liu heart

Chapter 236: The Next Time Will Win

Chapter 236 I Will Win Next Time

Either way, it was worth his while getting to know the new company.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, and learning from each other's strengths to make up for your weaknesses, are the consistent principles of Zuo Liuxuan's work.

So he just sent an email to his subordinates to ask them to find out the relevant information of this company as soon as possible.

Tang Shouyi lost the election, he didn't care at all, he just laughed at Zuo Liuxuan's failure in his heart, and he didn't have the regret of laughing at a hundred steps at fifty steps.

On the contrary, Ding Hongyan was so depressed that his face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

She also thought that if she won the bid, she would be able to restore her impression in front of Mr. Tang, but that was the end of it.

The elated Tang Shouyi looked around. He couldn't show his face in such a large crowd, so he could only look at the opportunity.

Fortunately, the representatives of the winning company were sitting next to him, and he could take the opportunity to congratulate the winning company to share his happiness, so as not to be overwhelmed.

Tang Shouyi, who made up his mind, quickly put it into action, sincerely congratulated the representatives of the winning company, and then laughed as he got his wish.

Then he cast his eyes on Zuo Liuxuan with pride.

I saw that the boy's expression was very calm, and he didn't seem to be affected much.

Bah, just pretend!

Tang Shouyi spat on Zuo Liuxuan in his heart, then switched his gaze from him to Lingxin next to him, and the gloating in his eyes instantly turned into tenderness.

The girl sat with her back straight, her slender figure seemed a little tense, looking stiff and lonely.

Tang Shouyi gritted his teeth involuntarily. He seemed to ignore her thoughts. She must be suffering, right?

The original joy disappeared in an instant.


He scolded himself in his heart.

Having grown up so much, Tang Shouyi found that he had a brand new experience, that is, the feeling of liking someone.

In the past, there were many beauties around him, and he was even jokingly called: the girl of flowing water, the iron-clad Mr. Tang.

But he's just playing games, if they get along, they stay together, and if they don't, they get together and part ways.Of course, there must be a few who failed to break up peacefully and made trouble with his father.

The old man usually scolded him, and then asked his cousin to help him deal with the aftermath.

His cousin persuaded him more than once to calm down. Once when he talked about him, he talked back, and the two had a big dispute. The cousin was so angry that his face was livid, his blood pressure soared, and he almost lost his breath.

Tang Shouyi was also terrified that time, but luckily his cousin came over after hearing the sound and gave his cousin some medicine, so he recovered.

The cousin pointed to Tang Shouyi and said, luckily his father wasn't here today, otherwise he might be mad at him.

Then the cousin turned his head and didn't even want to look at him.

The sister-in-law persuaded the cousin that he wanted to be more open. The reason why the second brother is like this is because he has not met someone he really likes. When he does, he will calm down.

Now Tang Shouyi felt that his sister-in-law was right. Now that he had met him, he was really relieved, and that heart was tightly controlled.

It's just that the person who makes him tempted is not willing to accept his sincerity.

Tang Shouyi, whose thoughts were racing, sighed resentfully.

Of course, her spiritual heart was not as Tang Shouyi imagined, the dust settled in her heart, and she was in an extremely happy mood.

But at this time, I have to pretend to be uncomfortable, so I can only sit with my eyes down and a dumb face.

After typing, Zuo Liuxuan sent a message, put away his mobile phone, and said to everyone: "If you fail, you fail. Get up and face the next challenge!"

"Boss, in fact, their service unit price is not much lower than ours." Li Xiangqi said with some regret.

Zuo Liuxuan took Li Xiangqi's words and said: "You also found out? There is not much difference in unit price, but the total price is a quarter lower than ours. The other party probably has special channels and discounts for equipment procurement. I It has already been investigated, and the reason should be known soon."

"Mr. Zuo, our equipment is carefully selected, and the price is the lowest. Alas, I never knew I would meet them." Fan Yiming sighed heavily.

Lingxin brewed his emotions for a while, raised his head to face Zuo Liuxuan, his eyes were full of uneasiness, and he said sincerely: "Mr. Zuo, I know the importance of this bidding in your mind, and you have never The failure, but the one handed over to me this time did not succeed, I feel very sorry."

"Ning Xin, don't think so. You have no responsibility for not winning the bid. Don't worry, I will call a meeting to clarify this matter when I go back." Zuo Liuxuan frowned slightly, and accepted the Ling with disapproval. heart words.

What he said was so categorical that no one would dare to question Lingxin's attitude that he could not get along with him.

Yes, in Zuo Liuxuan's mind, the little fairy is not wrong at all, but a good employee who takes responsibility bravely.

His words were immediately echoed by Li Xiangqi and Fan Yiming, who took turns persuading Lingxin not to have any psychological burden on her failure.

Lingxin pursed her lips, and thanked the three of them one by one, with full sincerity.

She knew that this matter was over, no matter what, Zuo Liuxuan would not suspect her.

Zuo Liuxuan heaved a sigh of relief seeing the little fairy put down her burden, and said to her with a light smile: "In the future, there will still be opportunities to win."

Lingxin sneered in her heart: Zuo Liuxuan, you are afraid that you will be disappointed, and what you get in the future will basically be failures.

She raised her head, looked at Zuo Liuxuan, and smiled slightly: "Mr. Zuo, do you mean that I can participate in future bidding?"

"Of course, unless you don't want to participate." Zuo Liuxuan answered her question kindly.

"Mr. Zuo, I will definitely work hard." After receiving an affirmative answer, Lingxin stretched out her fist and shook it.

The little fairy's eyes were bright, the dimples on her cheeks were faintly visible, and she looked so cute holding her pink fists, Zuo Liuxuan couldn't help raising her fists and shaking them vigorously, and the remaining unhappiness in her heart dissipated. .

The faint smile on his face was also replaced by a happy smile from the heart, which was bright and eye-catching.

Li Xiangqi looked at the two men and women who seemed to be attending the swearing-in meeting, suppressed a smile, and turned his head away.

As a result, he met Fan Yiming's staring gaze.

Fan Yiming was a little fascinated because he saw Mr. Zuo rarely showing a childish side. In addition, why did he feel that Mr. Zuo and Ning Xin had that kind of tacit understanding between lovers?

Is this really good for Miss Luo?

After Li Xiangqi and Fan Yiming stared wide-eyed and small-eyed for a few seconds, they put their hands on his shoulders: "Old Fan, do you think our boss has become happier?"

"It seems to be." Fan Yiming also admitted this point.

"Shouldn't you be happy for the boss?" Li Xiangqi patted Fan Yiming vigorously on the hand.

Fan Yiming blurted out without hesitation: "Of course!"

"That's right." Li Xiangqi nodded solemnly: "Remember this principle in the future, the boss's happiness is the most important thing!"

Nodding his head in a daze, Fan Yiming stopped thinking about other things.

As Li Xiangqi said, Zuo always being happy is the most important thing.

(End of this chapter)

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