liu heart

Chapter 111

Chapter 111

The money I asked my mother for in the past is completely different from the money I earn now. The money my mother gave was just money, but the money I earned was scrubbing the trash cans, sweeping the floor with a broom, hard work, sweat, and labor. In exchange.

Seeing that Ding Husong, who was persuaded to go back by himself, was still standing there, he pushed Auntie Xiang: "Did you hear what Auntie Xiang said?"

Ding Husong shook his head in a rare way, put it aside, pushed him like this to his aunt, and he designated those who would say a few strange words or even curse people.

"Then I'm leaving." Aunt Xiang turned and prepared to leave after speaking.

In fact, she was not very willing to face Ding Husong, a little overlord. She felt afraid when she saw Ding Husong, but this time her soul gave her courage.

Ding Husong bit his lip, called out to Aunt Xiang in a muffled voice, and Aunt Xiang stopped and turned around and asked him what else he wanted?

"You gave me your wages, isn't your income today too poor?"

Aunt Xiang didn't expect that Ding Husong was still thinking about her. This was unprecedented, so Miss Ning Xin was right, and Ding Husong could change.

"You cleaned up, I have freed up time to do other things, and I can make money, so don't worry, come back soon!"

Aunt Xiang smiled at him and waved him to go back.

Ding Husong heaved a sigh of relief after hearing her explanation, and walked home with the money in his hand.

Before he reached the door of the unit, his mobile phone rang, and he took it out to see that it was a call from one of his servants.

"Brother Song, how about going out for a drink together tonight? What have you been doing these days, why don't you come to see your brothers?" The little brother on the other end of the phone spoke in a thick and loud voice, which made his ears hurt.

"Where are you going to drink? Who's coming?" Ding Husong asked involuntarily.

"Qiangzi, Agen, me, and Brother Song, let's have a drink together!"

"You wait, I will call you after I go back and change my clothes." Ding Husong involuntarily quickened his steps.

After the little brother over there answered, he blew a whistle.

Ding Husong, who hung up the phone, walked to the door of the unit in a few strides, and flashed into the building.

Walking to the door of the rented room of Lingxin and He Xiaonuo, he subconsciously slowed down his pace, and looked at the closed door, and finally his eyes fell on the money in his hand.

The banknotes that had been crumpled in his hands suddenly felt a little hot.

This is the one hundred yuan he got after working hard yesterday and today. If he went out to drink, it might be gone in a few minutes.

In the past, he wouldn't think about these things. He asked his mother to ask for it, and if he didn't get it, he would make a fuss. When he went out to play, he would throw out the money without frowning. But this time it's different, it's his own money.

Ding Husong climbed the stairs while thinking, and when he entered the house, he saw his mother doing needlework in the living room.

"Husong, you're back?" Aunt Liang raised her head and looked at her son from the top of her reading glasses.

Ding Husong hummed, and sat down on the sofa, tired.

Aunt Liang kept silent and continued to mend her clothes.

Ding Husong fought on the sofa for a while, should he go out to play or not?There was no conclusion for a while.

This was the first time he was so tangled up.

The living room is very quiet, so quiet that you can hear a needle drop on the ground.

Ding Husong was sweating all the money in his hand, and he didn't think about it.

"Husong, you've been tired all day today, go back to bed early. It's cold, don't cover yourself with a quilt to be careful of catching a cold." Seeing her son's eyes closed, Aunt Liang thought he was asleep, so she couldn't help reminding him.

Ding Husong raised his eyelids and glanced at his mother, and saw that his mother was mending one of her autumn clothes.

With such a sweep, his eyes stopped. The beige autumn clothes in his mother's hand had been washed to white, and the original color could hardly be seen.

In addition to the patch she was patching, there were two patches, which should have been patched before, and the color had already been washed away.

Ding Husong suddenly became irritable, and a fire rushed to his forehead. He wanted to jump up and throw away the autumn clothes.

At this time, the little follower who was waiting for Ding Husong to contact him didn't hear from him after waiting for a while, so he called to remind him.

Ding Husong, who was in a rage, was annoyed by the ringing of the mobile phone, and immediately scolded the little brother over there when he got on the phone: "You rush the ball, didn't I say to contact you?

You can't wait for Lao Tzu's letter?Get out!

Forget it, I'm not going, you go on your own! "

The little brother over there who hadn't had time to speak was so scolded that his neck tightened and he looked dazed.

Before he woke up, the phone was cut off by Brother Song.

After Ding Husong scolded the person who urged him, the fire in his heart was miraculously extinguished.

Just now, the son cursed so fiercely that Aunt Liang stopped her sewing.

She watched her son sit down again, and tried to persuade her: "Husong, can't you talk to him well? If you insist on swearing, how would you feel if someone scolded you?"

Ding Husong twitched his lips. Didn't I get scolded too often by the devil downstairs?

He said impatiently: "They invited me to drink, I won't go!"

"It's okay not to go, what does it look like to be drunk all day long, and besides, you have to clean up tomorrow." Aunt Liang made a decisive statement, and she didn't forget to remind her son.

Ding Husong was speechless, and continued to focus on the patched autumn clothes: "Mom, throw this dress away!"

"What are you throwing away? You can still wear the patch." Aunt Liang grabbed her clothes tightly and looked at her son warily.

"What to wear? Bring it!" Ding Husong jumped up and held out his hand to his mother.

Aunt Liang quickly hid the clothes behind her: "Son, none of the clothes Mom wears inside is unpatched, you threw them away for me?"

Ding Husong had never paid attention to this issue, so he was stunned when his mother said this.

Aunt Liang sighed: "Son, Mom's monthly retirement fee is only more than 4000 yuan, and the medicine costs nearly [-] yuan, and you have no income. You ask me for more than [-] yuan every month, and sometimes more than [-] yuan. three thousand.

With the rest of the money, we, the mother and the child, still need to eat and spend daily. Which month is it so tight these days?

If you are not in charge of the family, you don’t know that firewood, rice, oil and salt are expensive, and if you don’t make money, you don’t know that money is hard to earn!

If Mom doesn't plan carefully and live frugally, our mother and I will have to drink northwest wind. "

Speaking of this, Aunt Liang's voice was a little choked up.

"Isn't our old house rented out?" Ding Husong snorted and asked coldly.

"You also know that it's an old house. The condition of the house is poor, and the location is not very good. The monthly rent is only more than 3000 yuan. Last time you broke someone's car, you paid for two months' rent;

And every time I go to the karaoke hall to sing and drink, I spend at least a few years' rent;

You borrowed online loans to pay back money, caused accidents to lose money, and spent money on games. Those are all rented out from the house. Mom wrote down everything. Add it all up, and the rent of the old house over the years is gone. . "

Speaking of this, Aunt Liang got up and went into her bedroom, and after a while she came back with a blue notebook in her hand.

"Son, take a look." She handed the notebook to Ding Husong.

Ding Husong took it over and opened the notebook. Looking at the densely packed lines of words on it, he found it dazzling.

He read a few lines, and the date was several years ago, when he had just graduated from vocational high school.

When he was in vocational high school, he mixed up with a bunch of brothers and caused trouble everywhere. He still has memories of the things his mother recorded, and he probably remembers the amount of money spent.

This sum of money was indeed spent by him at that time.

After roughly browsing the first page, he turned to the second page, and the incidents opened the gate of his memory.

It turns out that he really spent a lot of money in these years, and he didn't calculate it carefully before, but now it's listed in the notebook, and the total sum calculated by his mother is recorded in the lower right corner of each page, so it's clear at a glance You can see the number.

After reading a few more pages, Ding Husong began to feel a headache, so he simply turned to the last page.

After skimming through the last page, Ding Husong was completely silent.

"Husong, in fact, we are already much better than those poor families, at least we can still eat enough and dress warmly, can't we?

Mom, these are underwear, and no one can see them if they are mended. "Aunt Liang said as she picked up the autumn clothes again and continued to mend them.

Ding Husong threw the 100 yuan in his hand to her side, got up and walked to his own room.

"Husong, where did you get the money?" Aunt Liang asked behind him.

Ding Husong paused but did not turn around, and said in a muffled voice, "I earned it by sweeping the floor today."

"Son, this is the first money you have earned in your life, and it was earned with your own hands. Mom is proud of you!" Aunt Liang happily picked up the one hundred yuan and stuck it to her heart. There is a smile all over his face.

Turning around, Ding Husong twitched his lips when he saw his mother's actions. Is it worth being so happy?

He turned around and walked quickly into the room, closed the door, and lay down on the bed.

Recalling his mother's expression just now, he felt a little bit of happiness in his heart. He only earned a hundred yuan, but his mother was as happy as he had earned millions.

Looking at the ceiling, Ding Husong hecked twice, and was interrupted by a knock on the door when he was about to continue.

"Husong, are you going to sleep? Wake up and wash up. Mom boiled hot water to scald your feet. It's been a busy day today."

Ding Husong turned over. In the past, he mostly acted out of his temper, getting up and responding when he thought of it, and pretending he didn't hear it when he didn't want to get up.

But today, as soon as he thought of ignoring it, he thought of his mother's action of mending clothes, his mother's smile, and what his mother said about burning her feet.

His feet were indeed sore, and perhaps the heat would be more comfortable.

So he sat up with his body propped up, got out of bed, put on his shoes and opened the door, all in one go.

After taking a shower, my hot feet are warm, and I feel like I have run for most of the day's fatigue.

"Mom, I'm asleep." Ding Husong turned the doorknob and said to his mother who was wearing reading glasses in the living room and continuing to mend clothes.

Aunt Liang raised her head, smiled comfortably, and said kindly, "Okay, go to sleep."

Ding Husong entered and slammed the door shut.

Aunt Liang looked at the closed door with mixed feelings in her heart. A few days ago, she never thought that she could still see the money her son earned, but wouldn't she see it today?

Xinxin is right, Husong can improve.

Putting the autumn clothes in her hand on her side, Aunt Liang clasped her hands together in front of her forehead, and murmured: "Thank God for his kindness, for sending an angelic girl like Xinxin to save Husong, Xinxin, Husong has changed, you He is the great benefactor of our mother and son.

I am also a great benefactor of the Ding family. When I get there, I will have the face to face the ancestors of the Ding family. "

Ding Husong opened the door again, just in time to see his mother muttering something with her hands on her hands, so she leaned against the door frame and watched silently.

When his mother put down her hand and looked up, she said when she found him: "Tomorrow I will earn another hundred."

"Husong, Mom is so happy. You are finally willing to go in a good direction, son, this is a big improvement!" At this point, Aunt Liang's eyes filled with tears, and she raised her hand to wipe away the tears. .

After Ding Husong finished speaking, he closed the door, as if embarrassed.

But he immediately put his ear on the door, heard his mother's words clearly, and even heard the joy and expectation in her tone.

Aunt Liang in the living room was not in the mood to do needlework anymore, so she also returned to her room and called Lingxin.

After Lingxin and He Xiaonuo finished their meal, they went out for a few laps, came back to take a shower, and just as they were drying each other's hair, they received a call from Aunt Liang.

"Xinxin, Auntie said that 1 thanks are not enough to express her gratitude to you!" Aunt Liang's strong joy can be felt through the radio waves.

Lingxin smiled and asked Aunt Liang if something happy happened?

"Of course, this kid gave me the [-] yuan he earned today, and said that he will continue to earn it tomorrow." Aunt Liang told Lingxin proudly.

Lingxin was also very happy: "Then congratulations to Aunt Liang! It proves that Ding Husong still has a conscience, and we will continue to work hard to lead him to the right path and we will be done."

Aunt Liang on the other end of the phone nodded vigorously, and tears fell uncontrollably again, but this time, she was smiling.

Lingxin chatted and laughed with Aunt Liang for a while before hanging up.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lingxin turned off the lights and fell asleep, sleeping until dawn without a dream.

When she went to work the next day, Ouyang Yixuan told Lingxin that in view of her excellent performance, Mr. Zuo specially allowed her to become a regular in advance.

Lingxin knew that Ouyang Yixuan, Cao Xianwei, and Lao Meng had played a big role in this decision. In order to let her become a full-time employee earlier and get a much higher salary and benefits than the probationary period, she took turns applying to Zuo Liuxuan. However, it is estimated that Zuo Liuxuan agreed because of their affection.

Not long after going to work, Zuo Liuxuan asked Secretary Cao to invite her to the conference room on the fifth floor, and held a welcome party for her official entry in a serious manner.

True to what Xiao Linzi said, Zuo Liuxuan issued her a certificate of qualification and also gave her a warm welcome speech.

His welcome speech quoted classics, full of talent and poetry, it sounds exciting and full of energy, and he is proud of being a member of Mingzhixuan Technology.

(End of this chapter)

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