucky!"

Liu Mingzhi consciously took the silver and wanted to pay the queen, only to find that all the silver on the table had been consumed!

"Yan'er, Master Liu's silver has been used up, do you still have your broken silver?"

"Yes, my son will go get it now!"

The three princesses came in shyly holding a handful of broken silver and put it gently in front of Liu Mingzhi: "Let's say you don't have enough, I still have some!"

After speaking, his face was as red as a rosy cloud and he walked into the bead curtain.

Concubine Yu covered her red lips and smiled cleverly: "Third Princess, you don't intend to let Master Liu lose all your dowry! If there is no dowry, who else can marry you, a poor and white girl, except Master Liu! "

"It's okay, we mothers can contribute to the dowry!"

With a strange expression on his face, Liu Mingzhi took five taels of silver and put it in front of the queen: "Your Majesty, the third princess's complexion is not right, is she sick? The weather is suddenly cold, and it is very easy to catch wind and cold. If it is not treated in time, it may hurt the phoenix's body!"

The empress rubbed the silver in her hand with a strange expression: "It's sick, and it's not serious!"

"Then treat it in time. If it is delayed for a day, it will be more serious. If it is cured one day earlier, don't worry about it!"

The queen rubbed her crescent eyebrows, took a sip of soothing tea, and looked at Liu Mingzhi calmly: "Master Liu, do you also think that he should be healed one day earlier?"

"Of course, I don't know much about medicine, but I also know that the sooner a disease is cured, the better!"

"Master Liu thinks when is the best time to treat it?"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the queen and was speechless. What do you mean when is the best time to heal a disease?This young master is not a doctor, how does he know when is the best time to treat a disease? Do so many imperial doctors in the palace eat dry food?

Thinking about it this way, I still have to answer the queen's words: "It's best within three to five days, and it's not good if it's too long and hurts the heart!"

The queen stared at Liu Mingzhi with narrowed eyes: "Is it too urgent for three to five days? After all, it's not a trivial matter!"

With a tangled expression, he glanced at the direction of the third princess, and then at the empress' indifferent expression. Liu Mingzhi couldn't help but wonder, is this his own?
"The empress is the queen mother of the third princess, so let the empress make up her mind!"

"I intend to discuss it with His Majesty before discussing it."

"Uh..." The three princesses couldn't really pick it up, right? You have to discuss it with the emperor to cure a disease!
"As an outsider, it's not easy for me to intervene. It's just a suggestion that it's better to do it earlier!"

"Think about it, Ben Gong! I'm a little tired today, and I'll invite Master Liu to play mahjong in the future!"

"I'm leaving, so I won't disturb your mother's rest!"

"Lord Liu!"

"Chen is here!"

"You have to prepare early!"

Liu Mingzhi was stunned and thought that the queen was talking about playing cards with him, secretly thinking that the queen's card addiction is not small.

"The minister is always ready!"

A typical chicken-to-duck conversation, you talk about yours, I talk about mine, and the chat is very pleasant.

The key is that he is not on the same channel at all, okay, a dating program, a medical program, how did you chat with the guests and hosts to have a good time.


"I retire!"

(End of this chapter)

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