liu heart

Chapter 359 Brick has been shot to Zuo Liuxuan

Chapter 359 Brick has been shot to Zuo Liuxuan
Ding Husong paused for a few seconds, and turned on the handsfree of the phone faster than his mouth.

Then he called the young master to the mobile phone, and then relayed what Zuo Liuxuan said to Ming Yang.

After speaking, he raised his head and smiled at Zuo Liuxuan.

This is a friendly smile. Ding Husong, after admiring someone, still looks like a fan.

Of course, his flattering smile belonged to flattery and was slapped on the horse's leg, which was interpreted by Zuo Liuxuan as malicious at the first time.

Zuo Liuxuan snorted in his heart, feeling that Ding Husong laughed too early, and he had to work hard to destroy this kid's arrogance later and make him unable to laugh!

Ming Yang on the other end of the phone waited for a while before speaking.There is a sense of mystery inside and outside the words that he opens his mouth.

"Okay, I am satisfied with the completion of the first requirement.

However, as I said earlier, that is just the appetizer, the second one is the main meal, and it is a hard dish! "

Zuo Liuxuan didn't answer his words, but only asked Yang Shao to make a request.

What are you doing around here?No need!

Anyway, this is the last request, Zuo Liuxuan will eat no matter how tough you are!
"Okay, Mr. Zuo is so glad that I won't make any detours." Over there, Ming Yang blinked and answered with a smile.

His impression of Zuo Liuxuan has changed quite a bit, from a hateful son of a scumbag to a tough guy with a head of iron, with layers of admiration to some extent.

This request is indeed difficult, but he is still confident that Zuo Liuxuan will grit his teeth and follow through.

After all, Zuo Liuxuan's sincerity towards Lingxin's cousin can be seen as long as the eyes are not blind, no, even if he can't see it, he can feel it.

"Just now, my anger has also dissipated a little, but it's not enough, so this request has to completely dissipate my anger.

Well, I have also touched on Mr. Zuo's situation, so the second thing I want you to do is to help my company solve its business problems. "Ming Yang threw out a brick first.

Of course, this brick was not used to attract jade, but a sharp weapon to shoot Zuo Liuxuan.

Zuo Liuxuan didn't expect that the unpalatable hard food Yang Shao kept talking about would actually solve the company's problems. He frowned slightly, and responded calmly: "What's the problem?"

Mingyang sighed heavily: "Recently, the business situation of the family company is not good, and there is a lack of a cooperation project. If there is a good cooperation project, the problem will be solved."

Zuo Liuxuan suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and always felt that Young Master Yang had something to say.

Could it be that he came here for his project with Mr. Yan?
This thought flashed through his mind, and was quickly rejected by Zuo Liuxuan.

Mr. Yan's cooperation with him was a temporary idea, and it was impossible for Mr. Yan to agree to cooperate with Yang Shao, whom he was not familiar with.

However, the problem Yang Shao threw to him must not be easy to solve.

I can only work harder, step by step, and find ways to help him solve it.

"Brother Tie, no, don't promise him, don't fall into his trap because of me." Lingxin rushed over and yelled at Zuo Liuxuan, shaking his head vigorously.

Qiao Ye also yelled at the other end of the phone: "Young Master Yang, you are not authentic, and you dragged personal matters to the company level, why are you at ease?"

"Hey, it's none of your business. This is between me and Mr. Zuo, two men. Why are you meddling?" Ming Yang fought back against Qiao Ye on the other end of the phone, not to be outdone.

Zuo Liuxuan hurriedly comforted the worry-filled soul: "Lingling, it is because of you, and only you, that I can promise him."

He lowered his head and leaned close to Lingxin's ear and whispered: "Don't worry, I'm sensible."

Because of the close distance, Lingxin could see his own shadow reflected in Zuo Liuxuan's deep pool-like black eyes, and when he spoke, the scorching breath lingered in his ears, and he couldn't help but suffocate.

"Brother Jie, how should I thank you?" She murmured.

I can no longer tell whether it is acting or blurting out the true feelings.

"If you want to be grateful, marry me as soon as possible!" Zuo Liuxuan raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Although the voice was soft, each word fell heavily on Lingxin's heart.

She hurriedly lowered her head, three parts timid and seven parts ashamed.

Zuo Liuxuan stood up straight, with clear eyes, and said firmly: "Since Young Master Yang wants to think highly of Zuo, and thinks that I have the ability to help you solve this problem, then I can only try my best."

(End of this chapter)

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