Chapter 945

"My young master's 1 taels of silver note!"

Young Master Liu walked towards the front yard with a sad face, hunched over and folded his sleeves.

"Brother, as the saying goes, money is hard to earn and shit is hard to eat. It is not easy to earn some money for brother. Don't be so extravagant and clean up brother at once. Leave me some 900 taels!"

The regretful look on his face was as if the young master Liu who patted Qi Liang on the shoulder with his rhetoric was not long ago, and he just didn't want to give his elder brother face, was possessed by someone else's soul!
After arriving at the front yard, First Young Master Liu looked around, and there was no sign of Qi Run, his wife and Qi Liang except for the servants.

Even my sons and daughters were taken away, this is really the rhythm of not returning after spending 1 taels!
Looking sadly at the inner courtyard, First Young Master Liu let out a long breath.

"Stealing chickens won't make you lose money, regret it at the beginning, regret it at the beginning, what do you want to do after getting married, it's not a matter of time, why did the young master spend 1 taels of lust to buy a lesson?"

It was still early and Liu Mingzhi didn't intend to go back to the inner courtyard to feel uncomfortable anymore, so he planned to buy some gifts in the city and go to Dangyang Academy to visit the old man.

I don't know how well sister Yun Shu has practiced playing the flute.

Although it is not perfect, at least it should be able to use it freely!
"Grandpa, do you want to ride a horse?"

"Stop riding, walk to warm your body!"

"Yes, uncle, go slowly! The streets are slippery and be careful!"

Shaking his shoulders, Liu Mingzhi looked at the Governor's Mansion next door. He didn't know if the current governor of Jinling was Kong Dao, ordinarily he should have been transferred after three years!
The current governor of Jinling doesn't know which one it is!
I wanted to go and see, but finally gave up the idea. At this time, visiting the door is like accepting bribes. I don’t have that intention, but it doesn’t mean that others don’t think so!

Liu Mingzhi, who had just walked down the steps of Qi Mansion, stared blankly at the carriage parked in front of him. What's going on, are relatives and friends of his father-in-law Qi Run coming to visit?

"The lower official Gongzhou Inspector Ning Zihan pays his respects to the Imperial Envoy!"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at a figure coming out of the carriage and knelt down in front of him with a plop, but didn't realize what was going on for a while!

"Ning Zihan? A name that sounds familiar! Gongzhou? Ning Zihan, governor of Qingzhou Prefecture Gongzhou!"

It was only then that Liu Mingzhi realized who the person was, and hurriedly bent down to support the person kneeling in front of him: "Lord Ning, get up quickly, my officer, He De, can bear your bowing ceremony!"

"Thank you, sir, imperial envoy!"

Liu Mingzhi looked at Ning Zihan's familiar face and smiled faintly.

Although not very familiar, but after experiencing the incident in Qingzhou Mansion, Ning Zihan and Ning Zihan can be regarded as reunited with old friends.

Traveling now basically relies on horseback riding and car travel. Some people may never see each other for a lifetime, and Liu Mingzhi feels very sad when he sees a person he used to know again.

Passed by too many people in a hurry, how many people will meet again!
"Why did you come to Jinling? You are not the current governor of Jinling, are you?"

Ning Zihan looked at Liu Mingzhi with admiration and nodded heavily: "Master Imperial Envoy, Qingzhou Mansion has been away for four years. Are you in good health? The officials and hundreds of thousands of people in Qingzhou Mansion have been worrying about your health. Later, I learned from the merchants who went to Qingzhou that your lord has not only cured the plague, but also promoted you, and you are finally relieved!"

"Your Excellency let the people of Qingzhou Prefecture succeed in planting winter wheat, and it has also spread to some surrounding states. How many years have passed since the people of Qingzhou Prefecture are full of food again, and after paying taxes, they can eat and drink without worry for a year! The merits of the lower officials have been recorded, and they were transferred from Qingzhou Prefecture to Jinling, a land of fish and rice! The lower officials have been working in Jinling for a year!"

Liu Mingzhi nodded knowingly: "So that's the case, I never told anyone when I went back to my hometown, how did you know?"

"Xiaguan met senior Qi Runqi Yuanwai on the street, and learned from him that after bidding farewell to Qi Yuanwai, Xiaguan hurried to pay respects to the Imperial Envoy, disturbing the Imperial Envoy, and hope that the Lord will not blame him!"

"It's okay, it's okay, Qi Mansion and Governor's Mansion are separated by a wall, it's only natural for you to get closer, Lord Ning!"

"Master Imperial Envoy, please tell the subordinate officials to listen carefully!"

"Don't be like this, I am no longer the Imperial Envoy. It sounds awkward for you to call me like that. If you really don't know how to address me, just call me Master Liu!"

"Yes, the lower official is stupid. In the lower official's heart, the lord is still the good lord who has worked tirelessly and devoted himself to serving the people. All the people in the Qingzhou Prefecture remember the lord's kindness of rebirth! If you have time, the lord can go to the Qingzhou Mansion for a visit. The disaster-prone Qingzhou Prefecture has also become prosperous!"

"Okay, okay, I will definitely revisit the old place when I have time, whether it is Qingzhou or Gongzhou, now that you are an official in Jinling, you must never forget the duty of being an official to benefit one party. Gods, people have steelyards in their hearts, and you can't go against your conscience whether you are a man or an official!"

"My lord has always kept in mind what my lord taught me when I left Qingzhou. Also, you see, my lord is confused. It's freezing outside here. If you don't mind my lord, please go to the humble house to tell me!"

Liu Mingzhi hesitated for a moment and nodded, it's not too late to go to the old man's place tomorrow!
"Master Ning, how about this, let's find a hotel and sit down, it will be inconvenient to mobilize people if we go to your house!"

"Yes, Mr. Liu, please get in the car and find a restaurant to sit down as an official!"

Liu Mingzhi was not too polite, he got into the carriage and sat down, Ning Zihan gave the driver a few words and got in too!

"Lord Ning, are Miss Ning Shuang and Mr. Gu Qingquan okay? Back then, I secured a matchmaker, and I didn't have time to congratulate myself because of the plague!"

"Thank you for your concern. The little girl and Qingquan are living happily now. The little girl's eye disease was cured by an old fairy who passed by. The year before last, she gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins. This is all thanks to the blessing of the adults!"

"That's good. It's good that lovers will get married eventually. The past is like smoke, and many things are right and wrong. It's less time to meet each other!"

"What your lord said is that I didn't expect that I would have the opportunity to reunite with my lord today. Notices have been posted in all the state capitals of Dalong about your lord's expedition to the west. Be proud of it for a few days!"

"It's ridiculous! It's just a coincidence!"

The two people who met their old friends chatted about homework in different places!

Most of the chats were about Qingzhou Mansion after Liu Mingzhi left. After learning from Ning Zihan that the people of Qingzhou Mansion actually built a longevity monument and a shrine for him, Liu Mingzhi's face was extremely tangled.

It always feels a bit awkward for a living person to set up a shrine. It seems that no one except Wei Zhongxian has set up a shrine!

Although it was a spontaneous wish of the common people, Liu Mingzhi still couldn't accept it, but he couldn't say anything after the matter had passed.

Because First Young Master Liu knew that it was useless to say anything, he was beyond his reach.

"My lord, we're here!"

The coachman's voice came, and the carriage stopped slowly.

"My lord, please get out of the car. The restaurants in Jinling City are definitely not the best here, but this is the place with the most authentic taste. I hope my lord will not dislike the place where I came here!"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the restaurant in front of him with a strange expression on his face.

How come here!
(End of this chapter)

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