liu heart

Chapter 221

Chapter 221

His face turned red.

At this time, a white and slender hand stretched out, and the facial tissue in the hand exuded an elegant fragrance, and gently wiped the corner of his mouth.

Zuo Liuxuan froze for a moment, his whole body froze there, not daring to move.

Lingxin finished wiping for him naturally, and handed the wiped rice grains stuck to the paper to Zuo Liuxuan: "Here, don't look at this small grain, it's too damaging to the beauty feeling in the corner of your mouth."

Only then did Zuo Liuxuan wake up from his sluggishness, and he tried his best to suppress the storm in his heart.

On the one hand, the girl he loves wipes the rice grains for him, and the movements are light and gentle, which brings him a tingling and hearty sense of comfort; on the other hand, he is embarrassed by the bad impression he has left in front of her.

Facing his sweetheart, he naturally wanted to show his best appearance.

"Well, thank you." He thanked Lingxin in a hoarse voice.

Lingxin didn't seem to care at all, and said with a smile: "You're welcome, Mr. Zuo, I'm full, give me the spoon."

Zuo Liuxuan obediently handed the spoon to Lingxin, then took a piece of paper in his hand, ready to wipe his mouth clean at any time.

Lingxin suppressed a smile and began to feed him.

This time Zuo Liuxuan ate with peace of mind, anyway, the little fairy was already full.

He can eat slowly, so that he can spend more time with the little fairy, enjoy the little fairy's care more, and taste the real delicacy.

While feeding him, Lingxin admired this guy's elegant manners while eating, which was quite pleasing to the eye.

How nice it would be if Zuo Liuxuan wasn't Zuo Mingchong's son?

Hey, hey, this hypothesis popped up in Lingxin's mind again, and he still sighed in his heart.

But at this moment, Zuo Liuxuan was extremely satisfied, and felt that this meal was the happiest he had eaten in recent years. Since his mother passed away, he finally felt this kind of happiness again.

How nice it would be if I could eat with the little fairy every day from now on.

But now the relationship between him and the little fairy is still unclear, such a good thing can only be imagined out of thin air.

Zuo Liuxuan made up his mind in his heart, he can't just dream, he must work hard to get into the little fairy's heart earlier and turn his ideas into reality.

He couldn't help straightening his back, and the gentle look between his brows and eyes became more intense.

Lingxin handed the spoon to his mouth, and found that he was looking at her with burning eyes, so she tightened her hand and stuffed the spoon into his mouth.

Zuo Liuxuan took a big mouthful of food and still maintained his elegant dining posture.

He chewed slowly, trying to prolong the meal time, longer...

Lingxin thought angrily, this guy's table manners have been integrated into his bones.

It must be taught by his mother. That irresponsible guy Zuo Mingchong has always been indifferent to their mother and son. How can he have the time to teach him?

Thinking of this, Lingxin became even angrier. Zuo Mingchong was sorry for his mother, but he still excused Zuo Mingchong and respected and loved him.

His mother would be very angry even under the spring.

Thinking of this, the speed of her men inevitably accelerated.

Zuo Liuxuan hadn't finished eating yet, and the second spoonful was already on his lips. He was embarrassed to let the little fairy stretch out his hand to wait, so he had to put away his previous thoughts and speed up his eating.

Spoon after spoon, the food in the lunch box is about to bottom out.

With the last bit left, Lingxin carefully scraped all the food to one place, ready to scoop it up with a spoonful.

As a result, she scooped up a sharp spoon, and she carefully handed it to Zuo Liuxuan's mouth.

At this time, outside the open door, Fan Yiming's hand that was about to knock on the door petrified, froze in the air, and took a while to hang down.

He pressed his thumping heart, dodged to the door and leaned against the wall to breathe heavily.

He came to talk to the boss about something, but he saw Ning Xin feeding the boss through the crack of the door, and he felt his mind was confused for a moment.

Fan Yiming didn't know that Zuo Liuxuan was injured, so it is conceivable that this scene stimulated him.

This, this, must be an illusion, he closed his eyes and subconsciously denied what he saw.

There will be nothing left after watching it later, Fan Yiming convinced himself in his heart.

So he shook his head, opened his eyes, rubbed them again, and poked his probe in again.

Lingxin just finished feeding Zuo Liuxuan put down the spoon and started to pack the lunch box.

Zuo Liuxuan wiped his mouth with a facial tissue, stood beside Lingxin, and added it to the lunch box.

With their backs to the door, the two were very close to each other. While talking in a low voice, they were busy tidying up, and their movements were unexpectedly tacit.

In the eyes of Fan Yiming outside the door, they looked like a loving couple. After eating, they cleaned up the table together, and the room was full of pink bubbles.

But what should Miss Luo, the boss' real girlfriend, do?

Fan Yiming has followed the boss Zuo Liuxuan for many years, and he thinks he knows the boss very well. He has never heard that the boss broke up with Miss Luo, so it is true that the boss's girlfriend is still Miss Luo.

The boss is a good man who is devoted to love, and he will never do anything to betray Miss Luo, and there is no doubt that the boss is very measured.

But the boss, who has never been close to women, is willing to let Ning Xin approach him and let her feed him. There is only one possibility, and it is Ning Xin who approached him on his own initiative.

Fan Yiming's head turned quickly, and he analyzed the situation in front of him, and came to such a conclusion.

As soon as the conclusion came out, he also found it a little difficult to accept.

In his mind, Ning Xin is a very nice girl, otherwise how could she attract the boss?

You must know that the boss is famous for his high vision. In the past, many girls with excellent talent, appearance and good family background came to chase him, but he refused without hesitation.

Ning Xin probably took advantage of the advantage of being close to the water.

If the boss is still single, he will definitely approve and bless them if they make up a pair. But the current facts make him have to think of a way to separate them.

Yes, the boss can't be infamous; Ning Xin's reputation can't be damaged either.

For the good of these two people, he must think carefully and come up with a good way.

The two people in the room were about to pack up, and he had to leave quickly.

Fan Yiming was about to turn his head when he saw Secretary Cao and Xiao Qiao standing behind him, looking at him with smiles.

Seeing that Secretary Cao was about to speak, Fan Yiming quickly stretched out his index finger and made a silent movement.

Then waved to Secretary Cao and Xiao Qiao to take a step to speak.

Secretary Cao and the others followed Fan Yiming out of the door of Zuo Liuxuan's office.

Fan Yiming headed into the secretary's room, and said to the two girls who followed with a serious face: "Secretary Cao, Xiao Qiao, you have to help me figure out a solution together."

Secretary Cao and Xiao Qiao looked at each other with question marks on their faces.

Manager Fan, did something serious happen?Is it because of this incident that I went to Zuo Zong just now?

(End of this chapter)

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