liu heart

Chapter 36

Chapter 36

His whole person was surrounded by anger, and his face was darker than the sky before the rainstorm.

The ding ding sound, accompanied by the scream of Tang Meiran who entered the door behind him, resounded throughout the room.

Pan Ziquan was so angry that he covered Tang Meiran's mouth: "Do you think our shame isn't enough by calling so loudly?"

Tang Meiran, who broke free from his hands, was also angry: "How do you do things? Didn't you say that this matter was already pinched snails with ten fingers? What happened?"

Pan Ziquan, who had been holding back his stomach, was instantly blown up, he stalked his neck and shouted: "You know what, I haven't been tricked by that dead girl, you are so capable, but you should hold the staff first. Buy the stock platform!"

When Tang Meiran heard this, her anger also rushed up. She put on her hips and replied, "I didn't participate in the whole process, you said you could handle it. Besides, I have transferred all the shares to you, what else do you want? of?"

Pan Ziquan stared at red eyes, and answered angrily: "I bought your shares at a big price, okay? You don't want to be cheap and still sell well!"

After he finished speaking, he kicked the chair and kicked the heavy chair out of place.

Thinking of the money he gave Tang Meiran, Jiang Guiqian and Zhao Dong to buy shares at a premium, Pan Ziquan's heart was bleeding.

The original idea was to take Dou's company as its own in the fastest time after taking control, so that the company can return to the capital as soon as possible, but now it seems that it is not possible.

This girl from the Dou family has two brushes, and I am afraid that it will take a long time to beat her in the future.

The more Pan Ziquan thought about it, the more angry he became, and his temper became more and more hot.

Tang Meiran hurried to the side to avoid being hit by the chair he kicked over.

She was about to retort, but saw Pan Ziquan's face ashen, the blue veins on his neck bulging, and it seemed that he was about to burst into a rage.

She always bullied the soft and feared the hard, and when she saw this, she immediately put out her noisy heart.

She knew very well that she would really annoy Pan Ziquan at this moment, and she would not have any good fruit to eat.

Turning her eyes, Tang Meiran began to persuade Pan Ziquan: "Old Pan, now we can't be chaotic or strife within ourselves. We must be consistent with the outside world and find a way to make up for this mistake."

Pan Ziquan tore off his tie and took a deep breath. He was almost suffocating just now, and he was on the verge of madness. If Tang Meiran made trouble with him again, he would beat her to the point of being speechless.

Fortunately, this woman is quite interesting.

Tang Meiran squinted at Pan Ziquan, saw that his sullen expression had eased a lot, she secretly relieved, twisted the water snake's waist and pressed it to Pan Ziquan's side, and said in a whimper, "Old Pan, are you showing your attitude? But look after you."

Pan Ziquan slapped the table, almost gritted his teeth, and said word by word, "I won't let that dead girl go!"

Dou Lingxin, who had returned to her office, was not at ease at the moment. Pan Ziquan suffered a downfall today and would definitely make a comeback and deal with her more violently, so she had to fight Pan Ziquan with [-] points of spirit.

Next, she will strike while the iron is hot with the momentum of thunder, so that Pan Ziquan, who has already fallen, will just lie down.

"Xinxin, your next plan is that your aunt must participate." Dou Lewen couldn't wait to fight, this time she didn't even help Xinxin, and she must not miss it in the future.

Zou Mingsheng also said sternly: "Lingxin, Pan Ziquan is now the second largest shareholder after you. I don't think that guy will give up. We must find a way to recover some of his equity as soon as possible, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

His words came to Dou Lingxin's heart, and Dou Lingxin nodded.

"What do you need aunt to do? Tell aunt quickly. Although aunt can't help big, she can still do small help." Dou Lewen emphasized again.

"Don't worry, Aunt, I'll give you a chance. Now I have an important task, and you have to do it." Seeing that Aunt was a little excited, Dou Ling hurriedly comforted her.

"Really? What's the mission?" Dou Lewen's eyes brightened, her chest straightened, and she eagerly asked Ling Xin.

Zou Mingsheng also became curious: "Lingxin, did you find something with my mother so soon?"

"Of course, my efficiency is already high." Dou Ling raised his head smugly: "Aunt, can you and Uncle Jiang talk to each other?"

"Jiang Guiqian? This white-eyed wolf, as soon as your father died, he switched to Pan Ziquan. Aunt doesn't care about him now, she just wants to beat him up."

Speaking of Jiang Guiqian, Dou Lewen was very angry.

"Mom, don't worry, first listen to Lingxin and see how to deal with this scum." Zou Mingsheng thought that Dou Lingxin already had an idea, but he was looking forward to it.

Dou Lingxin shook his head: "I don't want to punish him, I want to give him a chance to atone for his sins."

"Don't rectify him? Xinxin, we can't take him so cheaply. Let me tell you, that guy Jiang Guiqian has benefited a lot in the company over the years, and...cough..."

Filled with righteous indignation, Dou Lewen was choked by herself under emotional agitation.

"Mom, you're in a hurry again." Zou Mingsheng hurriedly patted his mother on the back.

Dou Lingxin quickly brought warm water to her aunt, served her and drank water, and then helped her to sit on the sofa with her cousin.

After her aunt calmed down, Dou Lingxin opened her phone and showed her a photo to her aunt and cousin: "Aunt, cousin, I saw this in my father's office, you can take a look. "

The two approached to take a closer look, and then the mother and son showed surprised expressions.

"So, my uncle has long known about Jiang Guiqian's little gestures behind his back?" Zou Mingsheng rubbed his chin and asked thoughtfully.

"Well, not only did my daddy know, but he also forgave him time and time again. It was all because Uncle Jiang helped Daddy when we started the business together, and Daddy remembered this feeling.

Also, Daddy thinks that Uncle Jiang's nature is not bad, and doing those things didn't hurt his fundamentals, but it was just jealousy, so he didn't need to settle accounts with Uncle Jiang after he took care of it.

I estimate that Pan Ziquan [-]% caught Uncle Jiang's actions and threatened him and asked him to transfer his shares. This time Uncle Jiang suffered a huge loss, and he must regret it.

So we saw that he was on the edge of the cliff, so we switched to pulling and giving him a hand.

I believe he will be remorseful from now on.In this way, we can also be regarded as a wish of Daddy. "

Dou Lingxin's words broke Dou Lewen's heart. Since her brother thought so, she naturally supported her unconditionally.

Zou Mingsheng also nodded in agreement with Lingxin's approach: "Lingxin is doing it brilliantly! Yes, my cousin will be impressed by you."

"You should have admired me a long time ago, okay?" Dou Lingxin wrinkled her cute little nose and complained to Zou Mingsheng.

Zou Mingsheng couldn't help laughing when he saw the little girl's expression: "Yeah, your performance on the temporary board of directors was perfect!"

(End of this chapter)

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