Chapter 677

On the official road in the middle of Shaozhou, Jiangzhou, [-] troops were resting. Liu Mingzhi stood on a high hill, holding a map and looking around.

Song Qing, Cheng Kai, Zhou Baoyu and the others stood aside with ugly expressions while holding their waist knives, waiting for Liu Mingzhi's orders.

Liu Mingzhi put away the map, and his expression was not very good: "The scouts of the five routes and the information given by the governor of Jiangzhou, the bandits of the White Lotus Sect are wandering in this area. They have been running around in various states for a month and only arrested thousands of people. The little guy important person is the one who didn't see, what the hell is going on?"

Cheng Kai inserted the horizontal knife into the ground, took the map in Liu Mingzhi's hand, and pointed to a few places to explain: "Commander, take a closer look at the seized White Lotus Sect strongholds from Jinling to Jiangzhou Shaozhou. The bandits don't confront us head-on at all, they just run away and leave behind some irrelevant gangsters to tease us!"

Zhou Baoyu shook his head slightly: "No, if you really want to escape, you can just disappear, but these rebels are going around with their sticks and hammers from time to time, as if they intend to keep us in circles. There are probably some conspiracy!"

Song Qing turned his head and pointed to the [-]-strong army: "Commander, the morale of the soldiers is very low now. If we don't think of ways to improve morale, it will be very bad for us if we really run into the brigade of the White Lotus Sect!"

Liu Mingzhi frowned and looked at the tens of thousands of troops, and heaved a silent sigh: "I also thought about what you said, these White Lotus Sect followers don't seem to want to fight us, but to keep us from leaving Jiangnan, but What good will it do them? The loss of thousands of troops is just to keep us in check."


Liu Mingzhi hurriedly walked down Gaogang and looked at the scouts who came on fast horses: "Quickly tell me! What did you find!"

"Commander, ten miles ahead, we found traces of the White Lotus Sect in the dense forest in the valley to the left of the southeast, and there are thousands of people in the traces!"

Liu Mingzhi hurriedly took out the map and checked it: "Yanxia Mountain? This location is Yanxia Mountain on the border of Shaozhou, all officers and men obey orders!"


"General Cheng!"


"You bring 3000 people to raid the main point of Yanxia Mountain, remember not to be careless, and spread out to attack!"


"Jiang Lei, Du Yu, Sun Mingfeng, Tao Li!"

"The end is here!"

"Yanxia Mountain extends in all directions. There are many trails for woodcutters to go up the mountain to cut firewood. Each of you will bring 500 troops to cross these surrounding trails around Yanxia Mountain. Once you find a large group of people who can capture them, capture them. If you can't capture them, entangle them and wait for the army to arrive! "


"General Zhou!"


"You lead 5000 troops to separate formations to guard the fortress from Shaozhou to Yangzhou. If these traitors of the White Lotus Sect still flee at the touch of a button, the best route should be this official road and these two auxiliary roads. Stop asking for news, if there is a leader of the White Lotus Sect, don't kill it, I want to interrogate and see what the hell these guys are doing!"


Liu Mingzhi put the map into the cloth pocket on the horse's back and got on the horse: "Head to the Yanxia Mountain."

As a lieutenant general, Song Qing was in charge of the command flag and began to wave the command flag to divide the troops: "The whole army obeys the order."

Liu Mingzhi led three thousand soldiers and horses all the way to Yanxia Mountain, leaving billows of smoke behind!

At the outskirts of Yanxia Mountain, a scout ran out from the bushes with a flag on his back: "Marshal, there are traces of fireworks in the valley. I think the rebels haven't retreated yet!"

Liu Mingzhi took out the binoculars and looked around the terrain of Yanxia Mountain. He saw the high valleys on both sides of the Yanxia Mountain valley and thought for a while: "Han Peng, you lead some good soldiers in the army to find a way to climb to the valleys on both sides. Is there a mansion?" Soldiers, let the flag be the sign, hold the binoculars and wait for the semaphore from the commander, if there are really ambush soldiers, there are not many people to think of a way to deal with them."

"The end will be ordered!"

Han Peng led 300 people quietly towards the cliffs of the valley.

"Deputy General Song, General Cheng, let's use lightness kung fu to touch it and see if we can find out something!"

"Okay, this valley is easy to defend but difficult to attack, it's better to be careful!"

"Damn, what is the White Lotus Sect? They only choose this kind of deep mountains and dense forests as their stronghold, and they are not afraid of being eaten by tigers!"

"Stop complaining, it will be clear when the leader is caught."

The three walked along the mountain path to an open place and squatted down.

Liu Mingzhi handed the binoculars to Cheng Kai and the two: "Shaozhou, the looted goods in Jiangzhou should be stored here! Look at those things covered with coir raincoats."

"Will it be fraudulent if there are only thousands of people guarding an item worth 10,000+ taels of silver?"

"I'm not sure, I don't know if it's the goods! Besides, we only saw hundreds of people at most, but according to the footprints, it's not just these people. Where did the rest go?"

Song Qing held up the binoculars and looked around: "We still don't know the place well, it would be great if we could find some woodcutters to lead the way!"

"Go back first and wait for news from Han Peng!"

Wangshan ran a dead horse, and it took Han Peng a lot of effort to climb the mountain, which was obviously close to the cliff.

"Look, Commander, General Han is playing the semaphore!"

"Report the content of the semaphore!"

"There is an ambush, more than 30 people, it has been resolved!"

"Reply, observe the situation in the valley and see if you can find the remaining troops!"

The Zhancha Kung Fu scouts began to report: "There are only a few hundred people left. As for the dense forest on the mountain path, it is too deep to see clearly. You can attack!"

Liu Mingzhi thought for a while: "All the generals listened to the order. The cavalry circled around on both sides, the sword and shield soldiers were in front, the pikemen assisted on the wings, and the archers supported from the rear!"

Song Qing nodded lightly with a wave of the chess piece in his hand, and the three thousand troops approached the valley in an orderly and undisturbed manner!

When they reached a similar distance, they started shouting to kill: "The commander-in-chief has an order, don't let a rebel go, kill!"

The members of the Bailian sect who were eating were a little panicked when they saw Long Wuwei rushing towards him suddenly, and they suddenly spilled the soup and drew out their weapons, wanting to resist.

Liu Mingzhi's expression turned cold: "Fire the arrow!"

The crossbows in the hands of the cavalry and the archers behind them started to shoot a wave of arrows.

Immediately screamed again and again, due to the terrain, the army did not dare to shoot arrows in a large area for fear of accidental injury, and more than half of the hundreds of White Lotus Sect members were lost.

"The cavalry obey the order, surround them, and don't let anyone leave the valley!"

Under the leadership of the commander, a thousand cavalry immediately surrounded the remaining members of the White Lotus Sect.

"Disarm and don't kill!"

"Disarm and don't kill!"

"Drop your weapons!"

"Drop your weapons!"

The remaining dozens of people dressed as farmers threw away their weapons and squatted on the ground, looking in horror at the sudden arrival of Liu Mingzhi's army!

Seeing this, Liu Mingzhi suddenly felt a little ominous. Such scenes have not been uncommon since he left Jinling.


After a cup of tea, the entire valley was searched.

"Marshal Hui didn't find any traces of the rest of the bandits!"

"Return to Commander, there are stones in the box!"

"Back to Commander, footprints were found on quite a few trails, hundreds of people!"

With a blue face, Liu Mingzhi got off his horse and looked at the surrounding congregation: "Tell me, who is the leader here!"

There was no response for a long time.

Liu Mingzhi's face was gloomy: "Don't say yes, all the generals obey the order, and all the Fa-rectification on the spot!"

"Let's talk about the small one who is now the biggest position here, the banner owner of the Yanxia Mountain branch!"

No one can face death in the face, and most people's minds will collapse after the butcher's knife is placed on their necks.

"Are there only more than 100 people here?"

"More than 1000 people, the sub-altar leader has led people to withdraw from the mountain road!"

"When did you withdraw?"

"The agreement is that when they hear the sound of the army shouting to kill, they will retreat immediately."

Gritting his teeth, Liu Mingzhi kicked over the iron pot where the porridge was cooking. Looking frantically at the surrounding valley and dense forest, he grabbed the collar of the Banner Master of the White Lotus Sect.

"What the hell are you trying to do? Are you trying to be handsome?"

(End of this chapter)

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