Chapter 908 Going Abroad (adding two changes to all monthly tickets)
The city is one of the biggest nemesis of the cavalry.

Once caught in the intricate streets, the superior impact and speed of the cavalry cannot be brought into play. The lethality of the infantry in the street is far better than that of the cavalry who cannot charge.

Lu Shamu led the cavalry to scatter and charge, but the cavalry under Kergan's command suffered a lot from the constant entanglement and barbed wire.

After being turned on his back, he was immediately torn to pieces by the Dalong soldiers and the Western Region coalition forces who broke out the door.

The Kergan's order was correct, the cavalry gathered together would be the easiest target, but Liu Mingzhi had long waited for this order from the Kergan, the 20 troops were all merged into the infantry and harassed the cavalry everywhere!

"Shield soldiers, cover the archers and fight back!"


Liu Mingzhi calmly stared at the bastards under the city wall and looked at a small number of infantry in Dawan outside the city: "Use the sound of drums to send an order to Duan Buren, the artillery is aimed at the infantry outside the city gate, and the cavalry turns around. Get rid of a pawn!"


The [-] cavalry detoured in the mountain city. The resisters were slowly approaching the dragon sword and shield soldiers. The cavalry who couldn't run on horseback became living targets for the archers hidden on the roof!
The battle line narrowed little by little under the siege of the Dalong generals, soldiers, swords and shields, and the Dawan cavalry also realized that their advantage had become a disadvantage, and they got off their horses and rushed up with their swords.

Only when fighting with Dalong's enemies, Dalong's archers dare not shoot arrows at will!
The sound of the cannon was deafening, and Young Master Liu hurriedly squatted down: "Duan can't bear it, if you miss this commander's little life, you will be gone!"

Duan couldn't bear not knowing Liu Mingzhi's situation, and still ordered the gunners to keep filling the shells, and fired at the gate of Shanling City for free.

One can imagine the lethality of the shells falling into the crowd of Dawan infantry who have not yet formed a phalanx.

"Big handsome little"

"Hey, this handsome guy who can't stand your shit is going to train you to death!"

On the top of the tower, a corpse that was bombed onto the city wall coincidentally hit Young Master Liu. If Young Master Liu hadn't practiced before, he would definitely be injured.

Pushing away the corpse on his body, Liu Mingzhi hurriedly ran down the tower. It's useless to say anything now. It's safest to watch the battle in another place. Otherwise, if you accidentally get shot, it will be too late to regret it. up!

Liu Mingzhi flew to the south side of the city wall, looked at the bastards in the city, and sighed: "The cavalry dismounts and mixes with the brothers to prevent them from being shot in the back. The Kirgan has a good way of leading troops, but there are only 10 people. Trying to break out of the encirclement set up by 20 well-armed ambush soldiers is tantamount to nonsense!"

The shouts of Dalong's words came from the west city gate, and the banner soldiers rushed towards the city with the command flags in the first place to guide the brothers behind!
Liu Mingzhi looked at Duan Can't bear the banner soldiers who had entered the city gate and walked towards the city with the Heavenly Sword in hand: "Let's go down to the city, the battle is about to end!"


A group of personal soldiers held up steel shields to protect Liu Mingzhi and walked slowly towards the city.

"Kirgan, surrender, you will die if you resist. You don't want to see your [-] troops wiped out, do you?"

Cheng Kai Peru rushed to the fifty-step position of the Kirgan and stopped under the cover of the sword and shield soldiers.

"Peru, it's you?"

"Korgan, Fenshui City, Kelu City, and Shanling City have all become the territory of the Dragon Kingdom. There are 30 troops in the city. You only have 10 people. Do you think you can kill them? Surrender!"

"Report! General Kirgan, [-]% of the brothers were killed or injured! There are ambushes everywhere in the city, and the cavalry can't get out at all!"

"Kirgan, you heard what your scouts said. Only the west gate of Mountain City is open, but there are [-] troops outside the city attacking the city. Do you think you can rush out?"

"Put down your weapons, disarm and surrender!"

"Put down your weapons, disarm and surrender!"

More and more dragon soldiers began to push forward to the army around the Kergan.

The Dalong soldiers with swords and shields, assisted by the front spearmen, did not take a step closer. The Dawan soldiers under the Kirgan's command would take a step back. More and more soldiers began to gather at the west gate. how many people!
"Kirgan, as long as you don't surrender, as long as there is a rain of arrows, all the brothers around you will become living targets. If you are the commander, you will definitely choose to surrender!"

Kirgan looked towards the stairs of the city wall, and Liu Mingzhi was standing at half waist, guarded by his personal guards, looking at his side!

"Report, General, only 4 of the [-] cavalry are left, and they are all besieged at the south gate and become infantry!"

Kirgan put down the weapon powerlessly: "Surrender!"

The messenger looked unwilling but also helpless. There were three times as many ambush soldiers in the city as his own. It was impossible to rush out!


In the time it took to burn incense, the Kirgan's surrender order spread throughout the city. On one side were the cheering and roaring Western Expeditionary Army, and on the other side were Dawan soldiers who had to drop their weapons with a blank face.

Liu Mingzhi walked slowly towards Kergan: "General Kergan, you shouldn't do anything that gets your head in the face now, right? Although you may not be able to hurt this commander, as long as you If you dare to act recklessly, this commander will definitely kill all your soldiers!"

After Gu Mo Rongrong translated, Kergan watched Young Master Liu drop the weapon in his hand with sharp eyes.

"Liu Mingzhi?"

"You know Ben Shuai?"

"It's hard not to know. The news of the fall of the water-dividing city of Krue and the mountain city hasn't spread at all. You really did everything right!"

"Thank you for your praise. Your calm and calm attitude in the face of danger also impresses me, but no matter how powerful you are, it is impossible for you to fight against three! Of course, it cannot be ruled out that all the soldiers under my command are full of life. no!"

"The general has nothing to say!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled slightly and waved his hands: "Cheng Kai Peru, invite General Kergan down to calm down!"


"Ye Baotong, clean up the battlefield!"


"Duan can't bear it! Come here!"

"Master, what's the matter?"

"Mother of the commander-in-chief Thurei, why don't you shoot the commander to death?"

"Master, calm down, calm down!"

"Calm down your grandma's legs, give me a thousand push-ups, when will you get up when you are tired!"


"Report, report to the Commander-in-Chief, I have captured a scout from the Parthian Kingdom!"

"A scout from the Anxi Kingdom? Could it be that the army of the Anxi Kingdom is almost here!"

"Take it to Tatalu's general's mansion! I'll be there in a while!"


Half a day later, Liu Mingzhi arranged everything and walked towards the General's Mansion. He had to interrogate the Anxi scout and see where the Anxi army had gone!

Liu Mingzhi stared in astonishment at the scouts from the Anxi Kingdom who were tied up by the eighth-rank expert scouts, and was a little stunned. Does this armor look like that of the people from the Western Regions?

It was night, Young Master Liu learned that the Anxi army was completely relieved, and the reason why he was captured was because the eighth-rank scout went too far and ran into it by accident!
Liu Mingzhi held a candlestick in the main hall and began to observe the distribution of various cities on the sand table, his face became weirder the more he looked at it.

Qi Yun hurried in with a wooden box and put it on the sand table: "Master, the map is here!"

Qi Yun just put down the map and Gu Mo Rongrong also ran in holding a map: "Master, the map is here!"

Liu Mingzhi couldn't wait to open the two maps and start comparing them. One was the world map he carried with him, and the other was the branch map of the 36 countries in the Western Regions.

After a stick of incense, Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the rough map he had re-drawn and rubbed his cheeks, feeling at a loss for what to do.

During this period of time, the accuracy rate of the sand table drawn by the scouts was as high as 90.00%. Liu Mingzhi seldom looked at the map to use soldiers. The mountains and rivers on the sand table looked more accurate than the map.

In addition, the scouts updated the sand table in real time. I can say that I relied entirely on the sand table to use my troops. It wasn't until I met Liu Mingzhi, a scout from the Anxi Kingdom, that I knew where the idea that I felt something was wrong with the sand table came from.

At that time, he was interrupted by Song Qing's biography, and he also forgot about it. The scouts from the Anxi Kingdom made Liu Mingzhi have to take out the map that had been shelved for a long time and check it again.

Throwing the writing brush in his hand on the table, Young Master Liu looked a little embarrassed: "Xiu Xun country is the edge of Xinjiang, this young master has hit Uzbekistan and Iran? Isn't this in West Asia?"

After hundreds of years of dynasties, the current location of the Parthian Kingdom can be said to be the later Saudi Arabia. The Parthian Kingdom is called the Great Dragon, and it is more appropriate to call it the Pala Empire!
"My young master simply wants to regain Xinjiang for future generations. Why did he go abroad under the pretext of going abroad?"

Qi Yungu Mo Rongrong looked blankly at Young Master Liu who was talking to himself, wondering what he was talking about!
Looking at Parthia on the map of the Western Regions and Saudi Arabia on the map of the world, Young Master Liu scratched his head in confusion. Is it necessary to continue fighting?

If it is to conquer Arabia, it will not be done in a short time.

Besides, did you want my young master to go digging for oil after conquering Saudi Arabia?

(End of this chapter)

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