Chapter 915
"Your Majesty, the Western Expeditionary Army of Marquis Liu Mingzhi of Wanhu has arrived fifteen miles away from the capital!"

The chief manager hurriedly ran into the imperial study room holding a letter box.

Li Zheng, who was instructing Li Baiyu to review the memorial, suddenly turned to look at the chief executive with a difficult face of joy.

"came back?"

"Yes, the Western Expeditionary Army has returned with great victory! Lost 38 sons and regained the [-] countries in the Western Regions, and the Western Regions have been included in the territory of Dalong!"

Li Zhengyou hesitated at a loss: "That's great, in two years, the 36 countries in the Western Regions have been recovered in just two years, what an extraordinary feat, what an extraordinary feat!"

The crown prince Li Baiyu also peeked at the chief executive in surprise. It would be a great thing for him to see his brother-in-law return home in a big victory.

The more powerful the brother-in-law is, as long as he shows a little bit of talk, his throne will be almost inseparable.

"Hurry up, call all the civil and military officials who are in the process of grooming to enter the palace to have an audience immediately!"

"According to the order!"


"Your Majesty, the little one is here!"

"Changing clothes for me!"


Eunuch Fu picked up the dragon robe on the hanger and was about to wait for Li Zheng to put it on, but Li Zheng pushed it away: "The formal attire for the great sacrifice, I want to wear the formal attire for the great sacrifice!"

"Yes! Little one, go to the clothes shop to get it!"

Eunuch Fu trotted out of the imperial study room without any hesitation.



"Chuanzhi Zongren Mansion, when the army of the Western Expedition is about to rush to Lin'anmen, the ancestor worship bell is struck six times in a row!"

"Ah? Father, the bell only rings three times for the Spring Festival. Isn't the standard of six rings too high?"

"What do you know? If you are told to go, you go! By the way, the loess pavement road will be started from ten miles away to welcome my western expedition army, and welcome my big dragon Erlang to return in victory!"

"My son obeys the order!"

Li Baiyu put down the vermilion pen in his hand and hurriedly ran towards the outside of the hall, he could feel the joy that his father radiated from the bottom of his heart from the inside out.

Li Zheng, who is nearly fifty years old, no longer has the vicissitudes of life in the past, and has a sense of vicissitudes.

Especially the white hair on the temples is like an old man, the only thing that remains the same is that the eyes are deeper and deeper.

What remains unchanged is the imperial arrogance that rules the world.

Ask the world who is better than me!
"Your Majesty, here comes the suit!"

The bright yellow dragon robe is only worn when worshiping the ancestors or when the emperor dies. It is not like the emperor wears a bright yellow dragon robe all the time like in TV dramas.

Most of the time, the emperor's clothes are mostly black and black.

Li Zheng solemnly put on the Pingtian Crown.

There are two out of ten crowns in the sky, and the crown is made of soap gauze, and the top is called birthday.The material is made of paulownia, and the clothes are made of velvet, with a mysterious appearance and a vermilion interior, with a round front and a rear.

Li Zheng himself forgot how long he hadn't worn the Pingtian Crown. Liu Mingzhi's triumphant return this time was enough to prove Li Zheng's fancy to Liu Mingzhi.

Flicking the bright yellow dragon robe, Li Zheng looked out of the palace with a gloomy look in his eyes: "Show me Lin'anmen!"

"Your Majesty, come to Anmen!"


"I have seen the Generalissimo of the Western Expedition, Your Majesty will come to Lin'anmen to welcome the Western Expedition Army to return in triumph!"

"Liu Mingzhi is very polite, please report your trouble to His Majesty, and I will immediately lead the Western Expeditionary Army to Lin'anmen!"


"Look, Commander, the road is paved with loess, the highest courtesy for a general!"

During the Qing Dynasty, roads were paved with loess, and Qingshuijing Street was often used by emperors to go on tour, which can be said to be a waste of money and people.

However, before the Qing Dynasty, paving roads with loess was not really paved with a layer of loess, but a thin layer of loess was sprinkled to imply respect for the Western Expeditionary Army.

This kind of etiquette has become more and more distorted, and it has become more and more costly.

The current loess road paving only needs a few hundred cavalry to complete, and a kind of etiquette does not depend on the amount of loess.

Liu Mingzhi nodded lightly: "Order the three armies to march forward in formation until the Six Guards Camp Anzha!"


The 32 troops galloped quickly in array, and had rushed to the outskirts of the capital in about half an hour.

Except for a group of important generals, the soldiers of the six guards consciously scattered towards the camp of the six guards guarding the capital.

The triumphant return of the army to the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the Ministry of Households has its own rewards, but if the 32 troops reach the capital, it will be a big deal.

"Detour to the south gate until Lin'anmen!"

Song Qing looked at a group of generals and hundreds of soldiers: "The commander-in-chief has an order to detour to the south gate until Lin'an gate!"


Hundreds of galloping horses galloped up, rolling up waves of smoke and dust, circling the city wall of the capital and galloping towards the south gate.

"The army from the Western Expedition has returned in triumph, and moved away from the army!"

The soldiers and horses guarding the outer city moved away without hesitation, watching with envy hundreds of horsemen galloping into the gate of the city, this is a special honor!
On the Lin'an Gate, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty stood on the city wall and looked towards the south gate.

There were so many people entering the city that hundreds of riders had to slow down and walk slowly.

People lining the road on both sides to welcome came one after another, looking excitedly at Young Master Liu who was rushing in the middle.

"The Grand Marshal is mighty! The Western Expeditionary Army is mighty!"

"The Grand Marshal is mighty! The Western Expeditionary Army is mighty!"

This is a welcome ceremony spontaneously organized by the people. Every time a large army returns in triumph, the people do not need to be informed by the government.


"My son!"

Hearing the familiar voice, Liu Mingzhi turned around and looked, Liu Zhian, Mrs. Liu, the third princess Yinger Qinglian and others were crowded with the crowd and shouted loudly at him, waving their arms.

Young Master Liu's eyes were slightly moist, and he grinned.

Especially when Qinglian stood there safe and sound, the huge rock in Liu Mingzhi's heart suddenly fell down, the emperor was still the tolerant, magnanimous and enlightened emperor in his own impression.

Nodding fiercely to everyone, Liu Mingzhi looked at Murong Shan and Qi Yun and said, "You two find a chance to sneak out and go home first. Your Majesty may not care that you two women are with the army, but the censors don't." It's easy to say, their brains can't turn around, and they can only wrong you two for unnecessary trouble!"

The two daughters of Qi Yun nodded slightly, found a chance amidst the cheers of the common people, leaped into the crowd and disappeared!

The common people were not surprised, thinking that the two personal soldiers had received orders from the Generalissimo to make other arrangements.




The heavy and heavy bells resounded throughout the city from the bell tower of the palace.

One, two, until the aftertaste of the phonograph bell rang again and again, it gradually dissipated and disappeared in the sky.

Liu Mingzhi looked in the direction of the bell tower of the imperial city in a daze. When the kings rebelled against the Kingdom of Jin in the past, the bell for offering sacrifices to the sky only rang six times.

Even the ancestral bell for the Spring Festival Dragon only rings three times!

Liu Mingzhi was a little flattered by the popularity of this specification!
Song Qing also looked at the direction of the clock tower excitedly.

"Marshal, in 32 years, the ancestral bell has not rung six times in 32 years. His Majesty's favor towards you is really envious of others!"

"Don't talk about it, let's talk about it after seeing His Majesty!"

"Okay, the last general can't wait!"

"Report! Your Majesty, Marshal Liu has already passed the Meridian Gate and rushed towards Linanmen!"

Li Zheng looked at Liu Mingzhi who had entered the Meridian Gate and walked slowly towards Lin'anmen, with unconcealable joy in the eyes of hundreds of people. He lifted his clothes and walked under the city wall.

"His Majesty!"

"His Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, slow down!"

A group of ministers followed in a panic, and the last official looked at Liu Mingzhi who was slowly coming under the city wall and sighed silently.

The emperor descended to greet him, I'm afraid that I and others will not have such an honor in this life!
The inner city gate of Lin'anmen opened slowly, Li Zheng hurried out of the city gate and smiled slightly as he watched Liu Mingzhi's face getting closer and clearer.

Naturally, Liu Mingzhi saw that Li Zheng was being hit, and hurriedly grabbed the reins, got off the horse, and quickly went up to meet him.

"The Generalissimo of the Western Expedition, Liu Mingzhi, pays homage to the Emperor Father, and He Dehe Neng, the son-in-law, dares to ask the Emperor to step down and welcome him!"

"Song Qing, deputy general of the Western Expedition Army!"

"Longwuwei General Cheng Kai!"

"Xiaoguowei General Zhou Baoyu!"


"See my emperor, long live long live long live!"

"Free, get up!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

Li Zheng tremblingly helped Liu Mingzhi up and looked him up and down.

"I've lost weight, I've grown stronger, I've suffered a lot!"

"My son lived up to my father's high hopes and led the Western Expedition with 40 troops to recover 38 countries in the Western Regions!"

"Okay, good boy, you and the soldiers have worked hard, let's go to the palace and talk again, go to the palace and talk again!"

"My son obeys the decree, my father please!"

"His Majesty sets out to drive the Qinzheng Palace!"

"Lord Liu!"

Li Zheng sat on Long Huan and rushed towards Qinzheng Palace without hesitation. Jiang Yuanming, Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs, held a piece of black silk and went to Young Master Liu and arched Young Master Liu with his shoulders.

"Old Jiang, what are you doing with a piece of silk? A new court rule?"

Jiang Yuanming looked at First Young Master Liu quietly.


"so what?"

Jiang Yuanming held the silk and satin in front of Young Master Liu and looked at Young Master Liu fiercely.

"If you don't return the money, I will hang you at the door of your house!"

(End of this chapter)

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