liu heart

Chapter 328 Becoming a Family

Chapter 328 Becoming a Family
Curious, Lingxin grabbed Qiao Ye's arm and said, "Is that so? Well, Qiao Ye, you've kept me a secret, hurry up and tell the truth!"

She and Qiao Ye were best friends who talked about everything, and they had almost no secrets. Hearing what Qiao Ye said now, it was natural to ask her with confidence.

However, Qiao Ye's eyes were glancing at her cousin, and her soul became even more unforgiving, and she yelled deliberately displeased: "Hey, why are you winking with my brother? Could it be that the two of you conspired to deceive me?" In the drum?"

"No, no! Xinxin, we don't have the guts." Qiao Ye quickly denied it firmly.

Zou Mingsheng hurriedly rescued Qiao Ye: "Lingxin, don't wrong my Xiaoye, she just..."

Qiao Ye interrupted Mingsheng: "Xinxin, I'm just a little embarrassed.

Just, because a long time ago, when I saw Mingsheng for the first time, I had this wish.

At that time, I quietly buried this wish in my heart, hoping to be your cousin, and Mingsheng, and you can become a family. "

She was rarely shy when she said this, but the happy smile on her face showed the sweetness in her heart at this time.

Yes, a simple and simple sentence, becoming a family, but it contains such a happy meaning.

It turned out to be this, and her heart knew it, she immediately stretched out her arms to hug Qiao Ye: "If you say that, I won't pursue it, because this is also my wish."

Mingsheng laughed: "Xiaoye, I'll just say it, Lingxin won't say anything."

Qiao Ye nodded vigorously: "Our family has the best heart."

To be honest, she was really a little bit speechless in front of Lingxin before, thinking that she knew that the relationship between Xinxin and Mingsheng was not good, but she blindly coveted Mingsheng, she really felt sorry for Xinxin.

According to her usual style, she should have given up Mingsheng for the sake of her heart, but she really couldn't control her emotional affairs. She fell in love with Mingsheng at first sight, and she could no longer drive Mingsheng out of her heart.

So she can only keep Ming Sheng in the corner of her heart, and keep it dusty.

Even so, she still felt guilty about her heart.

Later, after she and Mingsheng walked together, she told Mingsheng about this matter, and told Mingsheng not to tell Xinxin, just treat it as if it had never happened, and she was afraid that Xinxin would be overwhelmed.

It's all right now, Xinxin and Mingsheng are like brothers and sisters, and she and Mingsheng also recognize each other.

Thinking of this, Qiao Ye hugged Lingxin tightly: "Xinxin, if you need me in the future, you can't be polite with me, you must find me, otherwise I will be angry.

Also, don't be afraid of anything, Mingsheng and I will always stand behind you and support you. "

"I know, I won't be polite to you and my brother." Lingxin replied with a smile.

Ming Sheng was overjoyed, and nodded with his lips raised.Qiao Ye directly straightened Lingxin's shoulders, and said solemnly face to face: "Xinxin, when Zuo Liuxuan's affairs are over, you promise me to think about your own affairs, okay?"

Lingxin lowered his eyelids and made no sound.

Qiao Ye patted her hand and continued to persuade: "Find someone you like, like me and Mingsheng, and live a happy life."

She knows that Xinxin has many suitors, and it is easy to achieve this goal. It's just that Xinxin's mother's current situation has a great impact on Xinxin's mood.

Oh, I hope Xinxin's mother can get better soon.

Qiao Ye hugged Lingxin again and held her tighter.

Standing opposite Lingxin, Mingsheng could see Lingxin's expression clearly.

He caught the flash of worry on Lingxin's face, and he could guess that Lingxin was worried about her aunt without asking him.

His heart ached a little, he just felt that luck made it difficult for the three members of his uncle's family.

So Mingsheng deliberated to persuade Lingxin a few words, and Qiao Ye lovingly helped Lingxin straighten the hair hanging by her ears, and gently comforted her, don't hold back what she has to say, and tell her and Mingsheng .

Even if you treat her and Mingsheng like a tree hole, just say it out!
Lingxin's complexion quickly returned to normal. She didn't want Qiao Ye and her cousin to worry about herself, so she raised her head and said with a smile: "You and my brother don't worry, I will tell you naturally, and maybe it will bother you Woolen cloth."

"How can it be tiresome to listen to, never tire of listening." Qiao Ye immediately shook his head and retorted.

Lingxin joked: "You never get tired of listening, but I will get tired of talking."

Seeing that the atmosphere had eased, Ming Sheng brought the topic to Zuo Liuxuan, Lingxin immediately put aside other thoughts and began to talk about meeting Mr. Yan this morning.

"Wait, Mr. Yan? Is it Mr. Yan from Yanyi Investment?" Zou Mingsheng, who was sitting comfortably on the sofa opposite him, sat up straight and asked eagerly.

"Exactly, cousin, you also know Mr. Yan?" Lingxin's eyes lit up, and she asked joyfully.

If my cousin knew Mr. Yan, everything would be better.

The cooperation that Zuo Liuxuan dreamed of may be stranded, and his plan will be completed logically.

Zou Mingsheng shook his head: "I don't know, this Mr. Yan is very low-key in the industry, and he often sees the tail but doesn't see the head.

But I heard from my mentor that he has a very unique vision. As long as it is an investment he has identified, he will definitely make a bet without hesitation, and basically he will get big gains. "

The soul of the little flame of hope that had just risen suddenly collapsed.

In this way, Mr. Yan has identified Mingzhixuan's project, so he will definitely cooperate.

In a sense, Zuo Liuxuan has already won the game with her.

At this moment, the winning party, Zuo Liuxuan, just returned home. He was immersed in joy. Although he had hardly slept all night, he was still not sleepy. He simply sat on the recliner on the balcony, looked out the window, and excitedly recalled every detail of this dreamy day in his mind. drop.

From the rejection of confession to the success of confession, he seems to have experienced a life experience, accepting the ups and downs, the process of great sadness and joy, but fortunately, the final ending is pleasing.

He also has a girlfriend now!

At this moment, he can't wait to tell people all over the world: his girlfriend Lingling is the girl he likes, and he will become a family with him in the future!

Zuo Liuxuan's beautiful lips raised upwards, higher and higher.

The warm sunshine poured down on the balcony, and lingered and danced on his hair and handsome face. Because of his smile, his face seemed to be shining, which was not inferior to the sunshine.

He gracefully took out the phone from his pocket, unlocked the screen smoothly, clicked on WeChat, and found Ling Ling's WeChat.

Put it to the top, and then changed Ling Ling's remark name to Xinyue Zhi Ling, and then he set the beautiful photo of Ling Ling captured one day as his mobile phone screen saver.

After finishing all this, Zuo Liuxuan put down the phone contentedly.

He got up and poured a glass of warm water, went back to the balcony and sat down, took a few sips in a leisurely manner, only feeling that the water was sweet.

Well, it's time to think about how to please your girlfriend next.

(End of this chapter)

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