My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 888 The Teacher of Kindness and Righteousness

Chapter 888 The Teacher of Kindness and Righteousness
Before Zhou Baoyu brought Bai Gege into the main hall, a Hongling scout hurried in!

"Report, report to the commander-in-chief, the golden carving of the capital!"

Liu Mingzhi's expression tightened and he took a deep breath for a moment, "Present it!"

The scout took out a bamboo tube and handed it to First Young Master Liu, holding up the order flag.

Liu Mingzhi looked at the wax lacquer on the bamboo tube suddenly, and his mood became silent.

Qi Yun had just brought the news that Qinglian had gone to Miaojiang, and then the letter from the capital came. Liu Mingzhi knew very well that there was no other letter from the capital except the emperor.

"Let's go west with peace of mind, everything is up to me!"

Looking at the eight big characters on the letter paper, Liu Mingzhi muttered, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a smile.

The gloom in his heart was swept away, and Liu Mingzhi was completely relieved by the emperor's eight words.

Stuffing the letter paper into the wristband, Liu Mingzhi looked at the mess in the palace and felt a kind of abstract beauty. When he was in a happy mood, seeing everything was naturally good.

Even Bai Kuli, the king of Kucha, who he had despised just now, is so cute, he has a cute feeling!
"Your Majesty, as the lord of a country, how dignified you are to stand up, sit with me, and talk to me with my heart!"

Bai Kuli stared in astonishment at Young Master Liu, whose face was as bright as the sun, and was a little surprised. Is this smiling guy in front of him the commander-in-chief of the dragon with a gloomy face and a murderous look just now?

"Don't be dazed, sit down and chat, your palace, you stand up and let others see it and think I'm bullying you!"

Bai Curry recovered from his astonishment and subconsciously looked at the futon beside him: "Sit down?"

"Sit down, why are you polite in your own house!"

Bai Kuli tentatively sat on the futon with trepidation, always paying attention to Liu Mingzhi's face, for fear that this capricious guy would suddenly turn his back on him.

After sitting on the futon, Bai Kuli was completely relieved. Young Master Liu looked at him cheerfully without changing his expression.

"His Majesty the King is frightened, drink a cup of tea to suppress the shock!"

"Xiao Wang, thank you Commander Dalong!"

"What are you being polite about? Why don't you have any confidence at all as the majestic ruler of a country? You are no different from a eunuch in Dalong!"

"Xiao Wang was emptied of his rights and could only stay in the palace to eat, drink and have fun. He had to look at their faces for everything. Xiao Wang is used to being scolded!"

"Tsk tsk. What a pity!"

"Report to the commander-in-chief, Bai Gege will bring it here!"

"Bring it in!"


Zhou Baoyu escorted an old man with white beard and hair about six to seventy years old into the hall.

This person is Bai Gege, the real speaker of the Kucha Kingdom. Liu Mingzhi looked Bai Gege up and down and understood why Bai Kuli was emptied of power.

In all likelihood, this Bai qualified is the elder of the two dynasties, holding great power in his hands!

Bai Gege first glanced at Bai Kuli, who was kneeling beside him, and then fixed his eyes on First Young Master Liu, with a hint of fear in his eyes!
Being able to sit in this position must be the commander-in-chief of the Great Dragon Kingdom, the commander who destroyed the Kucha Kingdom.

"White qualified?"


Unexpectedly, Bai Gege's Chinese was also good. Liu Mingzhi had to marvel that it seemed that the Kucha Kingdom was the country that spoke the best Chinese and the most Chinese among the countries he conquered!

"Shooting and killing the handsome messenger was your order?"

"That's right! Since the army has already crossed the mountain country, the Cheshi country, and the Loulan country, you must have captured these countries, and the Kucha country is also at risk. In this case, it is better to break the pot!"

Bai Gege also seemed to know that sophistry was meaningless, so he directly admitted the matter.

"You also gave the order to kill 2000 people in my Dalong civilian caravan?"

"That's right. The 36 allied forces of the Western Regions sent out the big dragon. My [-] troops from Kucha didn't even return a single horse. I felt resentment in my heart. It happened that this caravan hit the point of the gun, so I gave it to Bai Chuanke and the others. After a gesture, the old man didn't expect that they would kill the entire caravan at once, but what happened has already happened and there is no turning back, that's the only way!"

Bai Gege thought about it and looked at Liu Mingzhi quietly: "In the words of your Dalong, there is no medicine for regret in the world!"

"How do you know that the commander-in-chief's Western Expeditionary Army will be in danger when it arrives in Kucha?"

"If Teawood City is safe and sound, it is impossible not to report your arrival. Since you have arrived in Yancheng, it means that Teawood City is no longer safe. Gumo Kingdom once asked for help from Kucha Kingdom, but you have disappeared for so long and there is no movement. Everyone I thought you were defeated, until I saw the Banner of the Protectorate of the Western Regions, I realized that everyone was wrong, I am afraid that all the countries on the eastern front of the Kucha Kingdom will be captured by Dalong's army!"

"Beautiful, you are an outstanding hero, this handsome admires you very much!"

"The prisoner talks about He Xiongxiong Bai Chuanke and the others have been executed, and the old man has foreseen the fate of the old man. There is nothing to say, I can only say that you are too powerful. You have conquered so many countries and blocked the news without leaking!"

"Those old, weak, sick and disabled reinforcements who went to support Gumo Kingdom have never returned, so you don't have any doubts?"

"The difference in ideas has harmed the 36 countries in the Western Regions!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Bai Gequal with great interest: "Oh? This handsome is very interested, can you tell me about it?"

"You Dalong respects the young and takes care of the elderly, while the Western Regions respect the strong. Few people ask about the life and death of a group of old, weak, sick and disabled. I'm afraid even the Wusun Kingdom didn't expect that your Dalong's army has been silent. Dongjing, who captured the 36 countries in the Western Regions, may still be in a state of intoxication!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded slightly, looked around and saw an unopened wine jar rolled on the ground, got up and walked over, bent down and lifted it in his hand to open the mud seal on it, found two clean wine glasses and pointed them at Bai Gege. go.

"In Dalong we have a saying that is to recognize heroes and value heroes. Although you are an opponent, I admire your intelligence and wisdom, but as you said, you are still going to die. Compared with what you said, Bai Chuanke and the others, this commander decided to give you one. A decent way of dying is a respect for a hero!"

Bai Gege smiled slightly, took the wine glass from Liu Mingzhi's hand, and let Liu Mingzhi pour a glass of wine, held it in his hand, and looked at Bai Kuli for a while.

Sighing silently, Bai Gege drank the wine in his glass, "It's not wrong for the countries in the Western Regions to be defeated by you!"

Liu Mingzhi pointed the wine glass at Bai Gege and signaled, "If you don't kill you, it won't be enough for the people to be angry, so let's go!"

Bai Gege easily threw back the wine glass in his hand and looked at Zhou Baoyu who was beside him: "General, borrow a knife!"

Zhou Baoyu handed the knife directly to Bai Gequal's hand.

There was a chill coming out of the horizontal knife, and Bai Gege stroked the blade lightly: "It's not unreasonable for a good knife to be famous all over the world as a Chinese craftsman. My Western Regions has always been behind closed doors!"

Putting the horizontal knife on his neck, Bai Ge looked at Liu Mingzhi and sighed, "Can I ask you a question before I die?"

"Tell me!"

"If you conquer the 36 countries, how will you deal with the people of the 36 countries?"

"Would you believe me if I said that integrating it into Dalong is like a family?"

Bai Gege nodded heavily: "Teacher of benevolence and righteousness!"

With a slight swipe of the horizontal knife, Bai Gege's old body fell heavily to the ground.

Liu Mingzhi put the wine glass in his hand on Bai Gequal's chest and waved his hand.

"Give it a proper burial according to the custom of the Kucha Kingdom!"

(End of this chapter)

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