Chapter 816
Zhong Yang finally understood what was going on, knelt down on the ground and kowtowed to Wang Hezheng non-stop.

"Lord Wang, Chi Biezhuo, the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, bewitched the subordinates and subordinates, so they got their minds twisted. The subordinates all confessed their crimes. Please be lenient, Your Excellency!"

Wang Hezheng sighed and shook his head: "Zhong Yang, you dare to open your mouth about the difference of 280 million taels of silver. Are your minds filled with mud? It's the second crime, with Master Liu here and the envoy of the Kingdom of Jin, Master Wan, as witness, if I don't punish you with the law, how can I be worthy of this hat on my head!"

"My lord, I know I made a mistake, please, my lord."

"Come on!"

Wang Hezheng didn't care about Zhong Yang's plea and directly summoned the yamen servant outside the door to come in.

Four yamen servants came in, looking at Chibie Zhuo's body on the ground and Zhong Yang who was kneeling on the ground, their expressions changed slightly: "My lord, what are your orders!"

Wang Hezheng pointed to Zhong Yang who was kneeling on the ground: "Remove the black gauze on the top of Zhong Yang, the Shaoqing of Honglu Temple, and put him in prison for trial. After the evidence is complete, he will be handed over to the Yushitai of Dali Temple of the Ministry of Criminal Justice for trial!"

"The next officer obeys the order!"

"The government servants in the temple will immediately put Honglusi Temple in prison pending trial, and also remove the black yarn on the top and hand it over to the Sanju for trial after all the evidence is complete!"

"Follow the order!"

The yamen servants carried the howling Zhong Yang to the door without hesitation.

Since Mr. Siqing dared to order himself and others to detain Mr. Shaoqing without the imperial decree, he must have sufficient criminal evidence.

Just follow the orders by yourself, Wang Hezheng, the leader of Honglu Temple, will naturally take care of the rest.

Liu Mingzhi walked towards the queen: "Brother Wan, can I let this official discuss with Mr. Wang about your lord's affairs!"

The empress hesitated for a moment and nodded: "The envoy and the deputy envoy are waiting outside the door, I hope Lord Liu will not make this envoy wait too long!"

"Naturally, please!"

The two empresses walked out of the room and Liu Mingzhi sat down on the chair again: "Lord Wang, there is a big misunderstanding about King Jin's Wanyan Chizha, and now the 20 troops in the Southern Region of the Kingdom of Jin are gearing up for a battle to rescue Wanyan. Chizha, now that the Golden Emperor has temporarily quelled the restlessness of the 20 soldiers of the Jin Kingdom, we have no choice but to release Wanyan Chizha!"

Wang Hezheng's face changed: "If the two countries go to war, won't the matter of sailing to the West be shelved?"

Liu Mingzhi was startled and nodded slightly.He also didn't expect that Wang Hezheng would think about the consequences of the war all at once.

"My lord Wang is as insightful as a torch. Once the war starts, the peaceful northern border will resume war. Although Wanyan Chizha, the King of Zhennan of the Jin Kingdom, is in our hands, the 20 army of the Jin Kingdom is leaderless, but Wanyan Chizha still has some in his hands that can fight well. Even if these generals are all mediocre, even if it is 20 pigs, I am afraid that there will be a lot of price to pay, let alone the generals who can guard the frontier are useless mediocrities?"

"What does Master Liu mean?"

"At this point, we can only release Zhennan King of the Kingdom of Jin. It is not suitable for Dalong to use weapons for the time being. After all, he hasn't recovered enough to add new injuries. I don't know how long it will take to fully recover! Besides, let's just forget about it." If Wanyan Chizha is detained, there will be other princes in Jin Kingdom to take over the army again!"

Wang He thought about it for a while and looked at Liu Mingzhi with a complicated expression: "Once the new prince masters the tiger talisman of the three armies, he may not be afraid of the authority of the Golden Emperor. He will obey the Jin Emperor's orders and obediently guard the southern region of the Kingdom of Jin. If an ambitious prince takes over, the flames of war will be unavoidable, is Young Master Liu worried about this issue?"

"My lord Wang said that peace is not easy to come by. Once the Jin Kingdom changes to a new emperor or prince who is hot-headed and reckless about the consequences, even if Dalong can win, he will have to pay a big price, not to mention the Turkic people who are eyeing wolf ambitions. What? Dalong’s future century-old plan cannot be ruined just because of a mere 10 taels of silver!"

"That's fine, let's just let the ransom be 20. The lower officials will state the pros and cons in the memorial!"

"Master Wang"

Wang Hezheng pondered for a long time before raising his head and looking at Liu Mingzhi complicatedly: "Lord Liu's painstaking efforts to be an official can be understood, but isn't it a bit of a joke in this way, the prince who released the Kingdom of Jin without compensation can't explain it to His Majesty. ! Although Wanyan Chizha was captured by you, Mr. Liu, but after all, it has been handed over to Honglu Temple, and the lower officials are responsible for it!"

"Your Majesty, you can rest assured that this official will sign and seal your memorial, and jointly present a memorial to His Majesty. Your Majesty is a hero who understands righteousness and will definitely understand the difficulties of you and me. This officer takes the lead, Lord Wang can rest assured!"

"Master Liu has said so, if you don't give me face, it's my fault. I will go prepare the memorial right away, and Master Liu will be there later!"

"It's work!"

Wang He was just picking up a brush, picked up a clean memorial, and began to write with the brush.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the scenery outside the sky with a somewhat melancholy expression.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, I hope you can understand my minister's painstaking efforts. The northern border can still be peaceful for two years, and we only have two years to go to sea for trade. As long as we accumulate a rich family background, Dalong will not be afraid of any battle and unify the world. The world is not far away, I believe you will understand my difficulties!"

"Master Liu, please!"

"it is good!"

Liu Mingzhi took the brush and signed his signature on the memorial, then took out his official seal and stamped it: "My lord, I'm going to see Wanyan Chizha, and I'll have to trouble my lord Wang for the question of entering the palace to face the saint! "

"That's fine, Mr. Liu, turn left and go straight when you go out. After passing through two arches, you will be the temporary prison of Honglu Temple. I will enter the palace to face the saint!"

"Walk slowly!"

"Farewell to the official!"

Wang He was rushing towards the palace without hesitation, Liu Mingzhi shrugged at the long-awaited queen: "Come with me!"

"I knew Brother Liu was not a random person!"

"To put it bluntly, next time you come to Dalong in such a blatant manner, once someone finds out your identity, you are not afraid of being imprisoned by Dalong?"

The queen smiled lightly: "Since I dare to come, I will definitely arrange the funeral. If something happens to me, my little uncle will immediately receive the imperial decree to ascend the throne and use all the power of the whole country to fight against the dragon. First, even if your emperor Li Zheng knew who I was, he would not do anything to me, because he thought he knew what I was like. If it were you, you would watch a completely familiar opponent of Guozuo suddenly change to An enemy you don't even know?"

"You are afraid of going to war, I am also afraid of going to war, and your emperor is also afraid of going to war, because we all know that going to war now is definitely not the most correct time, and we can only choose to live in peace. This is why I dare to go south in disguise!"

Liu Mingzhi took a deep breath and nodded with his mouth pursed.

"I understand, if you don't succeed, you will be benevolent. In the worst case, you will die and the net will be broken. If you eat the dragon of the Jin Dynasty, you will have two teeth collapsed, right. The bruised and bruised dragon will still face the threat of the Turks!"

The empress looked at Liu Mingzhi with a sweet smile: "It's rare to meet a bosom friend for a thousand cups. You and I know each other and know each other but we can't work together for a great cause. The heavens are not beautiful!"

(End of this chapter)

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