liu heart

Chapter 573

Chapter 573

Lingxin only glanced at Zuo Liuxuan's back and then looked away.

The lightness and joy in his back made her unable to bear to watch it any longer, because she would be eaten away by inexplicable sadness.

However, Lingxin didn't have time to think about it any more, several praises had already sounded in her ears.

Luo Jinyi and You Rong asked the girls who surrounded him: "This is my sister, the fairy with a heart, are you surprised?"

The ladies nodded in unison in agreement.

She was so beautiful, if Luo Jinyi hadn't said she was her sister, they would have thought she was a star invited to the party.

What can the soul in the center of the crowd say?I can only say thank you to others with a red face.

Fortunately, Luo Jinyi still remembers the promise he made with Zuo Liuxuan, besides, Xinxin is today's finale guest, so reduce the amount of exposure now and give everyone the best impression later.

So I exchanged a few more pleasantries with those friends, and then led Lingxin to the lounge inside.

The two walked on the right side of the hall, walking all the way, Lingxin found that the party scene was decorated with great care.

There is elegance in the luxury, because it is a welcome party, and the joyful elements are added to make it even more magnificent.

There are already more people in the hall, all dressed up, under the bright lights, the smiles on their faces are genuine and brilliant.

Being in it, everyone's body and mind will naturally feel happy.

But this joy can't infect the soul, she is just the only sad one in everyone's joy.

Soon, Lingxin's sight caught Gong Yawen.

She was talking to a man, but fortunately she didn't notice herself.

Gong Yawen was dressed up very beautifully today, her temples were clouded with fragrance, her eyes were bright and her teeth were bright, and she was dressed in a purple evening dress, making her charming.

For Gong Yawen, Lingxin's emotions are somewhat complicated.

Although she didn't have much contact with Gong Yawen, she could find the shadow of Qiao Ye in him.

Like Qiao Ye, Gong Yawen is a straightforward, generous and kind girl who treats her temper very well and is the friend she wants to make.

But... she will eventually lose this friend, and even go to the opposite side instead.

Thinking of this, Lingxin looked back at Luo Jinyi who was walking in front, feeling even deeper regret in his heart.

These people will hate her in the end, hate her ruthlessness, hate her cold blood, hate her cruelty...

"Xinxin, hurry up!" Luo Jinyi realized that Lingxin was lagging behind, and turned his head to urge.

Just now she was excitedly imagining hiding Xinxin secretly, and when everyone saw Xinxin's expression, hehe.

If you want to talk about the beauty of your heart, tsk tsk, the ladies in the venue today are unmatched!

Even when she first saw it, her eyes were straightened, and she couldn't find an adjective to describe it, okay?

Lingxin responded to Luo Jinyi, and took two steps to catch up.

But his eyes were not idle, he looked around for cousin Mingyang, but he couldn't find it.

You won't be delayed because of something, right?The cousin made an appointment with her to wait for her in a conspicuous place.

The plan that has been prepared for so long is almost at the end of the day, and she doesn't want anything to go wrong.

Just when she was worried, the cousin came out from the corner and nodded slightly to her.

Lingxin's worries dissipated, she smiled back at her cousin, and then entered the lounge with Luo Jinyi.

In the elegant hall over there, Zuo Liuxuan was chatting and laughing with the president and Director Gong.

The chairman and Director Gong arranged for him very well and caringly, and he almost didn't have to worry about it anymore, so I am really grateful.

The atmosphere in the elegant hall was exceptionally good.

But after the three continued to chat for a while, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

(End of this chapter)

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