My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 851 Regardless of the cost

Chapter 851 Regardless of the cost
The word "Teacher of Tiger and Wolf" flashed into Liu Mingzhi's mind in an instant.

That's right, it's the masters of tigers and wolves. Long Wuwei in front of him is a group of real masters of tigers and wolves. They don't know what fear is, and they would rather die than bite off a piece of their opponent's flesh.

Liu Mingzhi was amazed by the scuffle in the middle, and then set his sights on the phalanx of light cavalry.

Looking at the situation of the light cavalry hundreds of meters away, Liu Mingzhi frowned, it was extremely tragic, not only the light cavalry of Longwuwei was miserable, but the situation of the cavalry of the Western Regions was also tragic.

During the Kingdom of Jin, Liu Mingzhi never commanded cavalry to fight because of the natural barrier of the swamp outside the capital of the Kingdom of Jin.

Only when I saw it this time did I know what the charge between cavalry and cavalry was like.

It was a completely suicidal attack, wave after wave of charges, horses staggered past, and soldiers rushed to kill each other.

Relying on their superb equestrian skills, the cavalrymen of the Western Regions did their best to perform all kinds of moves that stunned Young Master Liu. No wonder the Turkic people from the Western Regions claimed to have superb riding skills, and it was true!

Although Dalong's cavalry was not as skilled as the enemy army in the Western Regions, they also suffered a lot from the cavalry of the Western Regions with their light plate armor and small shields in their hands.

Dalong was already famous for his armor, especially the output of plate armor compared to chain mail. Every light cavalry was equipped with light armor body protection.

Just the crossing of the horizontal knife and the scimitar in the hand can easily leave a gap in the scimitar, and the advantages of the steel knife compared to the shortcomings of the iron knife are immediately reflected.

Liu Mingzhi looked at how easily the Western Region cavalry dodged the big dragoon cavalry and pushed Ke Yan's shoulder: "Order the light cavalry to cut off the horse's head, the Western Region people's riding skills are too flexible!"

Ke Yan frowned: "Master Hou, those are all high-quality war horses from the Western Regions! It would be a pity to kill them!"

Liu Mingzhi took out the Golden Dragon Emperor order that he had asked for back from the prince before he left, and held it in his hand: "If you don't have a horse, you can't let your brothers fight with their lives. No matter how good a war horse is, it can't compare to the brothers' horses. Life is precious, Ke Yan listens!"

"The end is here!"

"Order the bear to open the mountain and kill the war horse!"


"The messenger!"

"I am humble!"

"Order the bear to open the mountain and kill the war horse!"


In an instant, Xiong Kaishan got Ke Yan's order, frowning in heartache, he passed the order: "The enemy's horsemanship is too flexible, kill the horse and leave the enemy with no horse to ride!"

The soldiers of the light cavalry rushed towards the enemy full of heartache, and the light and sharp horizontal knives did not cut at the nimble Western Territory heat, but cut at the horse's neck.

The change in tactics really had a remarkable effect. The horses rolled and howled, and the cavalrymen who were overturned were directly trampled into bloody mud under the galloping horses and iron cavalry.

In comparison, the heavy cavalry led by Cheng Kai fell into a war.

The heavy cavalry couldn't keep up with the speed of the western cavalry, and the people of the western regions couldn't cut through the heavy armor of the heavy cavalry. The losses of both sides could be ignored!
"General Ke!"


"The crossbowmen on the messenger bed support the heavy cavalry under the protection of the sword and shield soldiers, and half of the archers support the heavy cavalry. They must curb the speed of the cavalry on the left side of the Western Regions. The role of the heavy cavalry without close combat will not be displayed at all. Going around sooner or later. Besieged by enemy cavalry!"

"But what about the enemies in the middle? The Sword and Shield Modao Squad can only encircle and suppress a small number of enemy troops at a time, and the detoured cavalry and infantry can't pursue them at all!"

"Arrow rain covers, curb their speed!"

Ke Yan's face was a bit embarrassed: "There are not many arrows, and we have to defend the city next, what should we do if the arrows consume all [-] archers?"

"Don't worry about the consumption of arrows. It's not a problem to save a brother from being hurt by a hundred arrows! The arrows are completely consumed and the archers turn to infantry. Within five days at most, the Ministry of War will send 50 phoenix feather arrows to Gan State!"

This is what Liu Mingzhi explained before he came to Northern Xinjiang!

Ke Yan's face relaxed: "Since this is the case, the general can rest assured!"

"The messenger!"


"Command General Cheng Kai to wait for the support of the archers, once the enemy's cavalry descends, quickly attack and kill them!"


"The archers listened to the order, and the arrows rained twice in five bursts, curbing the speed of the surrounding enemy cavalry! Give the bed crossbowmen time to wind up, and the pikemen change formation to protect the crossbowmen from being approached by the enemy!"

"General, the speed of the enemy cavalry is too fast and scattered, and too many arrows are wasted!"

"Order the auxiliary soldiers to leave [-] arrows for emergency use, and shoot all the rest, regardless of whether they hit or miss, weaken the enemy's speed and give the infantry time to encircle!"


"Master Hou, what else do you have?"


Liu Mingzhi, who was observing Ke Yan's arrangement, suddenly felt that his body was thrown off the horse, and immediately rolled down on the ground a few times, his head was a little dazed.

A stray arrow shot past Young Master Liu after he rolled off his horse, and hit the shield of the personal guard.

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the familiar pretty face lying on his body: "Shan'er!"

Murong Shan hurriedly got up from First Young Master Liu, lowered her head and hurriedly turned aside: "Master Hou, you have misidentified the wrong person, the humble job is called Xiaojin!"

"Mistake your uncle, you are crazy, what are you doing on the battlefield like a girl?"

"Master Hou, are you alright? It's all due to the negligence of the general. I didn't expect Liu Ya to attack and kill him. If it wasn't for Xiao Jin Jiling, the general will be to blame for his death!"

After getting off his horse, Ke Yan hurriedly ran towards Liu Mingzhi. If something happened to the warlord, he, the united front general, must be punished as well.

"I'm fine, General Ke, don't worry, go and command the soldiers immediately, the three armies can't do without you!"

Ke Yan glanced at Liu Mingzhi's body, heaved a sigh of relief, and ran towards his position without hesitation to continue directing.

Liu Mingzhi moved over to Murong Shan's delicate body and looked at him a few times, and it was true that Murong Shan was right, Liu Mingzhi heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Murong Shan's expression that dared not look at him.

"It's against you, I'll deal with you after the battle!"

Those things on the battlefield that take care of children’s personal relationships, young master Liu disdain those content in film and television dramas where you don’t forget to talk about love while fighting, and don’t care about your subordinates when you co-operate with you and me. Soldiers are dead, right?

Who the hell isn't a mother-born father's precious baby bump.

After finishing speaking, Murong Shan and Liu Mingzhi, who didn't care about the embarrassment, took a shield from the soldiers, got on his horse and continued to supervise the battle.

First Young Master Liu cherished his life very much. Except for himself, all the soldiers in full armor were in front of him. If he didn't find something to protect his body, there would be no guarantee that there would be no more arrows flying towards him.

Brocade clothes and jade robes are not for pretending to be cool and handsome on the battlefield, and it will be over if one is not careful.

Liu Mingzhi scanned the situation on the battlefield quietly, and sure enough, the cavalry of the Western Regions, who were comfortable facing the heavy cavalry without caring about the consumption of arrows, slowed down.

Cheng Kai judged the situation very well and immediately commanded [-] heavy cavalry to charge up, piercing the hearts of the Western Region cavalry on the left.

The advantage of the heavy cavalry was revealed in an instant.

Facing the unbreakable heavily armored Western Region enemy army, he could only watch helplessly as the horizontal knife cut his chest.

"Report, another group of enemy troops rushed out of the enemy camp and attacked our army!"

"Report, the number of enemy troops is [-], [-] cavalry, [-] infantry!"

"Report, the enemy has rushed to two miles away from Ganzhou City!"

"Report, the enemy army has arrived one mile away and turned around from the west of the city!"

Ke Yan finally changed his face. His own 1 main battle army faced [-] Western Region cavalry, and he could calmly deal with it without changing his face. Now that the enemy's reinforcements have come, there are [-] more troops than his own main battle army.

Especially the enemy with most cavalry will suffer a great price.

"Let the scouts ask for help from General Dongfang Ming of Ganzhou City!"

(End of this chapter)

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