liu heart

Chapter 324 Follow me but help?

Chapter 324 Follow me but help?

Since then, he has become a happy Mr. Yan, and he has walked hand in hand with his favorite wife for decades, and their love remains the same.

Their life is very sweet, every day is like being soaked in a dense jar, and they really only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals.

Thinking of his wife at this moment, the corners of Mr. Yan's lips raised involuntarily, and a tender and affectionate look appeared in his eyes.

By the way, when he introduced his beloved wife to others, his expression was almost exactly the same as that of Xiao Zuo in front of him, so he made a conclusion in his heart: Xiao Zuo should love Xiao Ning deeply.

Very good, a man like Xiao Zuo has a successful career and a stable relationship. Being a partner makes him feel more at ease.

"Haha, little Zuo, have you ever learned mind reading skills? You can see what Yan is thinking at a glance." Mr. Yan gave Zuo Liuxuan a thumbs up while speaking: "Mr. Yan sincerely cares for you Glad you two are a great match!"

After saying this, he playfully stretched out his other hand to give Lingxin a thumbs up, and then put his two thumbs together to congratulate them on their happy couple.

Zuo Liuxuan was naturally happy and said thank you directly, Lingxin pretended to be embarrassed and lowered his head, not wanting to say more on this issue.

Of course, this was just her own idea. The three men at the scene all interpreted it as embarrassing for her. Although they had different opinions in their hearts, they were all happy to see what happened.

Especially Zuo Liuxuan, he had already seen the appreciation and blessings from Mr. Yan's eyes just now, so his joyful mood was also mixed with an indescribable sense of pride.

So he couldn't help but straighten his back, his face was full of spirits, and his aura became stronger.

Mr. Yan secretly praised Zuo Liuxuan again in his heart, and he couldn't hold back his original idea of ​​giving Xiao Zuo a surprise. He really wanted to have a surprise on the spot now.

But in the end, reason overcame sensibility, and Mr. Yan still decided to follow the procedure, but he could give Xiao Zuo and the others a hint.

So in the following conversation, he seemed to affirm the project inadvertently, and also revealed his plan slightly.

Everyone is smart and obedient, Zuo Liuxuan and Lingxin understood the hint.

Lingxin was smiling on the face, but depressed in his heart. It seemed that Mr. Yan himself had taken a fancy to Zuo Liuxuan's project and had the intention of cooperating.

Moreover, Mr. Yan also felt that the stable relationship between Zuo Liuxuan and her was a plus, so he had more confidence in Zuo Liuxuan and Mingzhixuan.

In other words, not only did she not gain anything by following her, but she also helped Zuo Liuxuan?

No, Mr. Yan, how can you make a decision so rashly?Lingxin complained vigorously in her heart.

No, you can't let Zuo Liuxuan get it so easily, let's pull his hind legs first.

So she organized her language and expressed to Mr. Yan that she should make a careful decision.

After listening carefully, Mr. Yan released a knowing smile, nodded and said: "Well, Xiao Ning is an honest person, and I like dealing with honest people the most."

Lingxin's smile froze at the corner of his mouth, is that okay?

Mr. Yan completely misunderstood what she meant, okay?
She opened her mouth, and finally swallowed back what she wanted to say.

Forget it, today is probably Zuo Liuxuan's lucky day, it's better for her to say less, and she will help that guy Zuo Liuxuan by talking more and making more mistakes.

At this time, Mr. Yan cast his wise eyes over, what else could she do, she could only make a very happy smile.

Zuo Liuxuan nodded in agreement with Mr. Yan: "Mr. Yan, you have good eyesight, she is a very sincere girl."

Seeing that Zuo Liuxuan was full of smiles, and his soul was smiling like a spring breeze, the man was sunny and the girl was soft and beautiful, Mr. Yan couldn't help sending two more sincere wishes, and then joked with him: "Little Zuo, I Praise your girlfriend, you are very beautiful in your heart, right?"

Zuo Liuxuan honestly replied yes, it was effervescently beautiful.

It made Mr. Yan and Li Xiangqi laugh out loud.

Li Xiangqi felt as if he had met a confidant, and directly held Mr. Yan's hand, and Barabara praised him a lot.

Mr. Yan, whom Li Xiangqi called extremely discerning, burst into a hearty laugh again.

(End of this chapter)

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