liu heart

Chapter 577

Chapter 577
Lingxin felt that he should say something, but he only opened his mouth, then shook his head.

She seemed to have lost the courage to speak, and either her mind was in a mess or her tongue seemed to be in a knot.

It really is like a year in seconds!
"Xinxin, what are you shaking your head for? Let me tell you, don't be modest about this.

Originally, you and Liu Xuan have the capital to be proud of. "

Seeing Lingxin shaking his head, Luo Jinyi only thought that Lingxin was self-effacing, so he immediately started talking.

And when she moved her eyes, she noticed that Lingxin's face was too calm, and she added: "I said Xinxin, are you too calm?
This time to be happy, laugh, laugh! "

While talking, he grabbed Lingxin's arm and motioned Lingxin to look at her: "Look, I laugh more than you!"

Lingxin complained in his heart: I am laughing happily now, later you will wish to give me two punches first.

But after Luo Jinyi scolded her like this, Lingxin had no choice but to smile.

Under the light, the girl's bright eyes are shining, and her smile is particularly touching.

"That's right, we look even better when we smile!" Luo Jinyi sighed with satisfaction.

Lingxin maintained a smile on his face, but his heart was in a mess.

She didn't even know how to take Luo Jinyi's words next.

Alas, it's too difficult for her, she can't just keep smiling like this and not talking, can she?

Fortunately, the master of ceremonies cleared his throat at this time, and spoke the opening remarks of the party in a mellow and broad voice.

Now Luo Jinyi's attention was finally attracted, and he stopped talking to Lingxin.

Taking a sneaky breath, Lingxin also cast her eyes on the table.

But after only staying on the master of ceremonies for a few seconds, the corner of her eye caught Li Xiangqi, and her eyes followed.

Li Xiangqi approached Zuo Liuxuan from the back of the table with his waist bent, apparently wanting to say something to Zuo Liuxuan.

Sure enough, after he came to Zuo Liuxuan, he whispered something in Zuo Liuxuan's ear.

Zuo Liuxuan's expression didn't look very real, it seemed that there was no change, but his figure became tense all of a sudden.

Lingxin knew in his heart that cousin Mingyang had probably already played some cards with them.

In other words, her arrow of revenge is already on the string, ready to go.

Looking over there, Director Gong and the chairman probably thought that Li Xiangqi was discussing the proposal with Zuo Liuxuan, and the two of them approached tacitly to care, Zuo Liuxuan was waving to them and explaining, while Li Xiangqi stood silently on the side.

After a while, Zuo Liuxuan explained clearly, and took Li Xiang away a few steps to the corner.

Lingxin saw that Zuo Liuxuan was still talking to Li Xiangqi with a calm expression, Li Xiangqi shook his head angrily at first, then nodded slowly after a while.

Then Li Xiangqi left, and Zuo Liuxuan returned to Director Gong and the chairman, as if nothing happened just now.

Zuo Liuxuan is really calm and has the demeanor of a general.

Lingxin, who was muttering silently in his heart, also turned his attention to the stage again, applauding along with the rhythm of Luo Jinyi beside him, but in fact, he didn't remember a few words that the master of ceremonies said.

The party proceeded in an orderly manner according to the normal process.

The atmosphere in the whole hall was warm and festive, and Luo Jinyi was undoubtedly the more excited one among the crowd, very lively and joyful.

Lingxin was forced to laugh with him, and felt that the time was even more difficult.

After the chairman and Director Gong finished their speeches, Zuo Liuxuan stepped onto the stage.

As an upstart in this business circle, the president and Dong Gong's promising junior and successor, he naturally wanted to give a speech on stage.

The chairman and Director Gong who stepped off the stage went to the side hall next to them with smiles on their faces.

Luo Jinyi leaned closer to Lingxin and told her that the two big brothers were going to the side hall to prepare, and one of them would be a witness later.

(End of this chapter)

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