My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 848 I'm Not Such a Person

Chapter 848 I'm Not Such a Person (To Pretend to Be Pure)

"Mandarin ducks and butterflies fly together, ready to sing!"

Liu Yiyi and Liu Feifei sat on the chair with two little padded jackets, opened their big exquisite eyes and slightly opened their mouths: "Mandarin ducks live together, fathers fly together!"



"My dear daughter, Daddy doesn't want to have such a fate, your mother and the others don't agree!"

First Young Master Liu looked at the two little padded jackets sitting in front of him with a distressed expression, and they both struggled with the problem of their tone.

Although the two little fellows could already speak, their words were always unclear, which broke Young Master Liu's mind.

"The spring scenery in the garden is intoxicating!"

"The color of the garden and the village is shattering!"



First Young Master Liu helplessly looked at the two little guys in unison and shook his head: "Yes, Daddy can't teach you guys anymore, go find your mother and play, don't fall down!"

The two little guys slowly climbed down from the chair, grabbed the scorpion and centipede on the side railing that made Liu Dashao terrified, and trot towards the inner courtyard.

After the little padded jacket left, First Young Master Liu held up his teacup and blinked: "Father is flying together, filial piety is filial piety, but father doesn't have that ability!"

"Someone is coming from the young master's palace!"

Liu Song trotted to the gazebo and panted heavily.

Young Master Liu was stunned: "Someone is coming from the palace? I just came back from court and the chair is not warm yet, what happened?"

"Xiao Song didn't know either, he said it was a decree!"

First Young Master Liu put down the teacup in his hand: "Are you sure it's a decree or not?"

"It's a decree! Xiaosong heard it clearly!"

Liu Mingzhi tidied up his robes and walked towards the front hall solemnly: "Go, go to receive the decree. I don't know how long it's been since I heard the word decree. Why do you still feel a little kind?"

"Old Zhou, has His Majesty Qingxiu left the customs?"

As soon as Young Master Liu arrived at the front hall, he found the chief executive who was holding the imperial decree and hurried up to greet him.

"Master Liu, Your Majesty has not yet left the customs, but let us bring you a copy of the will, Master Liu!"

"Chen Liu Mingzhi accepts the order!"

"Emperor Dalong issued an imperial edict to send Minister Regent Liu Mingzhi to the northern border to oversee the battle between Ganzhou, Suzhou, and the Western Regions, and leave immediately without delay!"

Young Master Liu is in a bad mood, why did he go to the northern border to supervise the battle?

The generals of the Six Guards would take out any one of them at will, and they would not give in to him, and they would be better than him in terms of military achievements and experience. Do you need to supervise the battle by yourself?
What kind of medicine is sold in the emperor's gourd?Liu Mingzhi couldn't figure it out and had no choice but to accept it.

"The minister accepts the order!"

After looking at the content of the imperial decree, it was exactly as the chief executive said, Young Master Liu looked at the imperial decree in his hand in a daze.

He took out a bank note and handed it to the chief manager.

"Old Zhou, what does His Majesty mean? The battle of the Six Guards of Northern Xinjiang needs me to supervise the battle? Are you sure you are not joking?"

The chief manager cheerfully put away the banknotes: "Master Hou, we are only responsible for delivering the decree, and we don't care about other matters!"

"Well, why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea?"

"No, no, Jing'an Hall can't do without our service, so we'll go back early!"

"Alright, then I won't keep you, go slowly!"


After the chief executive left, Young Master Liu walked towards the inner courtyard with the imperial decree in his hands in a daze. It's only a few days before his birthday, and he has to go far away again.

Born to work hard!
"Miss, are you here?"

"San Tiao Husband, what's the matter?"

As soon as Young Master Liu entered, Qi Yun, the third princess, Su Weier, and Yinger sat on the table and played mahjong.

Yes, everyone who co-authors is more leisurely than myself.

Young Master Liu shook the imperial decree in his hands to the girls: "I have received the imperial decree, and I am going to the northern border to supervise the war. I don't know how long it will take to get back!"

The girls put down the horses in their hands for a moment and surrounded Young Master Liu Qi Yun reluctantly looked at Young Master Liu: "Why do you have to go out again? We agreed to come to my concubine's room to drink porridge today!"

"Edict, there is no way, we will talk about drinking porridge later, be obedient!"

"Father is also true, can't you change someone's orders? What if you are the regent minister and the warlord, and your body is exhausted? What if your husband has no skills and went to the northern border to supervise the affairs of the court?"

The third princess also looked at the imperial decree in Young Master Liu's hand resentfully, and her tone was a little dissatisfied!

Liu Mingzhi was stunned, looked at the imperial decree in his hand and chuckled lightly, the words of the third princess seemed to wake up Young Master Liu.

Minister Regent, Overseer, it turns out that the emperor came up with this idea!I felt a little more relaxed. It turned out that the emperor also knew that the burden on him was too great!

Su Weier straightened the collar of Young Master Liu: "Brother Zhi, you have to take care of yourself if you are sleeping on the road!"

"Look! Yun'er, Yan'er, you two, take a good look, Wei'er is so cute and sensible!"

"Yes, yes, you are childhood sweethearts, so you can connect with each other!"

"That's right, childhood sweethearts have been playing since childhood, when will my husband bring Sister Wei'er into the room and let Sister Wei'er play house when I was young!"

Su Weier's face turned red suddenly and she lowered her head, not daring to look at Young Master Liu's expression, her fingers wrapped around her clothes and she was very nervous.

Young Master Liu's expression turned embarrassing and he gave the third princess a helpless look. This girl's words became more and more daring. Isn't this obviously embarrassing this young master?
"I'll talk about it later, I'll talk about it later, you guys have to live in harmony, and when my husband comes back from Northern Xinjiang, I'll bring you some special products!"


Ying'er nodded abruptly, looked at the eyes of Qi Yun and the girls staring at her, and lowered her head shyly: "Ying'er, go prepare cakes for the young master!"

Although he was reluctant to part with Yiyi after all, he wanted to bid farewell, Young Master Liu packed his backpack and walked towards Yun Qingshi's room.

"Qing poetry!"


"Hi, Lord Hou!"

"Chun'er, you retreat first, I have something to say to your young lady!"


Chun'er thought that her young lady's spring had come, but Liu Mingzhi walked out with her luggage on her back when she didn't expect to have a cup of tea.

"The concubine presents her husband as a respectful gift!"

Yun Qingshi looked at the back of First Young Master Liu who was rushing towards the front yard with a complicated expression, quietly lost in thought.

Chun'er shook her head regretfully: "It's gone again! What did Master Hou tell you?"

Yun Qingshi sighed faintly and shook her head at Chun'er: "It's nothing, Chun'er, you go back to your room first, I'm tired and need to rest for a while!"

"Yes, Chun'er is resigning, miss, you must see that there will be more opportunities in the future!"

"Got it, go back!"


With a faint smile on the corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth, he glanced back at the courtyard behind him and walked towards the stable.


When the horse arrived at Song Yu's mansion, Liu Mingzhi threw the reins and walked towards the mansion, while Song Qing was still teaching his son how to ride the horse.

"Brother, are you going for an outing?"

Song Qing put down the training stick in his hand and looked at First Young Master Liu blankly: "Are you going for an outing at this time? Which kind of Ziqing are you going to? No!"

Young Master Liu took out a bank note and shook it in front of Song Qing, "1000 taels!"

Song Qing resisted swallowing his saliva and refused to look at the bank note that smelled like ink in Young Master Liu's hand: "How can this commander be the kind of person who has an eye for money, don't go!"

"3000 taels!"

"Where are you going? By car or on horseback? Add 2000 taels and you can ride and lead!"

"Northern Xinjiang!"

(End of this chapter)

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