My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 766 Reinforcement

Chapter 766 Reinforcement

Liu Mingzhi raised his hand and rubbed his cheek vigorously, neither sitting, standing, stopping, or walking.

Blinking a few times, his sour eyes looked at the setting sun of the western mountains, and he was speechless.

"quack quack"

Flocks of crows flew overhead, obviously seeing the corpses of the White Lotus Cultists, and flew past freely, ignoring the imperial army with banners waving below.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Qing and the others with weird eyes and rubbed his nose in embarrassment: "Then what, do you believe it if I say that the commander is a scout and that there are seven or eight thousand reinforcements from the imperial court?"

Song Qing and the others nodded and followed the thousands of troops to look around on the road to Guibei Mountain like a lady watching her husband return.

However, it is exactly the same as before, not to mention the reinforcements of eight thousand rebels, even the shadow of the beast.

From the high sun to the sunset, all the soldiers didn't want to stare at the road for a long time, not because of the commander-in-chief's face.

His eyes hurt and he was sore.

Liu Mingzhi slammed his mouth and felt a sudden, where are the rebel reinforcements that he promised?Which son of a bitch scouts report back?

"Tell the brothers not to worry, this may be a trick of the rebels, who wants us to relax our vigilance so that we will be caught off guard. You have seen the cunning of the rebels before!"

Young Master Liu said so.

Song Qing Cheng Kai and the others became cautious when they heard the words.

They all waved their command flags in their hands: "Don't relax your vigilance. The commander-in-chief said that this is a plot by the rebels. You must keep an eye on the front to prevent the enemy from making a surprise attack!"

Quack quack.
Quack quack.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the scout who dismounted with joy on his face: "Where is the traitor?"

The scout looked at Liu Mingzhi blankly: "Marshal, there are no traitors?"

Startled, Liu Mingzhi took out a note from his pocket and handed it to the scout: "Look at which bastard's handwriting this is, it was sent by the golden eagle!"

The scout took the note and looked at it carefully and shook his head: "Marshal, this is not the handwriting of the brothers, it is obviously written by a woman, it is too beautiful!"

"you sure?"

"Subordinates dare to use their heads to bear the burden"


It was the scouts all the way back and heard Liu Mingzhi in front of him.

"Have you found any traces of the rebel reinforcements?"

"Reporting to Commander, my subordinates have scouted all the way to the city of Yangzhou, but they haven't found any traces of rebel reinforcements!"

The corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth twitched as he looked at the note in his hand. The Golden Eagle Biography was indeed raised by the Longwuwei generals, otherwise it would not have fallen to his side.

So what happened to this note?
"Report, there is no sign of rebel reinforcements to the east!"


All the scouts from Route 36 came back. The army had already lit the torches and waited. Liu Mingzhi paced in front of the 36 people and held up the note in his hand: "Look, keep your eyes wide open and take a good look with me. Whose handwriting is this?"

Under the light of the torches, all 36 people looked at the note in Young Master Liu's hand in confusion and shook their heads.

"Master, this is not our handwriting!"

"Are you sure it's not your intelligence?"

"The subordinates will guarantee with their lives!"

"Since it wasn't your information, how could our golden eagle pass it on? Think about which of you used the golden eagle to deliver the information?"

"Reporting to the commander, the subordinate sent a letter with a golden carving!"

Liu Mingzhi hurried over and looked at the scout with a serious expression: "What did you write?"

"What my subordinate reported is that the escaped traitor has entered General Han Peng's pocket and is completing the encirclement. Please rest assured, Commander!"

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the other scouts: "Did none of you post?"


Liu Mingzhi pondered for a moment and suddenly raised his head: "Jiang Lei, all the soldiers gather!"

"Yes, all the soldiers gather!"

Holding a torch, Liu Mingzhi looked at the soldiers one by one, and finally the sixth person in the third row, Liu Mingzhi, frowned and stopped: "Shi Mo, why did you replace the golden carving?"

Shi Mo's personal soldiers stared at Liu Mingzhi in astonishment: "Commander, the shopkeeper who has been watching the deposit country by the carriage has not received the golden eagle's letter!"

Liu Mingzhi was even more confused, he remembered that the person who handed him the mailbox was obviously this personal guard named Shi Mo!
"Who can testify?"

"Shen Conglin, Yang Fakai, both the truth and the end, Jia Deguang can all prove for the humble position that the five of us guard the people of the Kingdom of Jin together!"

"Shen Conglin, you four come out!"


"Is what Shi Shi said true?"

"Return to Commander-in-Chief, it's true, it was indeed detained by a few low-ranking people!"

Song Qing also seemed to understand something: "Commander, to be able to sneak into the bodyguards without being noticed must be a person who is proficient in disguise and has amazing lightness skills. Could it be the elder who falsely passed on information? This caused us to panic so that Master Bai Lin could take the opportunity to escape? She is the only one who can do this in lightness kung fu!"

Liu Mingzhi recalled what happened, his face turned dark.

"Stinky bitch, my young master x your sister, you really need to deal with it! When I catch you, I have to let you know what family law is."

Song Qing and others thought that what Young Master Liu said was angry, and what Young Master Liu said was indeed angry.

But virtually nothing is wrong!

It seems to be the reason.

Song Qing, Cheng Kai and others looked at First Young Master Liu with weird expressions. They obviously wanted to laugh, but they didn't dare to laugh when they saw Young Young Master Liu's arrogant expression.

"Hey, let's relax and enjoy the scenery after the big battle, General Cheng, are you right?"

"Deputy General Song is right. The brothers are under a lot of pressure. Enjoy the scenery and relax. Even though it's winter, the scenery of Guibei Mountain is still amazing!"

"Yes, yes, Lao Zhou almost fell into this beautiful scenery and couldn't extricate himself!"

Qinglian stretched out her pink tongue and licked her cherry lips, caressed Xiaolong's body with her jade hands, and looked around, determined not to touch her husband's bad head.

Liu Mingzhi also knew that the brothers wanted to give him a step down, so he sighed silently, some small fish and shrimps in the sub-forum were no longer important.

If there is no trace, there will be no trace. The bandit leader has been captured, and the rest of the people can't afford to make trouble. The mission of suppressing the bandits is finally completed!

"Listen to orders!"


The deafening shouts startled the returning birds.

"Set up camp, and return to the court after cleaning the battlefield tomorrow!"

"The handsome is mighty!"

"The handsome is mighty!"

"The handsome is mighty!"

Compared with Liu Mingzhi, he could go home for a longer time to see. Most of the soldiers of Longwuwei and Xiaoguowei were from the north. They had been fighting for a year and did not return home.

Naturally, he couldn't hide his joy that he could go home after the mission of suppressing bandits was over.

"Set up camp!"

"Jiang Lei!"

"Here, send an order to Han Peng to escort the captured rebels towards Yangzhou City, and meet tomorrow!"


Liu Mingzhi tightened the cloak on his body, Jiangnan's is really uncomfortable.

"Vice General Song, where are the surviving rebels being held?"

"Punishment prison camp, all the acupoints have been tapped, and I will guide you in the end!"


Qi Ya stood on the broken wall of the mountain and stared at the thousands of people who scattered in all directions, with a sigh of relief and a little melancholy on her face.

"Brothers, the White Lotus Sect no longer exists, how can I watch you die in vain! I hope you can find a good way out in the future!"

Untiing the wine gourd from her waist, Qi Ya raised her head and poured a large mouthful of peach blossom wine, gently moving her jade neck, most of the peach blossom wine from the gourd slowly entered her stomach.

A trace of wine flowed down the jade neck from the cherry lips and wet the fluttering skirt of the plain dress.

With a smile on the corner of Qi Ya's mouth, she let go of Bai Nen's jade hand, and the wine gourd disappeared under the dark cliff.

"Once a woman falls in love, she can't help herself in the end. I really want to make another peach blossom wine for you, and listen to you play another song!"

The clouds were light and the moon hung high, and the beauty disappeared on the rocks.


(End of this chapter)

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