liu heart

Chapter 315 is this request

Chapter 315 is this request
Speaking of this, she pouted her lips towards Zuo Liuxuan, and continued to say: "Isn't he always going smoothly?"

Daheng's gaze followed Lingxin to Zuo Liuxuan's side. Hearing what she said, he quickly withdrew his gaze and shook his head, solemnly said: "You are wrong."

Without waiting for Lingxin to answer, he immediately added another sentence: "That's right, Daxuan will not tell you his difficulties, he will only share happiness with you and bear the pain alone."

Lingxin was stunned for a moment before laughing: "Brother Heng, from what you said, he is a man with a story!"

Daheng didn't smile, and said solemnly: "Sisters and sisters, Daxuan has a story, but today I can only make a long story short, the rest will wait for you to understand slowly.

Daxuan's unhappiness in the past was mainly due to the unresolved misunderstanding between his parents, which caused his parents' emotional discord, and it was very uncomfortable for Daxuan to be caught in the middle.

He once told me that he may not touch emotional matters in this life, unless there is someone who makes him an exception. "

Speaking of this, Daheng's expression changed, and the seriousness between his brows and eyes became less serious: "Fortunately, your appearance has brought about a turning point, and everything is developing in a good direction.

You are the one who makes him an exception.

As his friends, we are naturally happy for Daxuan, and at the same time we are grateful to you, thank you for allowing Daxuan to embrace affection. "

Lingxin was upset by Daheng's words, and she deserved the sincere thanks from others, after all, she used her feelings as bait to revenge and attack Zuo Liuxuan.

"Brother Heng's words are serious, and it puts me under a lot of pressure." She was half joking, but actually answered Da Heng with a guilty conscience, and didn't dare to look Da Heng squarely.

Daheng took advantage of the situation to take her words: "Sister and sister, in fact, the pressure on Daxuan is the greatest.

When he gives you his heart, he recognizes you. He will never let you down, and he will put pressure on himself to find ways to give you the greatest happiness.

I will always remember that day when he hid outside his mother's ward and wept bitterly. That was the first time I heard him cry and tell his mother's difficulty, and it was also the first time I heard him say that if there is someone to protect in the future, He will definitely not let her be treated like his mother, but will treat her well and not let her suffer the slightest grievance. "

After saying this, Daheng turned his head to look at Zuo Liuxuan who was standing over there, and when he turned his head again, there was already a smile on his face: "Now judging from Daxuan's feelings for you, what you have in his heart The position he occupies has far surpassed his own, so the brothers and sisters are blessed."

Lingxin smiled embarrassingly, and said thank you to Daheng.

Daheng smiled and asked back: "I'm afraid he is the one who should be thanked?"

"Him? You don't have to thank him! He won't let me thank him!" Lingxin also joked with a smile, but the voice in his heart was that he couldn't stand the thank you.

This sentence hit the right point, and dispelled the uneasiness in Daheng's heart before.

He only thought that Lingxin regarded Daxuan as his own, so he was not polite to him. The two of them had a strong relationship, so he should be at ease.

"Hahaha." Da Heng laughed out loud, sweeping away his previous seriousness: "That's right, there is no need to say thank you between you, and your siblings will just treat you as he treats you in the future.

Well, my request is just this, I believe my brothers and sisters will do well. "

Before Lingxin could speak, Daheng had already waved to Zuo Liuxuan: "Daxuan, I'm done talking, come here and take away your siblings!"

(End of this chapter)

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