liu heart

Chapter 366

Chapter 366

"You and me? How should we behave?" Lingxin suppressed all kinds of thoughts that came up in his heart, and asked Zuo Liuxuan pretending to be surprised.

Qiao Ye also closed her ears, ready to hear what Zuo Liuxuan had to say.

Zuo Liuxuan responded with a radiant smile from Lingxin, but did not answer directly, but made a fool of himself.

He leisurely turned the car keys in his hand and said, "You and Miss Qiao wait for me here first, I will drive the car out, and I will talk about it after we get in the car."

"Okay, let's go." Lingxin could only nod.

After Zuo Liuxuan left, Lingxin and Qiao Ye started discussing it.

Because they didn't know what kind of insider trading Zuo Liuxuan and Mr. Yan had, they both agreed that they must explain the situation to Mingsheng quickly so that Mingsheng could adjust the plan accordingly.

Qiao Ye immediately took out the phone and dialed the number, while Lingxin frowned and thought about the deep meaning of Zuo Liuxuan's words just now.

He said that looking at his and her performance, could it be that he wants to play the emotional card in front of Mr. Yan?

Alas, I know so little about Mr. Yan, Lingxin couldn't help sighing.

After Mingsheng heard Qiao Ye's words, he said that he knew, and told Qiao Ye not to worry, and asked Qiao Ye to take the phone to Lingxin to answer.

"Brother, you must explain to the person who came to Mingzhixuan in the afternoon that his boss likes me. Zuo Liuxuan pried the corner of the wall and used the cooperation project as a bargaining chip for his boss to give up." Mingsheng emphasized it.

Ming Sheng was silent before opening his mouth: "Lingxin, I have a hunch that this will definitely happen."

"Brother, I was so confident before, but now I'm not too sure." Lingxin said with some worry.

Mingsheng disagreed: "Lingxin, you are lost to the authorities.

My teacher knows much more about Mr. Yan than Zuo Liuxuan. Just now I talked with the teacher on the phone again. The teacher said that he can't help with other things, but it's okay to ask about Mr. Yan's personality.

As a person, Mr. Yan, the rules he made will definitely be implemented to the end, and he will hardly change them.

Zuo Liuxuan was self-righteous, and Mr. Yan would definitely change his opinion of him because of his request.

So you can rest assured, we will go according to the established plan and make some minor adjustments. "

What he said calmed down Lingxin. What my cousin said seemed to be reasonable. No matter how much Mr. Yan likes Zuo Liuxuan, it is impossible to change Mr. Yan's habitual thinking formed over the years.

Especially Mr. Yan who is very strict with himself.

Qiao Ye, who listened to the phone by Lingxin's ear, also felt that Mingsheng was right, patted his chest and said, "Xinxin, it seems that we are scaring ourselves."

Lingxin nodded, and returned to Mingsheng by the way: "That's fine, brother, we listen to you."

Ming Sheng hummed, called Lingxin, and stopped talking.

Lingxin heard his hesitation and asked him: "Brother, what else do you want to say?"

"Lingxin, I watched the video sent by Mingyang earlier, and my mood was a bit complicated. I always felt that doing so violated my conscience." Ming Sheng finally opened his mouth and brought the topic to what he wanted to express. : "You, will you have the same mood as me? If so, shouldn't you look for the reason behind it?"

Lingxin was stopped by Mingsheng's words.

Why doesn't she feel this way?The feeling of sharp stinging pain piercing my heart again and again is really uncomfortable.

At this time Zuo Liuxuan's car had already driven out of the parking lot, Qiao Ye saw it from a distance and reminded Lingxin: "He is here."

Just as he didn't know how to answer Ming Sheng's soul hurriedly said: "Brother, Zuo Liuxuan is here, I should hang up, you and Qiao Ye keep in touch on WeChat."

"Okay. Lingxin, when you are free, think about brother's problem, okay?"

"En." Lingxin hurriedly responded, and directly handed the phone to Qiao Ye, as if the phone was hot, and her complexion turned pale, which made people feel distressed.

Qiao Ye frowned and complained to Mingsheng on the phone: How can you tell Xinxin these things, it doesn't disturb Xinxin's emotions.

Mingsheng sighed and replied to her: You have to face it, you have to get through this.

Do not you think so?If the soul can't pass the heart test, will it be a great harm to her?

OK, I'm hung up!

Qiao Ye was speechless and let Mingsheng hang up the phone.

(End of this chapter)

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