Chapter 713

Everyone listened to Young Master Liu's words, except for Song Qing, no one understood what it meant.

Song Qing looked around, completely speechless about Young Master Liu's shameless behavior, thinking of what he said three days ago, Song Qing was still speechless.

God damn I call you big brother and you call me uncle, don't you think this is too messy?
However, in order to hide the fact that Murong Shan had 'died' for Young Master Liu, Song Qing did not refute anything.

From the bottom of his heart, Song Qing also hoped that the orphan of General Jin Yi could live safely.

"Han Peng!"


"Lead 2000 people to escort this batch of silver back, and the rest of the people will go to the Misty Rain Pavilion with the commander after cleaning the battlefield!"


The 7000 people took a detour and rushed towards Jinling from the wide official road.

"Trash, millions of taels of silver were snatched by officers and soldiers like this, and you still have the face to come back alive to meet the leader!"

Xiao Naihe lowered his head with a pale face: "Master, it's not that the subordinates are too incompetent, but the officers and soldiers are too treacherous. They followed all the way without doing anything, and rushed to a wide area in Shaozhou to surround the brothers. , the subordinates only bring one thousand brothers, how can they be the opponents of seven thousand military guards, they are not these useless soldiers from Jiangnan!"

The leader of the White Lotus Sect stared at Xiao Naihe for a while with only shadowy eyes exposed through the mask, and found that his expression did not seem to be fake, and tapped his fingers on the table lightly.

After a while, a masked man walked up to Master Bailian and muttered a few words in the ear of Master Bailian, and then the eyes of Master Bailian staring at Xiao Naihe calmed down.

"Someone really leaked the news?"

Xiao Naihe hurriedly began to recall what Young Master Liu had said to him, and organized it almost verbatim to Master Bailian.

After hearing this, Master Bailian slapped the table and stood up excitedly: "Nonsense, the congregants in the church are all the right-hand men of the leader, how could there be Liu Mingzhi's eyeliner?"

"Master, my subordinates absolutely dare not lie to the leader. Liu Mingzhi did say so. Not only my subordinates, but also many of my brothers have heard it. They have already known all our plans. Empress of the Kingdom of Jin, Holy Envoy , what the red dragon said is not bad at all, even Liu Mingzhi who said when this batch of silver was transported out of the Misty Rain Pavilion said it clearly!"

The white lotus leader showed some doubts in his eyes, and wandered with his hands behind his back: "Could it be that the Misty Rain Pavilion was surrounded by Longwuwei really not by accident, but because someone leaked the secret? Todd and Murong Shan? Did they reveal the secret?"

Xiao Naihe looked a little sad, and shook his head slightly: "Master, Jiumei and Third Brother have already been executed by Liu Mingzhi. They would rather die than recruit and plan to attack Liu Mingzhi, but they were killed by thousands of arrows!"

The leader of Bailian suddenly turned his head: "Did you see it with your own eyes?"

Xiao Naihe hesitated for a moment and nodded: "The spies under my supervision of the camp did indeed repay me in this way. The ninth younger sister and the third brother died for the sake of the holy religion. The leader must find out the spies hidden in the church, otherwise the holy religion will Sooner or later, the great cause will be ruined.”

"Liu Mingzhi really said that his relationship with the envoy is closer than that between the envoy and the leader?"

"Yes, my subordinate heard it with my own ears. Liu Mingzhi thought that his subordinates and other brothers had been surrounded by the army, and there was no hope of escape, so he told his subordinates some unknown things. Unexpectedly, his subordinates had already prepared poisonous smoke Just in case, the four thousand dragon guards had already been dealt with by the subordinates, and they were about to take their heads. Unexpectedly, their reinforcements had already arrived. The subordinates were afraid that the only hundreds of brothers would also be damaged, so they brought them along. Retreat!"

The leader of Bailian took a few deep breaths and pondered for a while: "Could it be that the holy emissary, an old fox, wants to use the leader as a stepping stone?"

Xiao Naihe looked tentatively at the leader of Bailian: "Master, do you also think that the envoy has ulterior motives?"

The leader of Bailian squinted his eyes and waved his hands to signal his servants to leave, leaving only himself and Xiao Naihe: "Oh? What's your opinion?"

"Master, I don't know if I should say something or not?"


"Master, although the envoy told us the news of the arrival of the army of the guards of the country last time when we were in Yangzhou, the subordinates always feel that something is wrong. If the envoy is really thinking about us this time, why do you want to cooperate with the golden queen?" The list of Jiangnan officials is hidden without telling us, the subordinates feel that the envoy is more inclined to the Red Dragon side! Especially for this batch of silver, our head teacher in Yangzhou why the envoy wants us to transport it to Shaozhou before transporting it to Yangzhou , is there any fraud in it?"

The iron gall in the hands of the leader of Bailian sitting on the chair made a crisp sound! : "What you said is not unreasonable. The leader also doubts the purpose of the envoy, but it is not easy to turn his face in a state of cooperation!"

"Master, if we are really in a state of cooperation, if the envoys are really cooperating with us, the money will not be robbed by the officers and soldiers. If there is no reason, why did the soldiers of Longwuwei go around the Misty Rain Pavilion? This is something that has never happened before!"

"Master, the holy envoy is here!"

The iron gall in the hands of the leader of Bailian suddenly stopped, and a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes: "Please!"


After the servant left, the leader of Bailian went to Xiao Naihe and whispered: "Go and see if there is a tail, if there is any, kill them all!"

Hearing what the leader said, Xiao Naihe knew that his life was saved: "Yes, my subordinates must not dare to slack off!"

After Xiao Naihe left, Master Bailian picked up the teacup and put it under the mask to take a sip.

"The silver was robbed? What did your people do?"

Before the Holy Envoy arrived, the questioning tone came in first.

Master Bailian was taken aback, he felt that the envoy's anger came from his heart.

The envoy was not polite when he walked into the room, and sat directly opposite the leader of Bailian, looking at the leader of Bailian with a trace of anger in his eyes, without hiding it.

The leader of Bailian put down the tea cup in his hand indifferently: "Why are you angry with me? Don't forget that the batch of silver is divided into [-]-[-], and there is also a part of the holy religion. Wouldn't I feel bad if it was snatched by the officers and soldiers? Except the silver saint The sect also lost thousands of masters, so what right do you have to accuse the master of this sect!"

The envoy snorted coldly and waved his sleeves, his eyes extremely gloomy: "I have warned you a long time ago, don't underestimate Liu Mingzhi. Although he is young, he is not much worse than his old man Liu Zhi'an in terms of scheming. You must not listen. Don’t you think that Liu Mingzhi is not worthy of attention as a child with a yellow mouth? Would a person who perfectly facilitated the trade between the three countries and solved the case of Qingzhou officials’ treasury deficit be a simple person?”

"My leader never underestimated Liu Mingzhi, but underestimated the people around him. People are doing their own thing, and the sky is watching. If you want people to know, you have to do nothing!
"What do you mean?"

"You know what the leader of the church means. Open the skylight and speak clearly. The leader of the church accidentally got a list of accounts, a list of officials in the south of the Yangtze River. I don't know if the envoy is interested?"

The envoy's eyes were fixed, and he stepped directly in front of the leader Bailian: "Did you get the list in Jiang'e's hand?"

The leader of the White Lotus sneered a few times: "You and the Red Dragon really have a shady affair without telling the leader! Who is the Red Dragon? Since the Queen of the Kingdom of Jin has tried her best to get the three of us to act together, the Red Dragon is definitely not an ordinary person! "

(End of this chapter)

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