Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1126: The Art of Balance

Chapter 1126: The Art of Balance
If the executives of the Shenzhen Electronics Group used to have a bit of condescending arrogance when facing Duan Yun, now when they see Duan Yun again, this arrogance has disappeared, and all that remains is mixed feelings .

No one thought that a consortium of more than 100 state-owned enterprises with more than 3 employees could not compare to a private enterprise that has just settled in Shenzhen for less than two years.

Many inside the Shenzhen Electronics Group are mediocre, but there are still many discerning people, and these people seem to have recalled it now, and feel that Duan Yun really set up a cover at the beginning, putting them together, and pulling them into the Shenzhen Electronics Group. In the price war of tape recorders across the country, the sales volume of the group company was very impressive on the surface, but in fact they suffered heavy losses.

However, Duan Yun withdrew early, repaired the plank road, and kept the warehouse in secret. After clearing the inventory of Tianyin recorders, he immediately transformed into the production of Walkman products, and found a greater profit growth point.

If it wasn't for the state's action, I am afraid that the loss of Shenzhen Electronics Group will be even greater. At this time, the advantages of the planned economy are reflected. The relevant state departments act decisively and stop the price war in the tape recorder industry in time. The market has been weakened to a certain extent, and the industry as a whole has entered an era of meager profits.

In fact, in the era of planned economy, it is very difficult to fight a national industry price war. The country has always strongly controlled the price stability of domestic commodities. It was not until the mid-90s when the market economy was implemented in China that the price war changed. become commonplace.

The most famous one is the VCD market price war initiated by Aiduo VCD first. Multiple VCDs only cost about 2000 yuan. At the same time, you can also get 1997 gifts, including rice cooker, razor, stewing pot and electric fan, which are worth more than 1000 yuan. After this price war, China’s VCD industry has finally fallen out of "Violent Paradise," the margins turned out to be very thin.

And the most desolate thing is that the core components of all VCD companies in China are all imported products. The chips are from Philips of the Netherlands and C-CUBE of the United States, and the movements are from Sony of Japan and ESS of the United States. All are foreign companies, and domestic manufacturers only earn some very small assembly costs, which is actually a very sad thing.

On the surface, Chunmei Electronics Factory, a subsidiary of Shenzhen Electronics Group, has indeed become the overlord of the domestic tape recorder industry, but in fact the profit is very meager. Judging from the current dismal situation of domestic tape recorders, it is estimated that it will take several years to recover the large amount of initial investment. capital.

Duan Yun and Ma Fuyuan walked side by side to the auditorium of the municipal government. When entering the entrance, Duan Yun walked in first, and several leaders of the Shenzhen Electronics Group next to him subconsciously gave way to Duan Yun. It looks a little weird.

Especially Tian Song, the director of Chunmei Electronics Factory, had a very ugly face at this time. In fact, when he learned that Duan Yun's Walkman product sold out nationwide overnight, he immediately understood that he had been slapped by Duan Yun.

In fact, relying on the technical advantages of the equipment introduced by Chunmei Electronics Factory, there is no need to fight a price war. After Duan Yun's colorful tape recorders gradually withdraw from the market, it will be a matter of time before their Chunmei brand tape recorders become the number one in the market. They started a price war and acted impulsively, which eventually caused Chunmei Electronics Factory and the entire group to suffer a lot of losses.

But until now, the heads of other companies in Shenzhen Electronics Group, including Tian Song, could not figure out how Duan Yun developed a domestic Walkman with such a high technical threshold. This also made them realize for the first time Duan Yun is not an easy opponent.

After entering the auditorium, Duan Yun quickly found his place.

The seats in the front row of the auditorium were filled with government leaders and nominated model workers. Even so, Duan Yun was arranged to sit in the middle of the second row. For a private business owner, this kind of treatment is already considered Very high.

The Model Worker Commendation Conference was co-chaired by Li Dezhong, the deputy mayor of SZ City, and Wang Wei, the chairman of the SZ City Labor Union. In addition, Liang Xiang, who has retired from the position of mayor, is currently serving as a senior official of SZ City.

The first person to speak was Liang Xiang, a senior city official. He was approaching retirement, and the old mayor Liang Xiang still looked calm, but he had a lot of gray hair and his face became more and more old.

But in general, the old mayor Liang Xiang is still very concerned about the development of Shenzhen. Because of his age and energy, he is no longer in charge of the government affairs of SZ City. He only attends some commendation meetings and ribbon-cutting activities of some enterprises and institutions. Mainly as a behind-the-scenes staff for the new mayor Li Hao, he is in a semi-retired state.

"I will announce the winners of this year's Model Worker in SZ City..."

At this time, Wang Wei, the chairman of the SZ city labor union, picked up a list of winners and began to announce the winners of this year's model workers in SZ city.

A total of 27 people have won the title of SZ City Model Worker this year, all of which are from state-owned enterprises in Shenzhen. The most striking thing is that among the subsidiaries of Shenzhen Electronics Group, the directors of five companies have won the title of SZ City Model Worker this year .

Among the five winners of Shenzhen Electronics Group, Ma Fuyuan, general manager of the group, Xu Fuguo, and Tian Song, director of Chunmei Electronics Factory, who have been in the limelight recently, are not included.

This somewhat surprised Duan Yun, because according to his previous life experience, the winner should be the first or second leader of a company or a group, and Tian Song did not win the award, which was beyond Duan Yun's expectations. The sales volume is the same as last year's corporate tax payment. Chunmei Electronics Factory has always been regarded as one of the most powerful companies under the Shenzhen Electronics Group. Tian Song did not win the award, but other electronics factories that provided him with raw materials. Factory Manager, this is obviously a bit unreasonable.

But Duan Yun pondered for a while, and soon understood.

Judging from Ma Fuyuan's current age and professional title, it is almost impossible for him to advance in his official career. The honor of municipal model worker is dispensable to him, or he has already taken this aspect very lightly. Yes, giving these honors to the person in charge of the subordinate company will obviously improve his prestige in the group and the cohesion of the entire group.

As for Tian Song's failure to win the award, it is obviously Ma Fuyuan's "balanced technique" in his management.

Good things cannot be taken by one person. Since Tiansong Electronics Factory has obtained advanced production lines and a large amount of resources of the group, the selection of model workers can only be "waited".

Fortunately, the title of municipal model worker in China is still a very important honor for cadres in the system, so this time the Shenzhen Electronics Group's several winners are all directors of electronic raw material manufacturers...

(End of this chapter)

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