liu heart

Chapter 513

Chapter 513

There was another sentence stuck in Wang Yantao's throat, and he didn't dare to say it.

He could only add silently in his heart: Dad also loves your mother very much.

Shu Kui next to him was very excited, and his dislike for that old Mai suddenly decreased a lot.

This guy absolutely shouldn't, but it's commendable that he told Xiaobao the truth.

Although Xiuxiu didn't show it on the face, she was quite happy in her heart.

Lao Mai is used to guessing people's minds, and he put everything in front, which made her worry a lot.

It's just that she was a little confused, why Lao Mai was sure that she would forgive Yan Tao?
Could it be that she usually shows some obvious clues?
"Mom, mom, and dad will never leave Xiaobao again, right?" Xiaobao asked, shaking Xiuxiu's hand, with eager anticipation in his tone.

Wang Yantao's eyes widened suddenly, and Xiaobao actually asked such an explosive question directly.

You know, this is a wish he has been thinking about for several years.

As expected of my son, he was anxious about what his old father wanted, and wanted what his old father wanted.

He felt proud and proud, and tightened his arms around the child.

If it wasn't for Xiuxiu being by his side, he would have kissed Xiaobao directly on the face.

Both ears froze, eagerly waiting for Xiuxiu's answer.

No, it should be Xiuxiu's judgment on him.

The child's big dark eyes stared at Xiuxiu for a moment, making it impossible for Xiuxiu to avoid this question at all.

She could only smile at Xiaobao: "Xiaobao, this question depends on Dad's work arrangement, and Mom can't decide."

He simply and neatly kicked the ball to Wang Yantao.

After finishing speaking, she lowered her head to hide the corners of her raised mouth.

"Oh." Xiao Bao lowered his voice for a while, turned his gaze to Wang Yantao's face, and asked with hope: "Can Dad be sure?"

Hearing what Xiuxiu said, Shu Kui thought there was a joke in his heart, and now he couldn't help but want to speak for Taozi, so he took up Xiaobao's words: "Yes, your father even transferred the factory, so it doesn't matter where you work. Can."

"Really?" Xiao Bao's eyes lit up, and his voice raised again.

Of course Wang Yantao wanted to nod his head and say yes, but he didn't know what happened to Xiuxiu and Lao Mai, so how dare he make a mistake?
But Xiaobao couldn't do without answering the question, and suddenly felt in a dilemma, so he glanced at Xiuxiu.

Xiuxiu lowered her head and played with Xiaobao's hand, not planning to rescue him at all.

"Of course it's true!" A loud voice suddenly appeared, breaking Wang Yantao's embarrassment.

He hurriedly followed the sound to see that this was said by Lao Mai, and there was a man standing beside him.

Xiaobao immediately happily called Lao Mai Daddy, and that man Hui Daddy.

This cry made Shu Kui feel a little confused.

What Gray Daddy?Who is this person?
But Wang Yantao became even more nervous, could it be that Xiuxiu likes this guy now?

Ah Hui cleared his throat with a cough, clapped his hands and said to Xiao Bao, "Xiao Bao, come to Daddy Hui for a hug."

Xiaobao hesitated for a moment, but obediently let Ahui hug him.

Ah Hui said to him softly: "Uncle Sheng and Aunt Qiao over there want to play with Xiao Bao, Daddy Hui will carry you there, okay?"

Xiao Bao shook his head reluctantly. He just met his father and didn't want to leave.

"Xiaobao, let mommy and daddy discuss the issue of not leaving you, okay?" Ah Hui persuaded patiently.

Hearing this topic, Xiaobao immediately nodded obediently in agreement.

Ah Hui hugged Xiaobao and left, Wang Yantao moved with them as if he was being led by Xiaobao.

(End of this chapter)

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