My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 792 1 Money Dangguan

Chapter 792

Liu Mingzhi took the whistle from Manager Zhou and removed the silk cloth from it.

Although he didn't know the skills of the ten big inner guards, he also understood that passing three levels was just a so-called seal head, and neither he nor the other party could make things too difficult for each other.

Tucking the hem of the unicorn robe on the belt, Liu Mingzhi held the whistle stick and took a stance, looked at the ten masters on the opposite side and nodded: "Everyone, I've offended you!"

Manager Zhou turned his head slightly to the ten guards: "Ask Master Hou for some boxing skills!"

The ten inner guards nodded slightly and immediately surrounded Young Master Liu.

Young Master Liu cautiously looked at the ten Ouchi guards who had opened up their positions, holding the whistle stick tightly in his right hand, and with his left hand, he grabbed a handful of silver tickets from the cloth pocket on his belt and waved them at the ten Ouchi guards. wave.

The ten guards looked at the 2000 taels of silver bills in Young Master Liu's hands and looked at each other.

One of the commanders winked at the other nine guards: "Go!"

The ten Ouchi guards immediately opened up and attacked Young Master Liu with their fists and kicks.

Young Master Liu was slightly stunned and immediately used the whistle stick to protect the position of his chest. He never thought that the ten guards would make a move as soon as they said they would!

However, something happened that Young Master Liu did not expect.

The fists of the ten Ouchi guards flew upside down when they were about half a foot away from their body.

Then fell to the ground and rolled twice, and stood up with a slightly pale face.

First Young Master Liu looked around blankly at the equally astonished onlookers, wondering what the hell was going on.

You fell down before this young master made a move?
Is this young master's magical power greatly increased, or are you a little too vulnerable?
Under the leadership of the commander, the nine guards arranged in order one by one and punched Young Master Liu: "Master Hou is good at work, I am ashamed to wait for my brother!"


The commander of the guards cheerfully walked up to First Young Master Liu and took out two 50 taels of silver notes from Young Young Master Liu's hand and stuffed them into his arms: "Brother, please enjoy the joy of Lord Hou!"

The remaining nine guards also consciously took two silver notes from First Young Master Liu's left hand, and all said happy wedding.

The corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth twitched as he looked at the empty left hand, no wonder Boss Ma was able to fight against so many masters without getting hurt.

It turns out that money can really do whatever it wants.

The head manager also didn't expect such a dramatic result, he slapped his forehead and looked dumbfounded, took out two bank notes from Young Master Liu's cloth pocket and put them away.

"Master Hou has invincible courage, pass the first level!"

Young Master Liu was stiffly surrounded by a group of eunuchs and stopped at the archway of the prince's first entrance.

Yan Rong and two other female officials stood behind eight palace maids waiting in front of the arch and looked at First Young Master Liu with a faint smile.

Among the three female officials, Yan Rong's dress was the most festive, no different from a married bride.

Seeing Young Master Liu, Yan Rong, who was surrounded by people, blinked at Young Master Liu a few times, Young Master Liu also nodded slightly in response.

"Master Hou, sisters Xiaguan, this is Wenguan. Master Hou must compose a poem that satisfies the three of us and the three doctors of the Imperial Academy behind the arch!"

"Writing poetry?"

"That's right, this is the queen's will. As the head of the Jiangnan Mansion, Xie Yuan is naturally talented in literature. The princess's wishful husband must at least have both civil and military skills. After passing the Wu Pass, he will naturally go to the Wen Pass!"

Young Master Liu felt helpless. Apart from writing poems, didn't the ancients have other pursuits?

Poetry writing is still at the level of two knives, and now I can only copy one poem, but which one is better?
"Sisters, are there any rules?"

"You can do whatever you want. Poems about expressing affection, lovesickness, and chanting things are all fine. Only top-grade poems can pass the test!"

"You still have to have top-quality poetry?"

"Of course, Master Hou, you only have one stick of incense time. If you exceed one stick of incense, the auspicious time may be over. As the first name, Jie Yuan's poems should not be difficult for Master Hou!"

"You are satisfied with the top-grade poems that the three Guozijian doctors are satisfied with?"

Yan Rong winked playfully at Young Master Liu: "Master Hou, the Xiaguan sisters are easy to deal with, but it's hard to talk about the three doctors of the Imperial College, you have to use all your skills to compose poems, After all, the three doctors represent the highest status of the literati in the capital, so it will be difficult to satisfy them, Lord Hou must work hard!"

Liu Mingzhi scratched his head and started pacing, his eyes suddenly lit up, he really remembered a good poem, although the reviews were mixed, most of them were very praiseworthy.

"This Marquis has it!"

Yan Rongyu pointed to the Four Treasures of the Study that had been prepared earlier: "Master Hou, please!"

Liu Mingzhi picked up his pen without hesitation and began to write.

The tide of the Chunjiang River connects to the sea, and the moon and the sea coexist.

Twinkling and twinkling with the waves for thousands of miles, where is the spring river without moonlight!The river flows around Fangdian, and the moon shines on the flowers and forests like sleet.

Frost flows in the air without being aware of flying, but white sand on Tingshang cannot be seen.The river and the sky are all the same color without any dust, and the moon is alone in the bright sky.

Who on the riverside sees the moon for the first time?When did Jiangyue shine on people at the beginning of the year?There are endless generations of life, and Jiang Yue looks similar year after year.

I don't know who Jiang Yue is waiting for, but I see the Yangtze River sending water.The white clouds are drifting away, and Qingfengpu is full of worries.

Who's boating tonight?Where is Acacia Mingyue Building?The poor moon wandering upstairs, should be taken away from the makeup mirror.

The Yuhu curtain cannot be rolled away, but it is returned by the brush on the anvil.At this time, we look at each other but don't hear each other, and I hope that the moonlight will shine on you.

The swan geese fly long and light, and the fish and dragons dive into the water to write.Last night, the dream of Xiantan fell into flowers, and poor Chun Ban did not return home.

The river is flowing like spring, and the moon is falling in the river pool, and the moon is slanting westward.The slanting moon sinks and hides the sea fog, and Jieshi Xiaoxiang has an infinite road.

I don't know how many people return by the moon, the moon falls and the trees are full of love

"A few sisters, please send me a review with Mr. Doctor!"

The three of Yan Rong and the others looked in amazement at this Spring River Flower and Moonlight Night, which was judged by someone to be the only one that overwhelmed the entire Tang Dynasty: "If Lord Hou is the number one scholar in the exam, he will be the first."

"Wonderful praise, please, sisters."

Young Master Liu looked at the sky and gave Yan Rong a wink. If he continued to make things difficult, he would really delay the auspicious time.

Yan Rong seemed to have a good sense of Young Master Liu, and did not continue to embarrass Liu Mingzhi.

Grabbing the poem left by Young Master Liu on the rice paper: "What do the two sisters think of this poem "Moonlight Night on the Spring River? Doctors and gentlemen don't have any restrictions on the genre. This is a poem written by our future son-in-law."

The two female officers looked at each other and looked at Yan Rong: "Sister Rong, my mother asked me to wait for the two sisters to listen to you. If you say there is no problem, it will be fine."

Yan Rong breathed a sigh of relief and cast a wink at First Young Master Liu: "I think it's not bad, if that's the case, let's send it to the doctors of the Imperial College for examination!"

"Everything depends on my sister.

Yan Rong held up the rice paper and nodded towards Young Master Liu: "Your Majesty, please wait a moment. I will present it to the three doctors immediately. The results will be available in a quarter of an hour, and the auspicious time of the Marquis will definitely not be delayed."

Young Master Liu took out a stack of banknotes from his cloth pocket: "Thank you!"

The two female officers other than Yan Rong smiled and nodded: "Master Hou really has a brilliant literary talent."

Yan Rong and several court ladies walked through the arch!

A moment later, Yan Rong walked out with a smile on her face and looked at Young Master Liu ambiguously!
"Wenguan, pass!"

(End of this chapter)

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