Chapter 926
"Brothers, I've been waiting for a long time. Tea is an elegant thing. Naturally, it can't be sloppy. I boiled it three times to get the most suitable tea!"

"It's work!"

The few people were as anxious as ants on a hot pot and had to laugh along with them.

"Pour tea for my four brothers!"

"It's Grandpa!"

"Come on, good third brother, sit down and eat slowly, don't rush to finish eating!"

Elder Young Master Liu sat on a chair holding the rope by which he was sworn brother Brown, and casually tossed a piece of roasted leg of lamb to the third younger brother, allowing the third younger brother to eat it under his protection.

"Brother-in-law, what does this mean?"

King Qing stared in astonishment at the brown boy who was lying next to Young Master Liu's leg and obediently nibbled on the leg of lamb. He didn't know what Young Master Liu was doing with a dog while receiving guests!
The three of Li Yunping looked at the brown boy next to Young Master Liu's legs, and their hearts trembled. The biting dog didn't bark. After the brown boy came to Liu's house, the food was obviously good. It really looks a bit majestic and mighty!

"Sigh, you guys don't know. It's all caused by drinking and losing morals. In the past, I just came back from Jiangnan and this guy just came back from the western expedition. If you want to talk about fighting, after all, it's blood for alliance. Worshiping a brother, he is ignorant and I have to be ignorant!"

"Brothers, let's talk about ours, as if it doesn't exist, what should we say!"

The four of them looked at Young Master Liu with weird expressions, they really didn't know what to say, they sworn brothers with the dog, and looking around the world, there was Young Master Liu, who bastard could do such absurd things!

Well, it can't be said that there is no such thing. The young master of Song Yu's family, Minister of the Ministry of War, Song Qing, the commander of the imperial guards, is the eldest of the three brothers.

Young Master Liu is really not the only one with Scorpion Tail.

Brother-in-law's sworn brother, isn't this king
The brother-in-law's sworn brother, the prince, doesn't he want to
The four of them hurriedly shook their heads, and expelled the scene of exchanging cups with a dog as brother and brother in their minds.

Absurd, it is incomparably absurd, how can anyone call a dog brother or brother, it is simply insulting to the family!

"Drink tea, drink tea, second brother, can you taste the tea made by younger brother himself?"

King Qing withdrew his gaze from Brown Boy and took a sip of the tea with a stiff face, and nodded hurriedly without tasting anything.

"Good tea, it's really good tea, I didn't expect my brother-in-law's tea art to be so noisy!"

"Yeah, it's almost three points better than the craftsmanship of the tea ceremony master!"

"That's right, sweet and sweet, with endless aftertaste!"

Li Qing put down his teacup and sighed faintly: "Poor my four brothers, I don't know if I can still drink the tea that you made yourself, brother-in-law!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at the four brothers who were pretending, and said hypocrisy in his heart.

This young master himself doesn't even know that this servant brewed the tea, it's miraculous that you guys are able to drink it out!
However, Li Qing's words completely opened up the topic of Jiufan, Liu Mingzhi put down his teacup and thought secretly, and finally switched to the topic!
I feel a little regretful in my heart, but I can't avoid it after all!
"Fifth brother's words are too pessimistic. My brother is in his early twenties. Fifth brother, you are just a weakling. If you want to drink the tea made for your brother, there will be opportunities in the future! How can you say it as if you are dying?"

"Brother-in-law, you don't know. The second brother and the younger brother will leave Beijing in February next year. I don't know if there will be a chance to return to the old place in their lifetime. Naturally, I will never be able to drink the tea that you made yourself!"

King Qing also sadly echoed: "Fifth brother is right. Brother-in-law, you just came back from the expedition and you don't know what happened in the capital. It's only natural that the emperor has ordered the four brothers to leave the capital in February next year and go to the feudal domain! The mountains are high and the rivers are far away in the capital. Without the emperor's order, you are not allowed to enter the capital without authorization. Maybe this trip will be a farewell to you, brother-in-law. Alas, I have not fulfilled my filial piety to my mother and concubine before leaving Beijing. The pain in my heart is indescribable!"

The seventh prince, Li Zhi, looked at First Young Master Liu with a sad face: "Brother-in-law, my younger brother is only this year, and he is going to leave his mother and concubine to go to the domain. The third sister loved my younger brother so much when she was a child, and the younger brother has not yet repaid her kindness. Can my brother-in-law talk to my father?" Let’s talk about it, let the younger brother wait for two years before going to the feudal clan, at least let the younger brother repay the kindness of mother and concubine’s upbringing, and the love of the third sister!”

Liu Mingzhi looked at the four brother-in-laws who were sobbing and almost weeping one by one, with strange expressions.

Oscar owes you a statuette!
"Second brother, three brothers, it is a rule set by Gaozu when the prince goes to the fiefdom. The four of you are all grown-ups. It is only natural for you to go to the feudal domain. I am a soft-spoken person, and there are very few important officials who have made good friends in the court. Little, I'm afraid I can't change Father's determination by myself!"

"Besides, go to Jiufan every year during the Spring Festival, according to the usual practice, the princes of the feudal clan will enter the court meeting in Beijing. If you want to drink tea then, the gate of the Liu Mansion is open for you at any time!"

"As for the matter of the mothers and concubines, according to the usual practice, the mothers and concubines can go to the son's fief for a month to stay in touch with the family, and then the brothers can naturally do their best to be filial!"

Prince Qing and the others had unnatural expressions on their faces, they never expected Liu Mingzhi to understand so clearly the affairs of the vassal king and the vassal!

"Brother-in-law, even though that is the case, brothers and I still want to serve my mother and concubine at all times. I am a great dragon who governs the country with filial piety. As princes, we must set an example for the people of the world!"

"That's right, brother-in-law, what the second brother said is right. The lamb has the grace to kneel to his mother. How can we be inhuman as sons of man? I hope brother-in-law, you can speak nice words to the emperor, so that we brothers will wait two years later." Go to Jiufan, and repay the mother, concubine and father for their upbringing!"

Young Master Liu looked helplessly at the four brothers, brother-in-law, brother-in-law, as long as you have any humanity, you should leave now.

Lian'er, Yan'er, and Ying'er are still waiting in the room for my young master, Sanfeng. San Que plays mahjong, you are anxious for your own affairs, and this young master understands!

But can you understand my difficulties, it has been seven years, almost seven years, this young master waited for such a golden opportunity, do you have the heart to spoil my good deeds like this?
Glancing at the incense candle next to the timer, Liu Mingzhi cleared his throat: "Four brothers, it's not that Liu Mingzhi doesn't want to help, it's because I'm the only one who can't convince Father. The sky is high and the birds fly, the sea is wide and the fish leap, and the whole government is in charge of the people's livelihood, isn't that good?"

The four of them looked at Young Master Liu who was pretending to be confused while pretending to be confused. We don't want to go to Fanfan because everyone can see it, and it's not because of that chair!
King Qing winked at the other three brothers: "Brother-in-law, it's getting late, and we can't enjoy ourselves sitting in the living room and talking in the cold, how about treating my brother to Tianxiang Tower?"

"That's right! Brother-in-law, there are a few new arrivals in Tianxiang Tower recently. Their looks are simply indescribable. I don't know how many rich children in the capital are waiting for them. As long as you like them, I can decide to send them to you." I will serve you at your house!"

What the fifth prince said was a bit overwhelming, which made Liu Mingzhi look sideways!
With a thought, the property of Tianxiang Tower cannot be the property of this fifth prince who lives in a simple way!
(End of this chapter)

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