Chapter 878
April [-]th of the first year of Dalong Rui'an!
Modifying chariots and training cavalry in Gulan City. Uncle Ma's Western Expedition Army has been stationed for more than a month and is ready to go west again to conquer Nicheng, the capital of King Loulan!

The seriously injured Dalong soldiers finally died 370 people during the treatment process because of the medical level.

370 After the two passed away, Liu Mingzhi locked himself in the room for seven days without seeing anyone, and no one knew what Liu Mingzhi was doing in the room.

Except for the guards who delivered the food and put the food on the window, even Murong Shan didn't step into the door.

Compared with the number of dead in Gulan City, the 370 dead dragon soldiers are nothing at all, but Liu Mingzhi still couldn't accept this number.

He didn't know how to deal with the elders, wives and children in these 370 families.

"Mingzhi, the three armies are waiting for orders, and it's time to go to war! The dead are dead, and the living mourn. As the commander of the three armies, you shouldn't be so negative!"

Murong Shan's voice came from outside the door, Murong Shan always addressed her by first name when no one was around.

When the door opened with a bang, Liu Mingzhi walked out of the room holding the handsome seal in his hands and nodded to Murong Shan: "I'm fine, let's beat the drums and gather the generals!"


The sound of war drums resounded inside and outside Gulan City, and all the generals headed by Song Qing gathered at the general platform outside the city to wait for Liu Mingzhi's arrival.

Looking at the 40 troops whose morale was soaring into the sky, Liu Mingzhi put all his troubles behind him and held up his commander's seal: "The three armies obey the order and go straight to Loulan!"

"The handsome is mighty!"

"The handsome is mighty!"

"The handsome is mighty!"

The horn sounded, and Zhou Baoyu divided his troops into five groups and headed towards the auxiliary city of Loulan Kingdom, waiting for the reinforcements of the Loulan Kingdom's enemy troops, Xunicheng intercepted and annihilated them at any time, and prepared to encircle and fight for reinforcements!
Liu Mingzhi was slightly relieved to see the cavalry galloping and changing various equestrian appearances. It seemed that he had made the right decision to use Shanerhe again.

The Dragon Cavalry could never do such a difficult move before!

The Western Expeditionary Army, which left [-] auxiliary soldiers to guard the prisoners of Gulan City, arrived at King Loulan City three days later!
The smoke and dust brought up by nearly 30 people on the main road led by Young Master Liu could not cover his whereabouts at all. In this case, Liu Mingzhi directly ordered the three armies to come directly to the city.

Liu Mingzhi handed the document to Jiang Lei: "After three hours, leave the city and surrender and attack the city directly!"


Jiang Lei rode Juechen and galloped towards the king's capital of Jiani City.

Song Qing hurriedly walked into the big tent: "Commander, those black iron pipes have been laid out word by word according to your instructions, aiming at the city wall of Jiani City!"

Liu Mingzhi put down the writing brush in his hand and nodded with neither sadness nor joy: "Are the cotton earplugs ready for the soldiers?"

"It has been distributed to every soldier. Commander, can you now tell the last general what these black pipes are?"

Liu Mingzhi picked up the rice paper and held it in front of Song Qing: "I knew you would be extremely curious, see for yourself!"

Song Qing looked at the block letters on the rice paper and was taken aback: "Pao?"

"Yes, cannon!"

"What kind of cannon? Is it a firecracker battle during the Chinese New Year?"

"Almost, it's closer to the cannon in chess!"

"Marshal, the horse's ears have already been blocked. If it wasn't for you, this order is too strange. What's the use of blocking the horse's ears? After doing so many things, the general will be exhausted. It's better than capturing a city." Still tired!"

"In the future, you will know, and this commander has also figured it out. I don't care about the commander who is not afraid of your Majesty. Since I can't bring two cannons, I'm sorry for their birth. If that's the case, let's do it!"


"Stop it, Vice General Song, play two games of chess with me, three hours is not short, and it will take until noon to receive Qiao Loushan's reply!"

"All right!"

On the chess set, Young Master Liu, Song Qing, you come and go to devour the opponent's pieces, and the few people who watched the chess without saying a word all looked excited, as if they were the one who played the chess.

Qiao Loushan, the king of Loulan in Xunicheng, was entertaining the envoys from the Guishuang Department of the Yuezhi Kingdom.

Guishuang envoy Shaluot looked at Qiao Loushan curiously: "Your Majesty, you mean that you haven't heard any news about the Great Dragon's army in the Western Regions for more than a month after the news of the Great Dragon sending troops to the Western Regions from the Gumo Kingdom?"

Qiao Loushan pulled his beard and looked at Shaluote calmly: "That's right, that coward Gumo Sangyang also said that more than 30 troops from the Dragon Kingdom have already sent troops outside their Shacheng, and this king sent [-] troops to fight against them." I don’t know what this old guy Gumo Sangyang wants to do!”

"Your Majesty, didn't you send an envoy to Gumo Country to ask?"

"I went, but Gumo Sangyang wrote back that they were warmly entertaining our reinforcements, so the king didn't interfere too much. After all, Gumo Kingdom dared to take our soldiers from Loulan Kingdom with Da Yueshi behind us. How can it not work?"

Sharot thought for a while and looked at Qiao Loushan: "What about the army of the Great Dragon Kingdom, didn't the king of Gumo Kingdom say anything? Did they get wiped out or did they run away?"

"I don't know, but there is no news of this army for more than a month, and nine out of ten have escaped!"

"Are you going to attack other countries?"

"I don't know, but I asked people to ask about all the cities in the Loulan Kingdom. If I go to another country, I won't be able to ask about it!"

"That's right, as long as we, Da Yuezhi and you Shanshan Kingdom don't suffer."

"Report! Cavalry King, there is a cavalry outside the city who claims to be the forward scout of the Dragon Kingdom, Jiang Lei, and shoots a burden on the city wall for the little one to show to the King!"

Qiao Loushan was stunned and hurriedly put down his wine glass: "The forward scouts of the Great Dragon Kingdom? Are you sure you are not lying? How could the forward scouts in the Great Dragon Kingdom with Gulan City return to the Guwang's Mui City!"

"This little one doesn't know the king, you should see for yourself!"

"Report! An army of about 30 people approached the city and stopped five miles away from the city. I don't know where the army is!"

Qiao Loushan's complexion finally changed, and he couldn't wait to take the bag and open it to look through it. Sharot also leaned over and looked over.

Qiao Loushan not only did not cover, but turned his body sideways, just as Gu Mo Rongrong said, Loulan Kingdom really follows the lead of Yuezhi Kingdom.

Qiao Loushan looked at the content on the document in horror and showed disbelief: "Gulan City has been captured? Impossible, the king of Shanle has received other letters for less than seven days, and Gulan City has been safe and sound! "

Sharot frowned and stared at the paper with the seal of the Gumo Kingdom on the document: "The Gumo Kingdom has surrendered!"

Qiao Loushan put the silk cloth on the ground in embarrassment and clenched his fists, his face flushed red: "It's a big gesture to let the lonely king leave the city in three hours to surrender! The commander of the Dragon Kingdom is too arrogant, come here!"

"Your Majesty, please order!"

"Beat the drums, the lonely king must educate this arrogant guy!"

"Minister leader."

"Wait a minute!"

Sharot stopped Qiao Loushan's close minister who wanted to go down: "Your Majesty, the army in Yuni City is only 3 people, so hurry up and ask your auxiliary city soldiers for help! Tell them to come to the city of Qini to rescue King Qin as soon as possible!"

Qiao Loushan was taken aback for a moment, then remembered what the scout said, the army of the Great Dragon Kingdom is nearly 30 people!
Nodding with an unnatural expression, he was almost confused by Dalong Kingdom's proclamation!

After thinking about it for a while, Qiao Loushan's face turned ugly: "If Gulan City is really captured by the Dalong Kingdom, all the soldiers of Loulan Kingdom combined will only have more than 8 soldiers! Ambassador Shaluote, please Immediately send a letter to Big Brother Sarbet to bring troops to support this king!"

Sharot pondered for a while and nodded: "I'll write a letter right away, you find a way to support the army of the Dragon Kingdom for a while, now the enemy is strong and we are weak, it is not suitable for war!"

"Okay, I will send an order immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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