My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 911: Go West 9 Miles

Chapter 911

Dalong Ryan is the fifth day of June in the fourth year!

A total of 38 kings of all sizes from the Western Regions except the Anxi Kingdom and the Kangju Kingdom gathered in Ershi City!
Liu Mingzhi was at the top, scanning the 38 people on the left and right, and the 38 puppet kings supported by his soldiers, and slowly stood up.

"Liu Mingzhi, commander of my Great Dragon West Expedition, has seen all the kings!"

"My little sister, Qiaolou Lina, King of Loulan Kingdom!"

"Little aunt Mo Rongrong, the king of Mo Kingdom!"

"Xiao Wang Cheshi, Che Shile, the former king of the country!"

"Little King Kucha Kingdom"

"Little King Qiemo Kingdom"


"Little Wang Lu Tai, King of Dawan Kingdom!"

"See Commander Dalong, I wish Commander Liu good health!"

"My lords, please sit down!"

"Thank you, Commander Dragon!"

Liu Mingzhi wandered around in the main hall of Dawan Kingdom in the brocade clothes of the Marquis of Ten Thousand Households. After thinking for a moment, he cleared his throat.

"In the second year of Dalong Rui'an, 36 Guoxing unnamed divisions from the Allied Forces of the Western Regions invaded our Dalong frontier, killed our Dalong subjects, and committed unjust actions!"

"My emperor is so angry that he bestows on me, Liu Mingzhi, the commander of the Western Expedition Army to conquer you and other countries. It has been a year and July is finally the end of the war!"

"China has great etiquette, so it is called Xia!"

"There is the beauty of the badge, it is called Hua!"

"China is also a land of etiquette! The Three Emperors, Five Emperors, Qin Huang, and Han Wu have continued to rule until now, and they are all known as the state of etiquette. However, the power of heaven cannot be violated, and the dragon has reverse scales. If you touch it, you will die. My celestial dynasty always pays attention to people. Prisoner; if someone offends me, I will commit crime!"

"Our country, China, has loved peace since ancient times. A warlike country will surely perish, but if you forget the war, you will be in danger. This battle is to show you that anyone who violates our heavenly power will be punished no matter how far away!"

"The commander-in-chief's expedition to the west has lasted for one year and seven months. In the places he has passed and the land he has visited, he has never used the butcher's knife rashly, and he has convinced people with reason!"

"You kings must be well aware of the lessons learned from the past and the guide for the future. Don't repeat the road of the previous kings. The Silk Road has been reopened. The countries in the Western Regions and Dalong have peaceful business exchanges. If you and other countries dare to add swords to our Han family The common people will destroy the city and perish the country!"

"Let us learn from the past!"

"We will obey the order of the dragon!"

"On the map!"


The personal soldiers carried a heavy screen with a huge map hanging on it, recording all the 36 countries in the Western Regions and putting them in the hall.

"The Protectorate of the Western Regions was changed to the Protectorate of Anxi, and the 38 countries in the Western Regions were ordered. Don't dare to disobey. Those who violate it will perish!"


Everyone looked at each other hesitantly.


"Yes, follow the orders of the dragon!"

"King of Dawan, King of Wusun, King of Da Yuezhi!"

"Little Wang is here!"

"You wait for the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms to continue their westward expedition to Anxi and Kangju in the two countries. The rest of the countries, large and small, will send [-] elite soldiers to assist the two sides. When I come to the Anxi Protectorate next time, I hope that the Anxi and Kangju countries have been included in Anxi. Within the map of the Protectorate!"

"For the Western Expedition, weapons and armor, all will be provided by Dalong, and the matter of food and grass will be up to you to decide!"

"Yes, Xiao Wang waits to obey the order!"

"The commander-in-chief hereby announces the transfer of defense. You will send 38 elite soldiers from each of the [-] countries to garrison each other's border cities. Before the arrival of the commander-in-chief of the Anxi Protectorate, you must not transfer the garrison troops without authorization!"

Most of the 38 kings trembled. They didn't understand that this was Liu Mingzhi's plan to let them supervise each other, but they had to agree to this request.

How can there be dignity in a defeated country!

"We obey the order!"

"If the number of cities in the 37 countries is five or more, divide them into one city, and transfer troops from each other to vacate the adjacent cities on the eastern front for Gumo Kingdom. The soldiers leave and the people stay, and if there are less than five cities, don't say anything about it!"


The 37 kings looked enviously at Gumo Rongrong, who had replaced the previous King Gumo. As long as they got the city assigned to Gumo, Gumo would become one of the most powerful countries in the Western Regions.

Leaving the people behind means that in just ten years, all the city guards can be provided for the Gumo Kingdom, and with the support of the big dragon, these cities will be empty within ten years and no one dares to occupy them.

"The place to supervise the construction of the Duhufu was chosen on the ancient silk road between the Loulan Kingdom and the Gumo Kingdom. You and other 36 countries contributed one-tenth of their national strength to build the Duhufu!"

"Follow the order!"

"You conquer the two countries of Anxi and Kangju, and you don't want the land of the great dragon. All of them will be merged into your rule. I hope you kings will not slack off this matter!"

"Yes, thank you, Marshal Liu!"

Everyone finally heard a piece of good news, especially the three kings of the Da Yue clan in Dawan, who were forced to send troops under the pressure of Liu Mingzhi, but now they can benefit from it, and they are all very happy.

Especially the two countries of Dawan Kingdom and Da Yuezhi, they had long thought about Anxi, and they had to stay dormant due to the fact that they were not as powerful as Anxi. Now there is a big dragon to join forces with the three kingdoms, and they want to take Anxi The two countries are not difficult!
"The army is marching out of Gumo country, and all the kings will follow me to watch the ceremony!"

Although everyone didn't understand what watching the ceremony was, they still responded one after another!

On the 32th of June in the fourth year of Ruian, 100 troops from the Great Dragon Expedition to the West, and [-] allied troops from the Western Regions gathered on the ancient Silk Road outside the city of King Gumo!

An immortal monument standing fifty feet high above the ancient Silk Road reveals its true face of Mount Lu in the morning sun.

"Nine thousand miles to the west, the territory of Dalong!"

Ten dazzling characters are engraved on the front of the monument facing the rising sun in the east, announcing the significance of the monument to the world.

Liu Mingzhi was fully armored, wearing a blood-red cloak, with a heavenly sword tied around his waist, stroking the back of the monument with scarlet eyes, and his expression was complicated.

Go west for nine thousand miles, the territory of Dalong!
These ten characters were built with the bones of 7 million people from the Western Regions Allied Forces of 18 dragons on the back of the monument. The bones of [-] dragon soldiers were buried in other places in exchange for the thousands of miles of fertile fields in the Western Regions. They were really piled up with corpses. A monument to rise!
"Marshal, the auxiliary monument has also been erected!"

"it is good!"

"Husband, you are crying!"

"No, the wind and sand is too big to dazzle the eyes, why is this handsome crying! Impossible, it's all the wind and sand that is too noisy!"

Qi Yun's bright eyes were also a little sour, and she took out a handkerchief and handed it to Liu Mingzhi: "I will go to war after 18 years, you promise them!"

Liu Mingzhi cried silently, there were 310 people, some of them didn't even know their names, because they unconditionally trusted him to conquer the Western Regions and stay.

"18 years, brothers! 18 years later, Liu Mingzhi will take you to fight again!"

Returning the handkerchief to Qi Yun and Liu Mingzhi calmed down, "Go, let's go to the auxiliary monument!"

"it is good!"

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

"See Master!"

Even the yellow sand was shaken by the voice of 130 million people, and the sound resounded through the sky and went straight to the sky!

Liu Mingzhi glanced at the invisible army, turned around and knelt down on one knee to look at the content on the auxiliary monument, and shouted out in a hoarse voice.

"Speak to Han Lang!"

"There is no need for hometowns to bury bones, and there are no green mountains in life!"

More than 100 million troops also knelt on one knee.

"There is no need for hometowns to bury bones, and there are no green mountains in life!"

"Sue the Heroic Spirit Book!"

"The mountains and rivers are safe, the country is safe and the people are healthy!"

"The mountains and rivers are safe, the country is safe and the people are healthy!"

The kings of the 38 countries above the city of Gumo were shocked when they heard the loud shouts outside the city. The loss was not wronged. Even the soldiers of their own country obeyed the command of the dragon, so why worry about being undefeated.

"Order Jiang Lei to fire!"

The fifty cannons above the Gumo King City were arranged in an orderly manner, and the sound of the cannon resounded inside and outside the King City.

All the remaining shells were exhausted, except for Gu Mo Rongrong, the other 37 kings turned pale looking at the shell craters outside the city.

It's like being plowed by thousands of oxen, it can be described as a mess.

At this moment, they still don't understand that watching the ceremony is fake, but showing off the great dragon's force is real!

This is a demonstration for myself and others!

Looking at the bomb craters bombarded by the cannons, everyone was terrified. Fifty cannons were like this, what if there were more?

What will happen?

Liu Mingzhi stared at the dazzling sunlight in the sky and smiled slightly.

Time to bring the brothers home!
(End of this chapter)

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