liu heart

Chapter 373

Chapter 373
Zuo Liuxuan suddenly had an itchy nose and sneezed.

Thinking that Zuo Liuxuan sneezed as soon as he made a decision, Lingxin naturally connected the two points, and couldn't help but feel funny.

Seeing that Lingling didn't make a sound, Zuo Liuxuan just thought she agreed and was very happy.

This kind of performance proves that Ling Ling is treating him more and more as one of his own, that's right.

He smiled with satisfaction: "Stay here for a while, take a rest, I'll go to Li Xiangqi's place."

After speaking, he turned and left the office.

Lingxin stopped him: "Brother Jie, do you want to put some anti-swelling medicine on your face?"

Secretary Cao reminded her just now that as Zuo Liuxuan's girlfriend, she still has to put on a show for some things, especially on the premise that Zuo Liuxuan did her such a big "favor".

And by doing so, she can feel a little more at ease.

Zuo Liuxuan, who turned around, had a red and swollen face as if soaked in happiness, clearly explaining what is a flushed face and what is seeing teeth but not eyes.

He went straight to Lingxin, raised his hand and stroked her hair, then bowed his face close to Lingxin and smirked at her.

Because he suddenly approached, Lingxin was a little out of breath, and couldn't help reaching out to push him, and the palm of his hand happened to be attached to his left chest, and he felt his strong and powerful heartbeat.

Immediately, I felt my hands were hot, and there was a tingling sensation like an electric shock, and my heartbeat also became chaotic.

In order to hide her panic, she could only randomly find a topic: "What are you doing and rubbing my hair again? Did you get my permission?"

Xu Zuo Liuxuan's confidence was greatly boosted by what happened today, so this guy didn't panic at all, and he kept silent: "Didn't you rub my hair just now, I have to reciprocate.

If Ling Ling is not happy, at worst, you can knead it again. "

Zuo Liuxuan pointed at his hair with a smile, as if to bow his head to rub it for her.

Now it was Lingxin's turn, so she had no choice but to push him: "Whoever wants to rub it, get up, I'll find some medicine and rub it on for you."

Zuo Liuxuan thought that she was going out to buy medicine, so he couldn't bear to tire her, so he hurriedly stopped her: "Don't bother, besides, there is no time."

"I have a small medicine box in the drawer. It should be used to reduce swelling. It won't take much time to wipe it on for you." Lingxin walked out while talking.

Looking at her back, Zuo Liuxuan grinned like an idiot.

After a while, Lingxin returned, holding a small bottle and a cotton swab in her hand, she waved her hand at him: "I found it."

Then he pointed to the sofa and told Zuo Liuxuan to sit down, and Zuo Liuxuan hung the sign of the two idiots with a smile and sat down obediently.

Lingxin opened the bottle, picked out the ointment with a cotton swab and applied it to him.

The cool ointment was evenly applied on the face, Zuo Liuxuan sighed several times in his heart.

It seemed that everything he had endured today was a good thing for him.

After applying the medicine, he felt that the energy in his body was overflowing, and he was not afraid of all the challenges ahead!
So he strutted out of the office, called Li Xiangqi and Fan Yiming for a short meeting, briefly explained the matter, and then arranged for Fan Yiming to make some preparations.

After Fan Yiming took the order to leave, Li Xiangqi handed over the organized file bag to Zuo Liuxuan.

The boss has already explained the reasons why he wants to give the cooperation project to the other company, how to talk to Mr. Yan, and what results he hopes to achieve.

But the reason for his red face was not mentioned.

Li Xiangqi's curiosity grew. The other party used Ning Xin as a threat to force the boss to give up the cooperation project. Would he still dare to beat the boss?

Based on the boss he knew, if the other party defeated the boss, his name would be written backwards.

(End of this chapter)

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