My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 858 One Red Bean

Chapter 858 A Red Bean
Huyan Chile heard the Queen's tone and thought that the Queen had agreed to the marriage and became overjoyed for a while.

Huyan Chile looked at the empress's prosperous face enthusiastically and was obsessed with his eyes: "To put it bluntly, this marriage is definitely not a hot-headed move by this king, but a decision made by this king after careful consideration. It's really great that you agree! "

When the queen heard that Huyan Chile called herself politely, her bright eyes showed a hint of chill and stared at Huyan Chile: "King Huyan, when did I agree to this marriage? In addition, if King Huyan still wants to be able to continue talking in the future, why not?" It’s better to call me Empress or Golden Emperor!”

Although Huyan Chile inherited the throne and became the king of the Huyan tribe, Huyan Chile did not practice martial arts, but he was more powerful than ordinary Kong Wu.

Suddenly feeling the cold eyes of the queen, the body trembled as if falling into an ice cave, and looked at the queen's shortness of breath in panic.

"The queen is merciful!"

Hu Yanyu on the side put all his internal strength and external strength to resist the pressure of the queen for his elder brother Huyan Chile and said words of intercession!
The empress turned her gaze to Hu Yanyu, and her chill was more pronounced: "Do you dare to do something in my Shang's study?"

As soon as the queen finished speaking, twelve women in fluttering clothes flew down from the roof and surrounded Huyanyu. The two daggers in Huier's cuffs on the side were also shining coldly, facing Huyanyu's position. .

Hu Yanyu couldn't help breaking out a little sweat, and looked at the Queen calmly and calmly: "Your Majesty, if Brother Bangchen has something inappropriate, I hope Her Majesty will not blame the Queen. The Turkic people speak boldly, so please forgive me!"

The queen glanced at Huyanyu quietly, waved her hands lightly, and the twelve gold hairpins drifted away.

The queen squinted her eyes and looked at the unmoved younger sister Yan Yu: "Didn't you tell King Huyan the great wish that my father made on his deathbed?"

Although the queen's tone was cold, there was a hint of hatred for iron.

Yan Yu held the glazed teacup in her hand and shrugged her shoulders lightly at the Queen with a light smile: "I said it, but Brother Wang thinks that things are human-made. If you don't try, how will you know the result? Besides, Brother Wang's starting point is good intentions. Once the willow After Mingzhi subdued the Western Regions, Dalong will receive a steady stream of horses from the Western Regions. Once this happens, Dalong will have no shortcomings in facing the Turks and the Kingdom of Jin. My sister will not want to see Weihe from decades ago Did the military disaster happen to you again?"

"Are you so sure that Liu Mingzhi can conquer 40 countries with only 36 troops? No matter how bad the 36 countries in the Western Regions are today, there are more than 700 million people. How can it be so easy to conquer with a city guarding them?"

Yan Yu sneered: "Sister, you should know better than my sister whether Liu Mingzhi can conquer the Western Regions. You are right. There are indeed more than 36 million people in the 700 countries of the Western Regions, but the 36 countries of the Western Regions are not just one. My little girl learned the news from the caravan that one of the largest countries, Dawan Kingdom and Gaochang Kingdom, has only 30 million troops. Liu Mingzhi is not just a white-faced scholar who has never been on the battlefield and only knows how to talk. , do you dare to underestimate the reputation of being handsome in white clothes even if it is my sister?"

Yan Yu looked at the empress's pensive expression and consciously poured a cup of hot tea and blew on it.

"In the past, Liu Mingzhi helped you put down the rebellion with 40 against the [-] rebels. You know better than anyone else! My little sister doesn't doubt that Liu Mingzhi can really reopen the Silk Road and rebuild the former glory of the Western Region Protectorate! "

"Once the Western Regions are in Dalong's hands, Dalong will get not only the Protectorate of the Western Regions, but also the horses of the Western Regions and the soldiers of the 36 countries in the Western Regions! Sister, are you really not afraid at all?"

Huyanchile wiped the sweat from his forehead and nodded hurriedly: "Queen, my younger siblings are right. Once Dalong regains control of the 36 countries in the Western Regions, it will be harmful to the Turks and the Jin Kingdom. My king I hope you can think twice, empress! Only the Kingdom of Jin and the Huyan Tribe form a good relationship between Qin and Jin to resist the pressure brought by the dragon!"

"Your Majesty, Chen Shuangyue begs to see you!"

The voice of the internal affairs order Shuangyue suddenly came from outside the palace gate, and the queen came back from her contemplation!

"Come in!"

"His Majesty!"

When Shuangyue saw Huyan Chile and the three of them, she was stunned and whispered in the Queen's ear.

After a while, the empress narrowed her eyes and nodded: "I understand, you should step back first, no one is allowed to approach the East Palace without my order, and anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

"Yes, I retire!"

After Shuangyue left, the empress let out a long bearded breath: "I am very happy to be the best friend of Qin and Jin, but if I want to be the best friend of Qin and Jin, this matter is out of the question!"

"Hui Er!"

"Chen is here!"

"Arrange two bedrooms for King Huyan and the others to rest in the West Palace. I'm a little tired. We'll discuss this matter later!"

"The minister obeys the order!"

"Empress wait!"

The queen stood up and looked at Huyan King Huyan Chile in surprise, wondering what else he could do to stop her.

Hu Yanchile gritted his teeth and looked at the queen: "If the queen thinks the dowry is not enough, I am willing to add another 20 horses and [-] cattle and sheep as the dowry!"

The empress looked at Huyanchile without any change in her expression: "You can't afford my betrothal gift, so don't talk about it again!"

"Empress, what kind of dowry do you want?"

The empress was stunned and suddenly smiled, and the flowers in the minister's study also faded. The empress turned her head and glanced at a small sapling growing in the exquisite porcelain on the window sill, her eyes were extremely soft.

"A red bean!"

"A red bean?"

The queen ignored Huyan Chile's stunned and confused eyes and walked straight towards the outside of the hall.

Hui'er turned sideways and looked at the three of Yan Yu and the others indifferently: "King Huyan, Lord Huyan, princess, come with me, I will take you to rest!"

Huyan Chile nodded unwillingly: "Okay!"

Yan Yu glanced at the direction in which the Queen left, with a hint of confusion, what could make her sister care more about Dalong than Dalong!
"Diu Diu is great, Diu Diu is great!"

In the large courtyard of the Eastern Palace of the Kingdom of Jin, there was a burst of humming interspersed with a burst of childish laughter, breaking the tranquility of the Eastern Palace.

Hearing the childish laughter, the empress's eyes showed a hint of doting, and then disappeared, becoming majestic and cold, tidying up the cloak behind her, the empress stopped the two court ladies who wanted to salute, quietly walking towards the east palace go!

Empress Shi Shiran walked in and looked at a car that was smoking thickly and was twice as tall as a carriage and four or five times as wide as it was moving slowly on the open Donggong school grounds.
If Young Master Liu was here, he would definitely jump three feet high and slap his thighs and howl, "Oh my god, train!"

"Dudiu is great!"

Wanyan Feixiong was holding a two- or three-year-old boy who was wearing a snow-white tiger-skin jacket with no impurities and was as exquisite as in a fairy tale. He commanded several young eunuchs who kept wielding shovels to shovel coal.

From time to time, Wanyan Feixiong lowered his head to look at the little girl in his arms for fear of bumping into him.

"Fei Xiong, who told you to bring Luoyue out, has Luoyue finished learning the Dalong characters today?"

The cheering little girl trembled slightly when she heard the Queen's voice, and shrank her head into Fei Xiong's arms, not daring to look at the Queen who was slowly walking in.

Wanyan Feixiong jumped off the train with Luoyue in his arms: "Sister, why are you here?"

The queen did not answer Wanyan Feixiong's question, but stared at the train behind Wanyan Feixiong with burning eyes and murmured: "It turns out that there are really cars that can travel without being pulled by horses!"

Luoyue in Wanyan Feixiong's arms quickly turned her head to take a peek at the Queen, and then buried her head in Wanyan Feixiong's arms.

"Diudiu, let's run, Yueyue should be punished in a while!"

PS: The wrong name has been modified!

(End of this chapter)

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