Chapter 934 Greed for money and bad deeds (for all monthly passes)

First Young Master Liu rubbed his head and got up from the ground, it's not so wild if you dare to love and hate!

Liu Mingzhi had no time to care about Huyan Yunyao's expression when he was looking at him, the scene of Hu Yanyu slashing at him with a knife involuntarily appeared in front of him while leaning on the chair.

I couldn't help but shuddered.

Huyanyu, because King Huyan, Huyanzhuo, did not send troops to Jin Kingdom to rescue his sister, Huyan Yunyao, killed Laozi Huyanzhuo in a fit of anger, of course Young Master Liu has heard of it.

This guy is just a sister-in-law, if he knows what happened today, even if Huyan Yunyao took the initiative, he will be forced to accept the kiss of his junior brother.

Do you expect a girl-controlled guy to tell you these truths?
To explain the truth to you, you have to kill you first and then talk about it when you are burning paper money.

Liu Mingzhi didn't think that the relationship between him and Hu Yanyuzhi as friends could be compared with the relationship between him and Lao Tzu Huyanzhuo.

My father, the prince, killed me without blinking an eye, so how can I make friends with you?
"Senior brother, you bit Yun Yao's lip, and the blood of the golden family of the grassland tribe flows in your body. Now you can't even renege on your debt!"

Young Master Liu stared at Huyan Yunyao with sly eyes in astonishment. What teacher told you that the other party's blood is flowing, just bite off the other party's lips. You call him out, and I promise not to beat him to death!

Sighing helplessly, First Young Master Liu waved his hand: "Brother, even if you ask me ten more times, I still can't answer your question of what love is in the world. In my heart, you are always just my brother. We are from the same school." There is only brotherhood between teachers and brothers, but don’t talk about the love between children and children!”

"That's not necessarily the case. There is a saying in Dalong that a good girl is afraid of clinging to her husband. My younger sister thinks that a good boy may not be afraid of clinging to a girl. Men want women to be separated from each other, and women want to be separated from men. It's up to you whether you accept it or not, Yun Whether Yao follows you or not is Yunyao's business, none of us will disturb anyone!"

Young Master Liu looked at Hu Yanyun Yao confusedly, why don't you be an official and study these common sayings.

"Are you grassland girls all so wild? With your beauty, you stand on the street and grab a lot of men who want you to marry you. Why do you treat me like a married woman alone?" Why is your husband so caring?"

"Weak water is three thousand, and Yunyao only takes one scoop!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Huyan Yunyao with embarrassment on his face: "I'm deadheaded. In the view of the Dalong people, being a brother is already an unclean body of 'remnant flowers and willows'. Being a brother is not only ruined by his wife, but also by several ladies." It's a waste, you majestic princess, if you have no problem with your eyes, you won't fall in love with such an unclean man like me!"

"In Yunyao's heart, senior brother is a lotus flower that emerges from the mud but is not stained!"

"Cough cough."

First Young Master Liu hastily wiped the drink from the corner of his mouth: "Thank you for giving Brother Wei a high opinion, but Brother Wei still wants to tell you that Brother Wei is willing to accompany you to the end when you drink, and Brother Wei can only leave first if you want to talk about love!"

Huyan Yunyao glanced at Young Master Liu faintly: "I'll accompany you to the end, do you have the strength? My little sister doesn't mind being knowledgeable!"

Liu Mingzhi almost didn't come up in one breath, and I kept telling myself that Huyan Yunyao must be talking about the topic of drinking capacity, and I really don't have the strength.

Otherwise it would be too wild!It's just an unrestrained wild horse!

The queen is domineering enough in front of her, and she has never been so bold and outspoken about such a sensitive topic!

"Little Er, check out!"

"Junior brother, we are still cooking soup at home, so let's take our leave first!"

"and many more!"

"Just say what you have to say, forget about those words, I can't bear it!"

Huyan Yunyao took out a golden machete inlaid with various precious gemstones from behind her skirt, walked in front of First Young Master Liu, and quietly stared into Liu Mingzhi's eyes.


Young Master Liu stared eagerly at the inlaid gems on the golden knife, it was definitely a first-class treasure.

"Junior brother, it's really too much to court if you can't use a knife. Even if you kill your brother and brother, you can't answer your question!"

"How could Yunyao be willing to hurt you, senior brother? If senior brother really has no intention of Yunyao, why would he teach Yunyao the Dragon Gate Great Formation and several exquisite grand formations without reservation? You must know that no matter where this kind of Odd arrays are untold secrets!"

Huyan Yunyao remembered that Young Master Liu had no reservations and didn't care about his identity when he was at the Jinguo Welcome Station, and there was a hint of affection in his eyes that couldn't be concealed.

"Senior Brother doesn't know why it started, but how does Senior Brother know that everything has a cause, and love has a cause, so why does Senior Brother not want it but cause and effect!"

"The devil knows you"

Young Master Liu didn't know what to say anymore. If she told Huyan Yunyao that she had heard those formations from storytelling, she wouldn't take it seriously at all. Telling her was just telling a story to amuse the boring time in the Jin Guo Posthouse. Huyan Yunyao definitely didn't believe it.

Because Dalong didn't have those storytelling books, Huyan Yunyao wouldn't believe it even if he said it!

The key point is that Liu Mingzhi never imagined that Huyan Yunyao could really understand the formation from the formula in the storytelling book, and even asked himself what the Modao Mingguang armor in the formation was.

No wonder Wen Renzheng said that Hu Yanyun Yao was born handsome, which is too handsome.

It made my young master, a formation rookie, look like a battle formation master!
You say you can't, they think you are hiding your clumsiness and being humble.

If you say you can, they will listen carefully and think that you are preaching to them.

Where are you going to reason, the co-author of this young master has to be a pedantic celestial being before you believe it?
But the fact is that Young Master Ben really doesn’t understand anything, it’s not that you came to me with the formation map you researched, I carefully studied how it would be possible to defeat the rebels in the Kingdom of Jin.

What the hell is this, is this young master too stupid or the people nowadays are too smart!
"Brother, would you believe me if I said it was all a misunderstanding? I taught the formation because you are my junior brother, not because you are Huyan Yunyao!"

"Yun Yao fell in love with senior brother not because you are my senior brother, but because you treat me selflessly!"

"What the hell am I saying goodbye!"

Liu Mingzhi didn't spit out a mouthful of old blood in his chest, should he say that he is too attractive?Or should I say that Huyan Yunyao is too young and too blind!
"Wait a moment!"

"Don't wait, if you wait any longer, you will really get entangled, bye bye!"

Huyan Yunyao looked at the treasured knife in her hand unwillingly and chased after Young Master Liu, and directly inserted the scimitar into Young Young Master Liu's back belt when Young Master Liu was not paying attention, and turned around to tidy up the room she had opened luggage.

Liu Mingzhi, who was a little drunk, didn't react.

After Huyan Yunyao left, Liu Mingzhi took off the scimitar behind his back and looked at Huyan Junyao's back speechlessly.

Throw it away, this scabbard seems to be made of pure gold, and the gems are rare gems in the world, Young Master Liu who is short of money is really reluctant to throw it away.

It is definitely worth the money if you deduct it for silver.

Don't throw it away, Liu Mingzhi is afraid that leaving this scimitar will become the golden sword son-in-law of the grassland like some naive boy.

Between money and the son-in-law, Young Master Liu finally chose the temptation brought by money, tried to buckle the gemstones on the golden knife a few times, but it didn't move at all, so he had no choice but to steal the golden knife away.

Master Ben is a little bit rational, but he doesn't dislike too much money.

Anyway, no one knows, if he is beaten to death and refuses to admit it, he will throw it away, how can Huyan Yunyao be able to do it!
Young Master Liu walked towards the house slightly drunk, when a sound of hoofbeats hit Young Young Master Liu, he felt his cheeks moisten slightly, leaving behind a scent of fragrance.

"Jun Yao's son-in-law, you can't escape!"

Young Master Liu touched the lip marks on his face in a daze, took out the golden knife stuffed into his arms in a daze, turned around and looked at the beauty who had been hidden by the wind and snow, his face was crimson and he almost jumped into a rage!

"Young master, let me just say it, being greedy for money is never a good thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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