liu heart

Chapter 437: Not a Completely Ineffective Plan

Chapter 437: Not a Completely Ineffective Plan

Ming Sheng looked at Qiao Ye with a slight smile, and then said to the phone: "That kid looks very similar to Wang Yantao, he is a miniature version of him."

Lingxin immediately understood that the child was Wang Yantao's son.

In other words, Wang Yantao's retrieval of Xiuxiu is not only interesting, but also very interesting.

Furthermore, her plan can continue to proceed step by step.

But why is she not happy at all?

She will start self-construction immediately, soul, you should be happy, you should laugh!

But her face remained gloomy.

"Xinxin." The phone was taken by Qiao Ye, and her loud voice suddenly rang in Lingxin's ears, causing Lingxin to shake up involuntarily and regain her emotions.

She tried her best to keep her voice as calm as usual: "I'm here, just tell me."

There was no fluctuation in Xinxin's mood from the voice, Qiao Ye was a little relieved: "Oh, Mingsheng and I have successfully chatted with Xiuxiu.

Xiuxiu is a nice person, enthusiastic and generous, not only patiently guiding us, but also taking us for a while. "

Thinking of that gentle and elegant woman, Qiao Ye sincerely praised her.

Now, Lingxin's appetite was really whetted, eager to know what direction Xiuxiu and Wang Yantao would take next.

At this time, Mingsheng interrupted and explained to her: "There is another important piece of information, we learned from the neighbors around Xiuxiu that she has not remarried.

So we plan to visit her tomorrow, chat with her, and find the right time to mention Wang Yantao to her. "

"No, tomorrow is also the last time for us to make a decision for Wang Yantao, once Wang Yantao has a decision, we will have a showdown with Xiuxiu.

I think Wang Yantao knows that he still has a son, so he will never hesitate again. " Qiao Ye immediately added.

Lingxin let out another oh, thinking that Xiuxiu was alone with Wang Yantao's child and did not remarry, most likely because she still has affection for him.

And Wang Yantao may have had entanglements before, but under the impact of this news, no matter how big the entanglement is, it will quickly dissipate.

It seems that the possibility of these two reuniting is very high!

She was suddenly a little happy in her heart. This plan was not completely fruitless, and it was a good deed to bring back the fate of a couple.

The massage chair made her feel comfortable, and the phone call between Qiao Ye and her cousin made her feel better, and there was a slight smile on her always dull face.

"Xinxin, do you have anything to tell me?" Qiao Ye thought for a while before asking.

"No, I'll just wait for the good news from you guys tomorrow!" Lingxin answered Qiao Ye briskly.

Qiao Ye was completely relieved, and she made a yes sign to Ming Sheng.

Mingsheng smiled and nodded, indicating that he knew it, and changed the topic accordingly: "How is your progress? Did you find the note?"

Mentioning the note, Lingxin was a little depressed, and said sullenly: "No, he was very cooperative and let me search for it at will.

Zuo Mingchong doesn't have many things. I will continue to search tomorrow, and I will always find them. "

Mingsheng hummed and said that's good.

Qiao Ye said to Lingxin with some excitement: "Xinxin, after we probe the situation here, we will tell Wang Yantao about the child, and then urge him to make a decision.

If it goes well, a week is enough to solve the problem.

Even if there are twists and turns in the middle, let's give it another week, and then it will take only a few days to deal with Zuo Liuxuan's affairs. If I do the math like this, you can go home to accompany your mommy before the Spring Festival up. "

Hearing Qiao Ye mention Mummy, his soul was lifted up.

That's right, as long as you can help Mommy vent her anger, what does it matter if she is wronged?

(End of this chapter)

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