My wife is number one in the world

Chapter 973 Cutie Looking for Daddy

Chapter 973 Cutie Looking for Daddy
"Little Baibai, do you miss Yue'er?"

The little cutie's eyes were crescent-shaped and she looked at a white snow leopard lying on the ground and pretending to be asleep with a smile. The little cutie raised her immature pink hand and gently stroked the clouded leopard's forehead.

The snow leopard quietly opened one eye, scratched its nose with its paw, and rolled over with its forehead nestled against the little cutie's leg.

If it weren't for knowing that it was a snow leopard, people who didn't know it would really think it was just an oversized cat.

"Xiao Baibai, mother said that you have seen father, can you tell Yue'er whether father is the same as mother?"

The little cutie stroked Yunbao's forehead, looked around furtively, and leaned into Yunbao's prickly ears and whispered: "Is Daddy as strict with Yue'er as Mother, that old hag?"

The little cutie thought she was speaking very secretively, and she didn't even know that the four veiled women's tender bodies on the roof were trembling and their faces were weird. They wanted to laugh but were afraid of showing their traces!
It was four of the Admiral's Twelve Gold Hairpins who had been secretly protecting the little cutie.

Cloud Leopard is the snow leopard that lay at the Queen's feet in the past, and was scolded by the Queen for no reason because of Young Master Liu.

Since the cutie came into the world, the clouded leopard has become the companion animal of the cutie, and has been growing up quietly with the cutie.

Cutie has always called Clouded Leopard Xiaobaibai, but in the past few years, Little Snow Leopard has long since become a mighty and majestic beast. How cute treats it never turns its face.

It is as docile as a house cat. Except for the little cute queen who gets this treatment, the snow leopard who gets close to its territory will immediately arch its body and grin at strangers.

The snow leopard scratched its eyes with its thick paws, and looked at the cutie blankly, obviously not knowing what the little master meant!
The little cutie wrinkled Xiaoqiong's nose, knelt on the gorgeous carpet and lay on the snow leopard's back.

"Oh, Xiao Baibai, Yue'er really wants to talk to Daddy! Last time I looked at him from a distance, I don't know if the words are good or not. I love Yue'er or not. They are all the villains of Dalong, otherwise Yue'er will not It will become the same as now, a child without father's love!"

The snow leopard twisted its back a few times and slowly arched the little cutie down, then stood up and whispered to the little cutie, the leopard looked out of the palace gate.

The cutie looked at the snow leopard with a grin: "You want to take me out to play?"

The snow leopard nodded lightly and rubbed against the little cutie's arm.

"Xiaobai, take me to find Daddy, let's sneak out and find Dalong."

Cloud Leopard circled the little cutie in a circle, bent its strong back and pushed the little cutie onto his body, and sprinted towards the outside of the palace gate.

The little cutie clutched the snow leopard's back tightly and wanted to yell for the clouded leopard to stop, but Linglong's big eyes were full of anticipation again. Is Xiaobai going to take her to find her father?
The faces of the four golden hairpins on the roof changed in surprise: "Go and inform Your Majesty, the two of us are going to protect Princess Yue!"


The clouded leopard galloped in the palace of the Kingdom of Jin, and some imperial guards did not stop them. It has long been common for the snow leopard to wander around the palace with Princess Yue on its back.

"Xiaobai, run to the left, you can leave the palace over there!"

The snow leopard whimpered twice and ran towards the left.

The two gold hairpins of the admirals followed behind and chased this person with lightness kung fu, of course they would not do this normally, but they heard what the little princess said just now, and they went to the dragon to find their father, which was fine.

Regardless of whether it is true or false, it cannot be treated carelessly!
In the Shangshu room, the empress stared at Admiral Jinchai's agent standing in front of her in astonishment: "What are you eating? Immediately order Jinshuang to stop Yue'er!"


Just as the two young gold hairpins were about to fly away, the empress suddenly raised her wrists: "Wait a minute!"

"His Majesty!"

The queen wandered barefoot on the snow-white carpet, half a cup of tea and the queen looked at the two nobiles quietly: "Yue'er really said to herself that she wanted to find her father?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, Princess Yue told Snow Leopard that she missed her father, and then Snow Leopard carried Princess Yue on her back and flew out!"

The empress looked a little hesitant and finally seemed to have made up her mind: "It's good to go to Dalong to see and see, you all come here with your ears, I have something to tell you!"

"According to the order!"

The queen whispered into one person's ear, and the spies nodded from time to time, and after a while, the spies nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, your subordinate understands!"


"Subordinates retire!"

Huier looked at the queen worriedly: "Your Majesty, you don't really intend to let Princess Yue go to Dalong alone, do you? She's too young!"

"The flowers in the house will never grow big. It's good to go to see and see. It's not necessarily a good thing to read all the time. It's time to let her relax!"

"What if Princess Yue really finds Master Liu?"

"Fei Xiong will arrange it. Giving Yue'er a little motivation is ten times stronger than my nagging orders. Don't think I don't know that this unfilial daughter calls me an old witch in private!"

Hui'er was stunned and laughed dumbly: "Your Majesty, Princess Yue is also childlike, and it's only natural for children to complain!"

"It's not as good as it is, the child Yue'er's heart has always been tied to his father, let her take a sneak peek, maybe that heartless heart will come back to the Kingdom of Jin with her as soon as his heart softens!"

"Does Yudie and the others have enough people? Do you need Huier to send more people?"

"Enough is enough. Too many people will let this little clever ghost find out that something is wrong. Let the emperor order some state capitals in southern Xinjiang to pay attention at all times. If there is an unavoidable crisis after arriving in Dalong, it will be his father. Is he really fond of Yue'er? You can tell if there is a crisis, but it's only when there is a last resort that the father and daughter will recognize each other!"

"Hui'er understands!"

The empress slowly sat on the dragon chair: "Hui'er, even my daughter is being used, isn't I being too cruel, the tiger's venom doesn't kill me!"

"His Majesty."

"You go back first, I want to be quiet for a while!"

"Hui'er resigns!"

"Yue'er, mother has always loved you, I hope you will understand mother's difficulties when you become sensible in the future, you are destined to be born in the royal family and you will not be able to live a carefree life!"

The little cutie rode on the snow leopard and looked at the gate of the capital of the Kingdom of Jin behind him in surprise, and patted the snow-white neck excitedly.

"Xiaobai, we really came out, isn't the old demon mother too busy to notice us?"

More than a dozen men and women dressed in ordinary people's clothes pretending to be alive looked helplessly at the cutie, Your Highness, do you really think that your majesty and emperor have relied on their beautiful appearance all these years?
"Isn't it good for us to come out like this? Mother should be worried, Xiaobai, let's go back! Yue'er won't look for Daddy anymore!"

The expressions of a dozen people changed and they looked at the cutie who wanted to go back to the city. One of them took the lead and rushed towards the city gate!
The snow leopard just turned around and walked towards the city gate. The city gate creaked and slowly closed.

Shut up the little cuties, one person and one leopard, outside the city!

The little cutie blinked and looked at the closed city gate with big eyes, a little at a loss.

Is it impossible to go back?
(End of this chapter)

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