Chapter 979
Outside the Honghe Temple, Liu Mingzhi and Song Yu watched the Hongling courier rushing away at eight hundred miles away before walking towards the outside of the Honghe Temple.

"Boy, stop pretending that there are no outsiders now, and tell the old man the truth about what you see is wrong!"

Song Yu stared at Liu Mingzhi calmly and calmly, with a look that I had already seen through.

Liu Mingzhi looked at Song Yu in amazement, and looked at Song Yu with unwavering eyes: "What does uncle mean by this? My nephew doesn't quite understand it!"

"Ha ha."

Song Yu shook his head and sneered twice, raised his hand and patted First Young Master Liu on the shoulder: "Your Majesty has been staring at the sand table and didn't find anything wrong with you. The expression in your eyes that suddenly shrank when I was checking the letter was clearly seen by the old man." , Tell me, you must have found something wrong!"

Liu Mingzhi smiled resentfully and rubbed his nose helplessly: "Uncle, your eyes are really sharp enough, my nephew has indeed found something wrong!"

"Tell me!"

"The situation faced by the old man is exactly the same as the strategy used by the boy to attack the Che Shi country during his westward expedition. First cut off its food and grass, and then raid its sub-city, gradually oppressing the defense line of the Che Shi country, making it difficult to care about. The old man The strategy encountered is exactly a copy of my nephew's attack on Che Shiguo, and it is even better than blue, some people learn from my way of using troops, and they have a deep study of my way of using troops!"

Song Yu stared at Liu Mingzhi closely: "Are you sure!"

"The boy can be sure that this is the scheming of the kid, and the scheming of this person's copy is even more outstanding, but it always feels childish, just like a child learning to speak!"

"What do you mean?"

"If the boy is the person behind this mysterious army, he will definitely not put away his number when he uses scheming. He can pretend to be a tribe at will, and he can bring disasters to others, especially if he directs disasters to his opponents, it will kill two birds with one stone. Uncle, be careful Thinking about the content in the battle report and what my nephew said to you, how do you feel?"

Song Yu pondered for a while and looked at Liu Mingzhi clearly: "It's like being a thief with a guilty conscience and wanting to cover up, usually only children are like this. You wouldn't say that the person behind this mysterious army would be a child, right?"

Liu Mingzhi smiled lightly and smacked his lips: "It's not impossible! It's just that I really can't figure out what kind of kid would be so interested in my way of using soldiers, and have the tendency to sneak attack on the location of the Rongwei Houfeng camp Choosing the northwest side of Bortie Department, which is an excellent place with the right time, place and people, even if I think about it myself, it will take me a while to confirm it. Is the child so against the sky now? Or is my nephew already old!"

"It is indeed a treasure land of geomantic omen. Whether it is Bortie under the rule of King Shibisi, Huali Mubu, or the King's Court of Huyan who is going west, they all have inseparable ties, but there is also proof that they can't do it. Is it really true? The divine soldiers and generals have attacked the Qianfeng Battalion in a sneak attack!"

"Uncle, the impossible is the easiest thing to happen. This is what the mysterious army will definitely do. Your Majesty will definitely order the defenders in Ganzhou to support the team that is escorting food and grass from the front line, and drive away the 3 troops of unknown origin!"

"Do you have any better strategies to deal with the enemy? You must know that the situation over Wanbuhai is not very good!"

"Uncle, just put your heart in your stomach. All the people behind the scenes are doing is to delay the old man's process of recovering Heshuo and the two places. The reason why these 3 people didn't do anything is probably to preserve their strength!"

"Spith King's Court, Huyan King's Court, and the Kingdom of Jin are all possible, but it's really troublesome!"

"My little nephew went back to meditate for two days. It is really impossible to send a letter to the old man, so that he can shrink the soldiers and not divide them too loosely. It is not a problem to deal with a mere 3 people, but the opponent's behavior of running away when he can't beat him will make the old man It's a headache!"

"Okay, you go back first, the old man will go to His Majesty to explain the situation!"

"Little nephew bid farewell, let's go back home first!"

After the two separated, Liu Mingzhi rode back home alone!
"Master, you are back!"


Liu Mingzhi handed the reins to Liu Song and walked towards the study in the inner courtyard. Now he had to think carefully about which side this mysterious army came from.

Especially this person behind the scenes makes me very afraid, why does this person care about me so much, and understands his way of using troops so thoroughly.

The queen's all-powerful appearance flashed in front of Liu Mingzhi's eyes, and she was eliminated by Liu Mingzhi in just a moment. The queen's personality would never resort to such a trick!
People may change, but they certainly won't change so much!

Taking out a map from the study room, Liu Mingzhi sat in the pavilion drinking herbal tea and thinking quietly.

After watching the tea cup after cup for a long time, Liu Mingzhi still didn't have the slightest idea. He had sorted out all the routes about Heshuo himself, and he couldn't guess who was behind the scenes to make it so seamless!
"This must be someone who knows this young master very well. Who are you?"

Liu Mingzhi was muttering to himself, when a small head suddenly appeared on the map, startling Young Master Liu, and poured all the tea on his clothes.

"Hee hee hee"

The little cutie turned her head and her eyes completed the crescent shape, quietly watching Young Master Liu motionless like a stake!
"Who are you when come to you. You."

Liu Mingzhi looked at the cutie in a daze, and didn't say anything even after you have been there for a long time!
The little cutie smiled and stretched out her index finger to point at Liu Mingzhi's, and Liu Mingzhi involuntarily stretched out her finger to point at the little cutie's index finger.

The two index fingers touched together, Liu Mingzhi's body shook, and he looked at the cutie with complicated eyes. This feeling is really strange. Who is this little girl carved in pink jade in front of her?

Why does my heart tremble when I see her!
Hastily put down the map in his hand, Liu Mingzhi squatted in front of the cutie: "Son, what's your name? How did you come to Liu's house?"


The cutie smiled twice, turned around and lay down on the map that Liu Mingzhi put on the table, and slowly looked at it, without any intention of answering Liu Mingzhi!
"Son, tell me, what's your name? Who is your mother?"

Liu Mingzhi walked around in front of the cutie and leaned over to observe the cutie's appearance quietly!

The little cutie giggled a few times at First Young Master Liu, then buried her head on the stone table and stared at the map.

"Could it be dumb? Is this child?"

"Dumb girl, why did you run out? Brother, you are here too. The dumb girl didn't cause you any trouble, right? This child ran around just after she came in. I will definitely teach her a lesson!"

Liu Mingzhi watched Wanyan Feixiong walking towards the cutie in surprise: "Feixiong, who is this little girl? Why is she at my house?"

Wanyan Feixiong scratched his head and laughed: "Brother and younger brother are going to talk to you, she is a mute who can't speak, and I don't know what her name is, so if you name a dumb girl at random, she will laugh." Xixiao can't say a word, and was almost sold to a brothel by a human trafficker, and I bought it as a servant girl when I met it on the road, and it was considered a way of life for her!"

With sharp eyes, Liu Mingzhi lingered on Xiaocutie and Wanyan Feixiong a few times and let out a slight sigh: "Dumb girl!"

"Yes, she's called Dumb Girl. My younger brother bought her because he thought her eyes were very similar to yours, so he felt compassion for her."

Liu Mingzhi didn't answer Wanyan Feixiong, but quietly watched the little cutie remain motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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