Chapter 924
Li Qing put the teacup in his hand on the table beside him: "Brother-in-law is modest, the third sister married as a wife according to the folk custom, she should follow the women's etiquette, pay attention to marrying and obeying her husband, the third sister should not ask her brother-in-law to marry her." Palace business!"

Li Yunping nodded in agreement: "Fifth brother is right, my brother-in-law is too modest. No one in the civil and military courts knows that brother-in-law, you have your father's golden dragon order in your hand. It's commonplace to go in and out of the palace. The palace must be at ease!"

"That's right, Seventh Brother, I went to the palace for a few days to see my father and waited for three father-in-laws to deliver a message before I arrived at my father's imperial study. How can you be like brother-in-law, Jin Longling made one move, and the eunuchs that our brothers usually compliment are still there." I can't help but compliment you, brother-in-law, and invite you into the imperial study with nods and bows, my younger brother is really envious!"

There was a hint of veiled sarcasm and envy in the words of the three of them.

Sometimes in private, several people are wondering who is the father's real son!
Even if Liu Mingzhi marries the third princess, he is only a relative at best, so why should he be more favored by the palace than our own sons!
King Qing drank his tea quietly, watching the four people's confrontation like a honey belly sword, neither interrupting nor disturbing!

The benefits of old age are evident now.

Liu Mingzhi chewed the tea in his mouth lightly: "A few brothers were joking, this Golden Dragon Token came into my brother's hands just at the right time, and my father didn't take it back. Thinking about it, I don't have the money to buy it back. After all, in Jiangnan At that time, it was the goods that the father sold to his brother. In case the father's internal treasury is full one day, he might buy it back. It's really inappropriate to take advantage of it!"

Liu Mingzhi naturally wouldn't go there to guide them if they didn't talk about the issue of feudal clan, wasn't it just a gag?What this young master is best at is making jokes!
How much money we buy, how much money we buy!
The same idea popped up in several people's minds, but no one dared to say it out.

Liu Mingzhi dared to say that on the one hand, his father had indeed sold him the Golden Dragon Token, and on the other hand, he was not afraid of being accused of crimes if he was favored.

The concubines dared to join the royal clan with their weapons. Liu Mingzhi said that buying and selling the Golden Dragon Token was just a matter of dispensation.

If they say so, then yes.
None of them lack gold, gold bars, gold ingots, gold leaves, and gold beans. What they lack is the meaning that gold medals represent.

The meaning of Rudi's presence in person, there is only one gold medal in the world that dares to represent Rudi's presence in person!


After all, King Qing couldn't bear it anymore, and gave the three brothers a signal to signal that they had important business to do.

It would be best to let Liu Mingzhi plead for mercy, after all, once Jiufan will really be insulated from that chair for the rest of his life except for treason!
But it is not so easy to rebel, unless the fiefdom is the six main cities where the six guards of northern Xinjiang are staying, as long as they can win over one general, they will be elite soldiers with [-] powerful troops.

The fighting power of the frontier army was honed from the flames of war, and it was not comparable to those soldiers who had nothing to eat!
However, this kind of thing is just a matter of thinking. As long as the father has a little brain, he will not let his son go to the six cities of Yingzhou to become a vassal!
Originally, the purpose of the prince's vassal was to pave the way for the prince. If he went to a place like Yingzhou, would he still pave the way for the prince?That's embarrassing the prince!
It doesn't matter if it doesn't work, as Liu Mingzhi guessed, if he really had to go to the feudal clan, he would have to bury some grievances between the crown prince and Young Master Liu, the future pillar of the great dragon.

In case something unavoidable happens one day in the future, Liu Mingzhi will support his management in the fiefdom for several years with a wave of his arms, and there may not be a chance to sit on that chair!
Liu Mingzhi raised his brows when he heard King Qing hum.

"Second brother, is your throat uncomfortable or is the tea not to your liking?"

"Second brother likes to drink some clear tea. I think it's brother-in-law, the tea in your house is too strong, and second brother is not used to drinking it!"

"It's a sin, second brother, three brothers, wait a moment, I'll cook a pot of tea myself, if a guest comes to the house and doesn't enjoy the tea, it's the master's fault, wait a moment, I'll come as soon as I go!"

"Third brother no"

"Brother-in-law you"

Before the four of them finished speaking, Liu Mingzhi already walked towards the backyard, without giving the four of them a chance to finish talking!
Liu Song stood quietly aside: "His Royal Highness, the three princes should not see outsiders. The young master just likes to make a fuss over a molehill. In the final analysis, it is the reason of the family tradition of the master's education. It is the master's fault if guests come to the door and are not happy! The young master is too You are very hospitable, and you are distinguished, so the young master dare not neglect, please wait a moment!"

Prince Qing and the others nodded helplessly. Liu Song's words were perfect in this regard, and there was no reason to refute at all!
My young master is hospitable, you are honorable and will personally prepare tea for you so that you can drink it to your satisfaction!

If the host and guest enjoy themselves, the young master will be satisfied!

Li Qing glanced at Liu Song in surprise. After all, he was the personal book boy who grew up with Liu Mingzhi, and his speech was impeccable.

"Brother, when it's getting late, Brother Lao is going to urge brother-in-law. It doesn't matter what kind of tea we brothers drink. The main reason is that we haven't seen brother-in-law for so long and want to catch up with brother-in-law. There is not enough tea, and friendship is priceless!"

The corner of Liu Song's mouth twitched, knowing that the fifth prince wanted to send him away so that he could discuss something privately.

After thinking for a while, Liu Song nodded respectfully to several people: "Your honored guest, wait a moment, Liu Song will go for a while!"

Liu Song put his hands on his dantian and walked towards the inner courtyard, leaving the main hall to the four King Qing brothers!
"Second Brother, why don't you talk about the tea issue carefully, before you get to the point, brother-in-law is looking for an excuse to slip away!"

"Yes, second brother, didn't you give your brother-in-law an excuse when you said the tea was not good?"

King Qing put the tea on the table helplessly: "This king speaks catchy and loud, does it seem that his throat is uncomfortable? I said that my throat is uncomfortable, and he will say that I will make some ginseng tea for treatment. This is a no-brainer." The question is, is what the king said wrong? He deliberately wanted to slip away!"

The three of Li Yunping opened their mouths and finally sat down on the chair without a word and sighed to themselves!
"Second brother, fourth brother, seventh brother, I think there is probably no hope for this matter. My brother-in-law is deliberately pretending to be confused. If he can't guess our purpose, how can he be in Liubu Shangshu, Wu Guogong, these old foxes The middle is like a fish in water? You can deal with these old foxes with ease, and the rest of us are still too tender!"

Li Zhi looked at the fifth brother Li Qing with a complicated expression: "Just go back to the house in such a despondent manner? In that case, you will really leave Beijing in February! Are you willing? The third brother is the best example. After so many years of operation, he was transferred to Jingzhou by his father with just a paperwork, and a group of officials under his rule were also killed and exiled, and everything had to start all over again! The past is the teacher of the future, and the third brother is the last Bright example!"

King Qing slapped the table fiercely: "Father is too unfair, they are all his own flesh and blood, why should the boss take all the benefits!"

Li Yunping shrugged casually: "I don't care if I'm a feudal or not. Anyway, in the eyes of my father, I'm a mediocre person who can't do anything. I just came with you because I couldn't bear to be with my concubine!"

(End of this chapter)

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