My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 685 The Reunion of Yu Yanzhai

Chapter 685 The Reunion of Yu Yanzhai

Liu Mingzhi turned around in surprise and his face froze, never expecting to meet these two people.

"Chen Liu Mingzhi has seen the third princess, sister Ya, you are here too!"

"No need to be polite, didn't you go to suppress the bandits? Why are you here?"

"Reporting to the third princess, I have some things to investigate, so come here." Liu Mingzhi didn't know what to say for a while, and he didn't believe that he didn't personally experience the brothel after investigating the matter.

"Are you also here to eat at Yuyanzhai?"

"Yuyanzhai?" Liu Mingzhi looked up and realized that the name of Penglai Pavilion had changed to Yuyanzhai at some point, so he really didn't notice it just now.

"That's right. You were ordered to suppress bandits. You must not know what happened in the past two months. Penglai Pavilion has long been converted into Yuyanzhai. The food inside is all cooked by famous chefs. It's delicious!"

"Thank you, Third Princess, for your explanation. I really haven't been back for a long time!"

The third princess looked a little shy: "There are so many people in a mess right now, for unnecessary trouble, you'd better not call me the third princess, just call me Yan'er!"

"Absolutely no, there is a difference between monarchs and ministers, how dare ministers call the princess by her boudoir name, how about this, how about I call you San Miss!"

The third princess nodded reluctantly: "Okay, the third lady will be the third lady!"

"Miss San, sister Ya, why did you come to Penglai Yuyanzhai? As for Miss San, why did Master Huang allow you to leave the house?"

Qi Ya looked at Liu Mingzhi indifferently: "Are you going to let Miss San and I stand and talk to you?"

Young Master Liu looked embarrassed: "Yes, yes, look, I'm confused, please, Miss San Ya, I'm going to treat you to dinner today!"

Qi Ya gave Young Master Liu a white look: "You are so rich, if you don't invite us, let us invite you!"

"Yes, yes, sister Ya is right!"

Why Qi Ya's tone is so so Liu Mingzhi naturally understands, looking depressedly at Qi Ya holding the plump and delicate body of the third princess, if I knew that you had returned to the south of the Yangtze River, I wouldn't go to Qi's mansion even if I was killed!
"Master Liuliu!"

Xue Bizhu was soliciting guests when he saw Liu Mingzhi who was following behind Qi Ya and his eyes lit up and hurriedly greeted him: "My little girl has met Mrs. Liu, good luck to Mrs. Liu!"

"You don't need to be too polite!" Liu Mingzhi looked at Xue Bizhu who was wearing a double-breasted skirt in surprise: "You are running Yuyan Zhai? I thought it was changed hands!"

Xue Bizhu nodded lightly: "Didn't Master Liu persuade the little girls and sisters to start a business? After Master Liu left, our sisters discussed it. Anyway, we are unaccompanied, and we have feelings for this place. The price is enough to buy this place, and the deed of sale is in our hands, and the government knows that Penglai Pavilion exists in name only, so we agreed!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Yuyanzhai, which had hardly changed in the slightest. It completely continued the design of Penglai Pavilion, except that the arrangement of light gauze dances became decorations such as red lanterns, and the broken places were also repaired. Class hotel decoration.

Nodding in satisfaction: "It's good to be self-reliant after all. Just looking at the appearance of your jade banquet guests coming like clouds, you can tell that the business is good and making money every day. I didn't expect you to have this ability!"

Xue Bizhu smiled shyly: "Master Liu was joking, how can a little girl have this ability, it's all because Lingyi sister is busy, I can't do anything except attract guests, Lingyi sister is busy in the back kitchen. She calls!"

"Forget it, forget it, I can't disturb your business, and I'm relieved to see you living so happily!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the former Penglai Pavilion girls and each Xiaojiabiyu serving dishes to the guests, and he knew why Yuyanzhai's business was so booming.

Beautiful and delicious food is a common principle no matter where they are. Although these girls don't serve their bodies anymore, it is still pleasing to watch the beauties who shuttle back and forth while drinking and eating.

Especially the beauties who played the piano and sang songs in the center fully satisfied the guests' mentality of bells and whistles!
The third princess couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive when she saw Liu Dashao Xue Bizhu, the young and beautiful shopkeeper, chatting happily: "Liu Mingzhi, who is this elder sister? Are you familiar with each other?"

"Miss San, this girl is Xue Bizhu. I did her a favor before I left, so we chatted for a while and made Miss San wait for a long time!"

Women know women best.

As soon as the third princess opened her mouth, Xue Bizhu noticed a sour taste, and immediately understood that the third lady must be jealous, talking and laughing with Liu Dashao.

Looking at the three princesses with a smile: "Sister, sister just chatted with Master Liu, you are here for dinner, sister will arrange the best room for you right away!"

The third princess also found that her behavior was not a ladylike demeanor, and she looked at Liu Mingzhi's stunned and Xue Bizhu's smiling eyes with embarrassment: "Sister, I'm really sorry, my sister is just hungry, don't mind if your tone is a bit bad!"

"Sister understands, sister will prepare meals for you right away! Master Liu, where do you think you want to sit?"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment! "The room where Jiang E used to live!"

Xue Bizhu stared at Liu Mingzhi in a daze, hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong? Is someone sitting down?"

Xue Bizhu bit her red lips and shook her head: "No, it's just that my mother's room has not been changed into a place to eat. After all, we have been together for so long. It's good to think about it. If there is no problem eating there, I'm afraid Mr. Liu will mind." !"

Liu Mingzhi was overjoyed that Jiang's mother's room hadn't been remodeled and it was more in line with his wishes: "It's okay, let's eat there, just cook a few good dishes at will, too much is easy to waste!"

"Yes, Mr. Liu, please go upstairs, I will arrange it right away!"

Liu Mingzhi pushed open the door naturally, looked at the spotless room, and removed the gauze and some inappropriate decorations. Mama Jiang's room lacked the atmosphere of dust and dust, but it had the air of a noble lady.

"Miss San, Sister Ya, please sit down!"

The third princess looked at the layout of the room with great interest and was a little envious: "I really like this kind of room. Although the sparrow is small and complete, it's not as big as my room, which is empty and deserted!"

"Miss San was joking, I don't know how many people envy you, Miss San, for your life. As the saying goes, if you want to live in poverty, think of wealth and ease, you should be content and always happy!"

The third princess looked at Liu Mingzhi with bright eyes: "What you said really makes sense!"

Qi Ya sat aside and looked at the third princess and First Young Master Liu thoughtfully.

Seeing the third princess Qi Ya drinking tea and chatting, Liu Mingzhi pretended to casually look around the room.

Especially the positions of the bookshelves and the bed are checked again and again without letting go of any place.

Walking to the bed where there was only a thin mat left, Liu Mingzhi stood on tiptoe and kicked, but he didn't find anything like a hidden compartment!

Carefully observing the bed, Liu Mingzhi squinted at the table where Qi Ya and the two were sitting and slowly took a step back: "It doesn't conform to the customization, the position of the bed should not be placed in the middle of the court!"

"Liu Mingzhi, the food is here!"

"Okay, here we come!"

Liu Mingzhi stared deeply at the position of the bed and slowly walked towards the hall door.

Seeing the six delicate, meaty and vegetarian side dishes arranged, Liu Mingzhi sat under the third princess' hands: "Miss San, why are you so interested in coming to Jiangnan?"

The third princess was stunned and her face turned slightly red: "Father said that I should come to the south of the Yangtze River to relax and see if the emperor's uncle is in good health!"

"King of Huainan?"


(End of this chapter)

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