Chapter 895
"General Shahanlu, the sentinel reported that the Dalong people left more than 2000 corpses that were shot and killed by the soldiers and fled in a hurry!"

Shahanlu's furious expression suddenly lit up with joy, the smoke dissipated and he leaned forward to look outside the city. Sure enough, there were densely packed corpses lying outside the city.

"The big dragoons are nothing more than that. More than 2000 people were killed or injured in just a tentative charge. This general really wants to go out of the city and kill them all!"

"No way, general, just a tentative charge didn't hurt many troops at all. You can see that there are nearly 30 people outside the city. The soldiers in our twelve cities are only 15, which is less than half of them." If you want more, it is not wise to go out of the city to fight!"

"This general is just talking, how many days will it take for the [-] troops sent by the king of Ershi City to arrive?"

"According to the reports from the scouts, it is estimated that it will take about seven days. Anxi's army will take ten days, Kangju's army will take thirteen days, Wusun's army will take seventeen days, and Yuezhi's army will arrive at Fenshui City in eight days. The 30 people in Hebei are nothing more than fat in our mouths!"

"Great, this general has been waiting for a few days, and he must personally chop off the head of Commander Dalong and hang it on the flagpole for three days!"

"The last general Cheng Kai sees the commander in chief!"

"Excuse me, how do you feel about the tentative charge?"

"It's terrible. If it weren't for the speed of the light cavalry, they would have lost hundreds of brothers. Their archers were too accurate. The brothers hung on the belly of their horses and started to retreat after fifty steps outside the city. Although brothers They were not injured, but the horses lost more than 1000 horses, all of which were shot in the neck by arrows! I don’t know how many can be saved!”

"Where's the straw man?"

"The more than 2000 straw men who were shot by the arrow were all thrown under the city wall, and the bodies of the straw men were covered with smoke and dust. The guards in Fenshui City couldn't tell that something was wrong!"

"You did a good job. If you lose your horse, you will lose it. When the Dawan Kingdom is defeated, the commander will reward you with a hard-earned horse!"

Cheng Kai's face beamed with joy: "Marshal, if you are handsome, you have to keep your word!"

"This commander keeps his promises. As long as there are bloody horses in the city, this commander will reward you with one horse, but you have to keep it a secret. If Lao Jiang finds out, you must give your life to this commander!"

"The last general has sealed his mouth, don't worry, Commander!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the guards on the city wall with a melancholy expression and handed the binoculars to Cheng Kai: "It seems that Shahanlu is not a idiot who is very happy, and he has no plans to leave the city at all!"

Cheng Kai put down the binoculars and sighed: "There are still more than 5000 straw people, and we will charge a few more times at the end!"

"Yes, let the brothers put on light plate armor and protect their faces with light shields! Only 7000 troops will be dispatched this time!"


After Cheng Kai left, Qi Yun, who was standing by the side, looked at the tower above the city wall, biting her cherry lips with the snow sword on her waist: "Marshal, capture the thief first, and the king is the first to capture the thief. I can sneak in from behind the city wall when General Cheng Kai is feigning an attack." Shangmo went over and beheaded Shahanlu, and the three armies lost their commander, Bi Ding, and their hearts were shaken!"

"No! No matter how powerful your qinggong is, you are not invincible. There are ten thousand archers on the city wall. Once your traces are exposed, you will be shot into a hedgehog by arrows. No matter how powerful your kung fu is, once you are surrounded by an army, you will always have internal strength. Time to run out!"


"No, but, if the commander-in-chief says it's not possible, then it's not!"


"Report, the scouts report that there are about 10 troops from the Ershi City of Dawan Kingdom heading towards Fenshui City. It is estimated that they will arrive at Fenshui City within seven to eight days. The scouts asked if they should divide their troops to intercept them!"

Liu Mingzhi read the note carefully and fell into deep thought. After a while, he stuffed the note into his sleeve: "Continue to investigate, and the commander-in-chief will make a decision in three days!"


Cheng Kai, who made a second tentative charge with smoke and dust, led the cavalry to rush out from under Fenshui City again. Liu Mingzhi hurriedly looked towards the city wall. Shahanlu was directing the guards to carry the wounded by the cavalry hand crossbow. Retreat down the city.

"How are you, Commander? Any plans to leave the city?"

"No, Shahanlu can really bear it? How is the situation this time?"

"The horses lost 300 horses, and more than [-] soldiers were slightly injured. There was no danger of their lives. They were all taken to the back for treatment!"

"That's good, Shahanlu is really bloodless, you should send two cavalry out to attack!"

"Commander, they are most likely waiting for reinforcements. It seems that the strategy of luring the enemy will not work!"

"This time [-] light cavalry, [-] straw men, [-] sword and shield soldiers and [-] archers are mixed in, let each of the sword and shield soldiers carry a feather arrow, and attack the city. Lying on the ground in a creaking nest and pretending to be killed by an arrow, but this time the charge will be coordinated with artillery catapults when the sun is about to set, and I plan to hide a group of ambush soldiers under their noses!"

After a little thought, Cheng Kai understood what Young Master Liu meant: "Is it true or false?"

There was a smile on the corner of Liu Mingzhi's mouth: "Soldiers never tire of cheating. Our strength is only about twice that of Shuicheng's defenders. A strong attack will definitely cause heavy losses. You don't need to use tricks to think that the commander can only attack by force? The commander is just too lazy to move." It's just a brain!"

Murong Shan's face was a bit worried: "Commander, if they use thunder stones and rolling logs, the brothers lying under the city and pretending to be dead will be very dangerous!"

"This handsome man just thought about it. See if those straw men lying on the ground have made a second kill? What does this mean? It's not necessarily a good thing to have too much confidence in your own abilities!"

"You mean they believe their arrows can kill the enemy with one blow!"

"Part of it is that they don't dare to consume too much arrows and thunder stones, because they are afraid that we will deliberately consume their luggage. This Shahanlu is a cautious person, a strong enemy! We have 30 troops in the city As long as the commander does not launch a general attack, they will also preserve their strength!"

Murong Shan nodded half understanding: "You were not so insidious and cunning when you attacked Loulan Kingdom and the others!"

"It's not the same. How many people are there? Ten will encircle them, five will attack them, and double will divide them. Deputy General Song and Ning Chao have taken away 50 troops. Now we have only twice as many troops as the defenders. , Naturally, you can't attack fiercely, that's what fools do!"

"Also, this is not called insidious and cunning. Soldiers are cunning. What they play is surprise victory and psychological warfare. The game of you coming and going is over. The most effective way to use troops is to take down the enemy with the least effort and effort." road!"

Liu Mingzhi stretched his waist and quietly patted Murong Shan's secret parts: "This commander is going to use Shahanlu's cautious nature to deal with him!"

"Be serious!"

Liu Mingzhi chuckled, "Cheng Kai!"

"The end is here!"

"[-] sword and shield soldiers cover [-] catapults and advance [-] steps forward. Change the kerosene jars and shoot them to the top of the city wall to consume their water reserves. If they don't leave the city, the commander is determined not to attack the city. The siege equipment Bringing is not a show, first come to the nine hundred altars of kerosene to exercise!"


"Du Yu!"

"The humble post is here, has the commander finally got my order?"

"Virtue, the commander just observed that the distance of the guards' bows and arrows is only about [-] paces at most. You lead [-] eight-ox crossbows and [-] siege vehicles to set up and advance to a position [-] paces away from the city. Shahanlu at the gate tower, as long as the grandson dares to show his head, he will shoot crossbow arrows, it doesn't matter if he hits the target or not, he will be scared to death if he is scared!"


(End of this chapter)

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