liu heart

Chapter 180 Ding Hongyan Makes Bad Things

Chapter 180 Ding Hongyan Makes Bad Things

"No, if that's the case, I will definitely not shield Director Ding." Hearing Zuo Liuxuan's words, Tang Shouyi agreed with a disapproving smile.

Whoever dares to treat the girl he likes badly, he will definitely make that girl look good!

Walking behind, Ding Hongyan, who was about to do something bad, didn't know what Tang Shao's plan was. At this time, he was dominated by the evil thoughts in his heart, and he was going to carry out the plan willfully.

Ding Hongyan was even a little excited, a little excited, and a little proud. His emotions were very complicated, and a pair of eyes gleamed coldly.

She had already made up her mind that she would push and push the girl when she went downstairs. With such slender high heels, there was a high probability that her feet would twist or fall.

Even if the girl was lucky and didn't fall, she still had to be scared for a while, right?

Of course, Ding Hongyan didn't dare to push people when she just went down the stairs, that would be too risky, if she didn't control well, she might be thrown in by herself.

After being the chief financial officer for so many years, Ding Hongyan still has a sense of risk control.

So she deliberately took out her mobile phone to watch, and then slowed down her pace a little, half a step behind Lingxin and Cao Xianwei.

While speaking, the two girls in front had already walked out of the balcony door and reached the landing of the stairs.

This spiral staircase is not wide enough to allow two people to walk side by side. It is impossible for three people to walk together, so Ding Hongyan, who came up, justifiably waited for Lingxin and the others to go first.

She put her hands behind her and clenched them into fists, trembling slightly.

At first, Lingxin saw Ding Hongyan looking at her phone while walking, but now she turned her head on purpose, wanting to remind her to pay attention to her steps, and found that Ding Hongyan had put down her phone, and she relaxed, so she didn't say much.

Ding Hongyan didn't like her very much, and she didn't have a good impression of Ding Hongyan, she only regarded him as a partner, nodding acquaintance.

Zuo Liuxuan and the others had almost finished walking up the stairs. Tang Shouyi turned around and teased them, "Have you said enough whispering? Three women in one play, do you want me to set up a stage for you?"

"Xiao Tang always wants to set up a stage for us, so naturally we can't disappoint Xiao Tang, where is the stage?"

As Lingxin went down the stairs, she laughed at Tang Shouyi's words.

Cao Xianwei and Lingxin walked down in unison, giggling beside them, agreeing with Lingxin's words.

"Xiaotang always keeps his word. We won't leave unless we take the stage." Zuo Liuxuan also joined in jokingly.

Several men gathered at the bottom of the spiral staircase and waited for the three ladies.

Li Xiangqi and Fan Yiming immediately booed, and there was a lot of laughter in the stairwell, and the atmosphere was unprecedentedly harmonious.

Only the smile on Ding Hongyan's face was extremely unnatural, and the palms behind him were wet with sweat.

She followed Lingxin closely, walking behind Lingxin.

Tang Shouyi smiled and said, "The stage I built for the ladies is in my heart. You are so charming, you have captivated my heart..."

While talking, he deliberately winked at the three beauties on the stairs, of course mainly at Lingxin.

He has learned to be smart now, and Lingxin doesn't want to have anything to do with him, so he simply pulls everyone else in, so Lingxin can't say anything.

Indeed, as soon as he said this, the three ladies fell silent, and even Ding Hongyan didn't answer his words.

However, it wasn't that Ding Hongyan didn't praise Tang Shouyi, but that Ding Hongyan wasn't thinking about it at all.

"..." Zuo Liuxuan, Li Xiangqi, and Fan Yiming all thought in their hearts, this guy is worthy of being a lover, and he started to say provocative words when he seized the opportunity.

The three of them looked at each other with admiration in their eyes, and Zuo Liuxuan's mind was full of alarm bells: Tang Shouyi's heart of coveting the little fairy began to stir again.

He gritted his molars and swore in his heart that when the matter between Yi Lang and Jin Yi was resolved, he would make Tang Shouyi give up as soon as possible!

Seeing that Lingxin and Cao Xianwei were about to finish the stairs with two or three steps left, Ding Hongyan also decided to take action.

She tilted her body, let out a scream, and bumped into Lingxin in front of her. Being bumped and pushed by her, Lingxin rushed forward.

In order to make his actions successful, Ding Hongyan also used his feet.

Cao Xianwei next to her hurriedly reached out her hand to grab Lingxin, but Lingxin's body was already tilted too much, so she couldn't catch it.

Zuo Liuxuan at the bottom of the stairs groaned secretly, and rushed over like lightning.

The high-heeled shoes Lingxin wears today are tall and slender, and the center of gravity is not well controlled. In order to act realistically, Ding Hongyan also throws herself on Lingxin. Her vicious idea is to use Lingxin as a meat pad.

In this way, her spirit heart can be cleaned up, and she can get rid of the suspicion, proving to everyone that she really did not stand firm because she collided with her spirit heart.

Li Xiangqi and Fan Yiming stood next to Zuo Liuxuan, seeing that he had passed by so quickly, they realized that he was going to be a hero to save the beauty.

The two also leaned forward to try to help.

But Tang Shouyi woke up from the shock and found that Zuo Liuxuan had pulled Lingxin into his arms.

But the inertia brought by the momentum of the soul caused Zuo Liuxuan's back to hit the wall hard.

Hiss, Zuo Liuxuan let out a low cry of pain, and at the same time, there was a loud noise, and the instigator of this incident, Ding Hongyan, fell to the ground.

Originally, Lingxin thought that she was definitely going to fall this time, but she closed her eyes and gave up struggling, just waiting for the pain to come.

As a result, there was no expected pain, but I felt like falling into a warm embrace.

She opened her eyes, and what she saw was Zuo Liuxuan's handsome face and the genuine concern on it.

It turned out that Zuo Liuxuan saved her from intimate contact with the ground.

"Fortunately, I caught it." The man's extremely grateful voice rang in her ears, and she realized that she was clinging to Zuo Liuxuan's chest, and Zuo Liuxuan's back was clinging to the wall.

No wonder his voice had a trembling ending, it must have been painful.

Li Xiangqi rushed to Zuo Liuxuan with lingering fear, and asked anxiously, "Boss, are you alright?"

Just now when he saw that the boss's face turned pale instantly, and he even cried out in pain, he knew that the boss was hit really badly this time.

He knows best that the boss is a person who endures pain very much. He belongs to the iron man who can swallow blood even if his teeth are knocked out. He will never scream unless it hurts too much.

Also, next to the boss is the fire alarm button box installed on the wall, but luckily it didn't hit it.

At this time, ghosts and wolves howling sounded from their feet, Lingxin looked down and found Ding Hongyan lying at his and Zuo Liuxuan's feet.

She hurriedly withdrew from Zuo Liuxuan's arms, Cao Xianwei had already squatted down to help Ding Hongyan.

What happened just now replayed in Lingxin's mind, and she realized that she was probably cheated by Ding Hongyan.Because she clearly felt the impact, the thrust after the impact, and the small movements of Ding Hongyan's feet.

She kicked herself.

If it was Ding Hongyan's unintentional fall that caused her to rush forward, bumping and pushing could explain it, then the kick would make no sense...

 Thank you for the reward and the monthly ticket you voted for when I am tired, book friend 20171214190137523, book friend 20171215215835063, Duo Fulu, a dream-chasing fish for today’s reward, thanks for subscribing and voting friends, for everyone !



(End of this chapter)

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