Chapter 961 Defamation
After the dynasty was over, the civil and military officials walked towards the outside of the Hall of Qinzheng in an orderly manner.

Only after leaving the main hall can civil and military officials walk together in groups in the palace.

"Your Highnesses, Your Majesty is waiting for your Highnesses in the Imperial Study Room!"

King Qing and the others looked at the chief executive in front of him with a somewhat sad expression: "Thank you for the message, the four of us brothers will go to pay respects to the emperor immediately!"

"In that case, let's leave first!"

Looking at the doubtful eyes of the princes, the chief executive sighed helplessly, fiddling with the whisk and walking towards the harem.

These princes don't have a fuel-efficient lamp!

The fourth prince Li Yunping looked at his brothers with a slightly worried expression on his face.

"Second brother, the emperor father summoned you and my brothers at this time, wouldn't it be to urge us to get married right away?"

"Yeah, second brother, my father told us that we must leave the feudal clan before March, and the end of February is also before March. If we go to the feudal clan at this time, there is really no hope of staying!"

Qing Wang Li Bohong frowned tightly, his thoughts were complicated and unbearable.

"Could it be that the fact that Liu Mingzhi was seconded to the commander today made the emperor unhappy? It's meaningless for us to make random guesses here. Let's go and meet the emperor first!"

The princes had no choice but to rush towards the royal study in the harem.

Whether it's joy or sorrow, you can only know the result after seeing the father, so guessing here is futile.

"My son-in-law pays respects to his father!"

Li Zhengzheng was holding a teapot and watching the crown prince reviewing the memorial, nodding from time to time, apparently satisfied with the crown prince's decision.

"Excuse me! Find a place to sit by yourself!"

"Thank you, Father!"

Li Baiyu glanced at the brothers and then turned his attention to the memorial. These brothers are about to go to the feudal clan, so he just has to pretend not to care.

King Qing and his brothers looked at the eldest brother reviewing the memorial, with more or less admiration in their eyes.

Even though he knew that he was no longer destined for the East Palace position, it didn't mean he didn't envy the eldest brother's position.

Li Zheng leaned against the pillow of the dragon chair with his legs crossed, holding the teapot, without any imperial posture.

He looked at his sons with a faint smile: "How is the preparation for Jiufan's affairs? Have you cleaned up everything that needs to be cleaned up?"

"Thank you, father, for your concern. We have already prepared all the things we have prepared, and we will be filial to my mother and concubine for a few days, and then I am ready to leave Beijing and go to the feudal domain!"

"Bring more doctors to prepare. When you first arrive in the feudal land, you are not acclimatized. If you feel unwell, you can get a timely diagnosis and treatment. After arriving in the feudal land, write a letter to me and your mother and concubine to say that you are safe. I and your mother and concubine can also let go Heart!"

"My son must remember the teachings of my father!"

Li Zheng sighed quietly, looking at his sons with complicated eyes.

He is the king of a country and also the father of several children. Tiger poison does not eat children. There are few parents in the world who do not love their children.

The crown prince is his son, and King Qing is also his child. The palms and backs of his hands are full of flesh, but there is only one throne, and it is impossible not to favor one over the other.

You can't cut the dragon chair into several pieces and distribute it to them. Divide the territory of the world into several pieces and rule it.

Countless soldiers of the ancestors and clans exchanged their lives for the unity. If it was split in their own hands, what face would they have to enter the Li family's mausoleum.

In order to prevent their brothers from fighting each other for the throne after a hundred years, it was a last resort for the sons to go to the feudal clan.

Only in this way can the peace of the world be guaranteed!
"If An Aiqing comes back, it would be great if there is really a large piece of land on the western ocean. By then, it will be bloody to grab back the territory that is almost the same as Dalong's territory!"

Li Zheng murmured silently, one year after Liu Mingzhi went west, An Gouer led the court's sea-going ships to the Western Ocean to make peace with all nations, and he should be back by now.

There is no news at all, and Li Zheng is extremely shocked in his heart. The [-] Dalong subjects will not be swallowed by the vast ocean!

Li Zheng went to the sea himself and knew what kind of turbulent waves were hidden above the seemingly calm sea.

It can be said that there is a crisis everywhere, and the whole army will be wiped out if one is not careful.

The most important thing is that if An Gou'er can't sail back safely, it will be difficult to persuade the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty to continue sailing to the west.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it can move the whole body!

Li Zheng is a very ambitious emperor. He wants to be an emperor through the ages who will expand the territory and lay the foundation for future generations.

Just as Li Zheng said to Mr. Zhou on the ship, there are many emperors on land, but who is the monarch on the sea.

Li Zheng hopes that he can leave something for future generations in his lifetime.

An Gou'er's delay in returning made Li Zheng's heart shrouded in a thick dark cloud. He believed that Liu Mingzhi would not deceive him, and that there were really countless lands on the other side of the ocean waiting for Han Lang to reclaim.

But An Gou'er has not returned for a long time, and there is no strong evidence to persuade the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty and the people all over the world to go west enthusiastically, so how can Li Zheng not be worried!

Putting down the teapot in his hand, Li Zheng gently rubbed his forehead: "You guys must work hard after arriving in the feudal domain, treat the people of Li people kindly, and cooperate with the local officials to cure the people under your jurisdiction. I don't want to see what happened to Yunlong from you again. !"

King Qing's brothers looked at the sharp light in their father's eyes and their hearts trembled. They nodded hurriedly, and all unrealistic thoughts disappeared at this moment.

The father is much older, but the emperor's spirit has not diminished but increased.

Those majestic eyes seemed to be able to see through the minds of the brothers!
Scholars all over the world are saying that the father and emperor abuse power and ministers, and they don't know who they are.

In the past two years, the reputation has improved, but only a few princes who have lived in the deep palace for a long time understand that the father is definitely not the kind of emperor who does not know people.

What he did seemed stupid, but they were all methods that benefited the Li family.

The art of the emperor, if you are not in that position, you will never understand what the art of the emperor is, and you will never understand what the idea of ​​​​the emperor is.

"Zhi'er, you are the youngest among your brothers except the eighth and the ninth who are still underage. What are you dissatisfied with making you King of Ji? If you are dissatisfied with the fief, you can speak up , father will find a way to satisfy you!"

At this moment, Jizhou is not the entire land of Shanxi in later generations, there is only a small Jizhou Prefecture, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is located in a remote place.

The seventh prince, Li Zhi, looked at his father with a tangled and panicked expression: "I have no objection!"

"No, your eyes and reaction tell me that you don't want to go to Jizhou, Fuhai, get the map!"

"According to the order!"

Eunuch Fu took the map and carefully placed it in front of Li Zheng: "Your Majesty, the map!"

Li Zheng looked at Li Zhi and patted the map on the desktop: "Except for the six main cities in northern Xinjiang, choose one yourself, it is my compensation for your little son!"

"Father, the emperor and the son dare not!"

"If you are asked to choose, you can choose, the emperor said in a golden voice, choose!"

"Yes Yes!"

The calmness and calmness of the Seventh Prince Li Zhi no longer existed, and he walked tremblingly to Longan and began to examine slowly.

In the end, he hesitated and pointed his finger at the position of Hengzhou.

Li Zheng pursed his lips and looked at the location of Hengzhou: "You want to be neighbors with your third brother, Hengzhou is Hengzhou!"

"Fuhai, pass the decree to the Ministry of Officials to change the title of the Seventh Prince Jiwang to Hengwang, and entrust the Hengzhou Mansion!"

"According to the order!"

Li Zhi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, father!"

"Princess Anping, Your Majesty is meeting with several princes, you are not allowed to enter without summons!"

"Mr. Zhou, get out of the way. I want to ask my father why he slandered me!"

Li Zheng looked at the palace gate with embarrassment when he heard the third princess's clear and coquettish voice.

"Old Zhou, let Yan'er come in!"

"According to the order!"

"Third princess, please come in, this old slave is being rude!"

(End of this chapter)

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