Chapter 995

"Yue'er, can you understand a map?"

After the father and daughter came out of Tianxiang Tower, after a few rounds of shopping in the street, the sky had already dimmed, and Young Master Liu had to take the cutie back home to rest!
Although the little cutie who was still thinking about it had strong dissatisfaction, she finally agreed to go home with her father to rest after Young Master Liu signed a series of unequal treaties!
For the whole day, Liu Mingzhi didn't have time to think carefully about the battle report about recovering Heshuo because of the cute thing!

He wanted to put the little cutie in Liu Yiyi's room with the three of them to live together for one night, so that the four sisters could promote each other's relationship, but as soon as Young Master Liu let go, Little Cutie stared at Young Master Liu with big eyes and tears in his eyes!
It was as if Young Master Liu had done something outrageous and shameful!
In desperation, Liu Mingzhi had no choice but to carry the cutie back to his study and let the cutie play by himself while thinking!
At first, the little cutie looked up and down in Daddy's study with great interest, but it became boring over time.

Looking at Young Master Liu, who was sitting on a chair and staring at the map in deep thought, the little cutie walked around the chair for a few times, then got into Young Master Liu's arms, lay down on the table, and stared at the map on the table with his father. Get up!
Little cutie nodded heavily when she heard First Young Master Liu's question, twisted a few times, took out the fine silk map from her arms, and handed it to daddy!

"Yue'er found Daddy's house just by looking at the map!"

Liu Mingzhi stared blankly at the map in Little Cutie's hand: "Yue'er is so powerful, she can even read the map!"

"Hee hee. Yue'er can not only understand the map, but also remember all the locations on the map. It took a long time for Yue'er to memorize all of them in her heart!"

"Really, then look at what position Dad is looking at!"

Liu Mingzhi thought that the little cutie was completely childish, so he didn't think too much about it. He held the little cutie on the snake stick and pointed to the map on the desktop!

The little cutie poked her head out to look at the huge map on the table and watched it!
"This is Dalong Ganzhou, Heshuo Hetao between Yingzhou and the Turkic Shibis Royal Court, and the Bortie Department of the Shibis Royal Court is stationed! Now Dalong seems to be fighting with the Turks because of these two lands. The Imperial Court of Spies launched a battle for territory!"

Liu Mingzhi gasped and looked at the cutie in his arms in amazement, it really is a person who cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea water cannot be measured!

My daughter's talent has simply exceeded all my expectations!
"Yue'er knows a lot. Dad tested Yue'er. Which side does Yue'er think will win the final victory in Heshuo and Hetao? Dalong or Shibis Royal Court?"

The little cutie pursed her lips and thought for a moment, raised her head and looked at First Young Master Liu, with a trace of hesitation in her small eyes!
"Yue'er doesn't know!"

"It's okay. Daddy won't blame you if Yue'er says something wrong. Daddy is not like your mother, like a menopausal old witch, forcing Yue'er to read and write all day long. How hard it must be for Yue'er!"

"It should be Dalong who wins!"

"Oh? Should? Why use the word "should"? Yue'er doesn't know yet, but the current King of Spies is beset by enemies from both sides. In the east, there is the Huyan tribe, who is overwhelmed by Mount Tai, attacking the frontiers of King's Court of Spies. In the southwest, 30 cavalry from Dalong went deep into Heshuo and launched a thunderous offensive against its local garrisons. Forget it, it’s because Dad is confused, and you won’t understand what I’m talking about!”

Liu Mingzhi couldn't stop the topic while he was talking, and directly told the little cutie about the battle situation he analyzed in detail, and he only realized it later, how could the little cutie understand this!
The cutie put her tender little hand on the map and patted it. The location is on the Tianlang River in the middle of Heshuo, the Boertie Department of Shibisi Wangting and the west of Huyan Wangting!

"Daddy's right. The Shibis royal family struggled to survive in the gap between the Dalong and the Huyan tribes, but whether it's Heshuo or Hetao, it still belongs to the Turkic territory in name!"

"Yue'er is right, it does belong to the Turks now, but it won't be long before these two places will return to the embrace of our Han family. This is the place where our Han people have stained red with blood, how can we not return!"

"Will King Huyan agree?"

"Huyan Royal Court is also attacking Shibis Royal Court, now Dalong and Huyan Royal Court belong to the united front!"

Cutie took First Young Master Liu's hand and drew a big circle on the map: "Father, Heshuo and Heshuo now belong to Turks, and Huyan Royal Court is also Turks!"

"Yue'er, why did you come back after talking about it?"

Liu Mingzhi's tiger body was shocked, his eyes were fixed on the place where the little cute little hands were patted, and he was in a daze!
"Father, when Yue'er was studying in the palace, the teacher taught Yue'er that brothers fight against the wall and defend against foreign humiliation together. No matter how lively the battle between the Shibisi royal court and the Huyan royal court is, Dalong's attack is a foreign enemy." !"

"Yue'er doesn't know what other people think, anyway, Yue'er won't watch her home being captured by outsiders!"

"Yue'er eavesdropped on my mother talking to the emperor's uncle, and my mother told the emperor's uncle that the Huyan royal court will not sit back and watch the Dalong Kingdom recover the two places of Heshuo! No matter what happens between the Huyan royal court and the Shibisi royal court Fighting, but they always keep the same blood, Dalong is the outsider!"

Every word of the little cutie caused huge waves in Liu Mingzhi's heart!
Looking at the division of forces on the map with complicated eyes, Liu Mingzhi muttered in a daze: "Junior Brother, are you really not afraid that Dalong's Northern Expedition Army will divert to attack the rear of Huyan Royal Court?"

"If Yue'er is a member of Huyan King's Court, he will send a surprise soldier from the Tianlang River to warn Dalong's Northern Expeditionary Army. The five major tribes on the frontier of Shibisi Wangting, with a slight detour, can catch off guard against the Dalong army who regained Heshuo. The location is in the area around the Tianlang River and Gulun River on the northwest side of the Borte tribe! No one here knows who the enemy is, because it's too complicated here!"

The little cutie yawned after finishing speaking, turned her little head into Young Master Liu's arms, closed her eyes and fell asleep soundly.

The little hand tightly clutched Young Master Liu's belt and was reluctant to let go, for fear that his father would disappear after waking up!

Liu Mingzhi hugged the little cutie who fell into a deep sleep and remained motionless, staring at the map with a changeable expression.

Sometimes amazed, sometimes doubted, sometimes sighed!
One hour, two hours!

Liu Mingzhi never changed his place from sitting on the west mountain until the moon was rising!
The candles in the study have almost burned out, and the brightness in the study has also become dim!

The crackling sound of the candle brought Liu Mingzhi back to his senses, he looked down at the little cute Liu Mingzhi who was lying in his arms with saliva hanging from the corner of his mouth, Qiongbi stared at Bubbles breathing smoothly, and the back of Liu Mingzhi hunched!
"Yue'er, how does Dad feel that you sent the mysterious army that attacked Rongwei Marquis Cai Jun's vanguard camp? You are only six years old this year. Is it a coincidence or is it true?"

"Have I been too conceited after all these years of conquest?"

(End of this chapter)

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