liu heart

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

When he was done, she would give him the fox doll solemnly.

It seems that only by handing it over to him can she have so much sustenance in her heart.

However, the probability of him discovering the note in the doll's belly is extremely low, so his sustenance will eventually be like that rootless duckweed, and it will eventually drift away without a trace.

But she was still willing to take a chance, or to keep a little hope.

As for the rest, she can't control it now.

Zuo Liuxuan, who came out after cleaning up, saw the thoughtful girl sitting on the sofa.

In the living room, only a floor lamp beside the sofa was turned on, glowing with a soft yellow light.

The girl happened to be sitting on the side of the floor lamp, and the light fell on her, casting a light halo on her.

At this moment, her eyes seemed to be fixed in one place, and she didn't notice him at all.

Zuo Liuxuan stopped involuntarily and stared at the profile face that he couldn't see enough of.

The girl's eyelashes are particularly long, and at this moment, they tremble slightly, bringing light and shadows, so beautiful.

The feather-like eyelashes seemed to dance in his heart too.

So he was treated as if he were being cast on a spell, and he stayed where he was, enjoying it with pleasure.

So in the end, it was Lingxin who first discovered that he was giggling like a fool.

"What are you laughing at?" Although she could guess what he was laughing at, she asked with a sideways glance.

"My wife is so pretty." Zuo Liuxuan, who was suddenly asked, spit out the words in his heart almost without thinking.

Lingxin: "..." Isn't this saying salt to her wound again?
Immediately pouted in protest: "Who is your wife?"

Zuo Liuxuan, the second fool: "Hey, it will be tomorrow."

"No!" Lingxin made a firm conclusion, and the two words were extremely blunt.

Zuo Liuxuan, who didn't realize that Lingxin was telling him the truth at all, took the words very naturally: "Although it's just a marriage proposal tomorrow, isn't it according to your order? In my opinion, it is also possible to get the certificate directly. of."

He couldn't help but speak his mind again.

Hey, it feels refreshing to say it!

What Ling Xin originally wanted to say was blocked in her throat.

A nasty person, stunned that which pot cannot be opened and lifted.

Her eyes narrowed and she turned her head away.

Zuo Liuxuanquan thought she was shy, and hurriedly ran over to sit next to her: "Zero, I'll sleep here tonight, but I won't let it go."

Lingxin suddenly turned his head around, staring at him with big dark eyes, but said nothing.

Zuo Liuxuan actually just wanted to stay with her more, and he didn't mean anything else when he said this.

Being watched by her quietly, especially with her own shadow reflected in her eyes, she didn't know the expression on her pretty face, which made Zuo Liuxuan blushed after a brief moment of confusion.

He, he didn't, hey, not what she thought.

He was distressed that it was too late for her, who had just experienced personnel, so he had to let her rest.

Besides, he still has some preparations to do for tomorrow's marriage proposal, and he doesn't know how long he will be busy in the study at night.

After all, he really just wanted to keep her where he could see.

"That, me, I sleep in the study." After speaking, as if not believing him, he pointed to the master bedroom and said to Lingxin, "You can lock the door at night."

Only then did Lingxin retract her gaze, and she shook her head in a complicated mood: "No, I'll go over there."

She also has a lot of things to do tonight, packing her luggage and so on, it's impossible to live with him.

"Oh." Zuo Liuxuan responded with a little grievance in his voice.

Lingxin's heart tightened again, and for some reason he wanted to say something to comfort him.

(End of this chapter)

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