Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1142 Conservative Attitude

Chapter 1142 Conservative Attitude
"You mean that your Tianyin Electronics Factory wants to establish a joint venture with a Japanese company, and then let us write an invitation letter from the city government?"

The person who received Duan Yun this time was Zhen Xipei, the deputy mayor of SZ City. Li Hao went to inspect the joint venture today, so Duan Yun found the deputy mayor to discuss the invitation letter today.

"That's right, currently Toshiba Group has agreed to establish a joint venture with Tianyin Electronics Factory in Shenzhen, and related matters are still under negotiation." Duan Yun paused, then continued: "However, the Japanese side needs an invitation from our government." The main contents of the letter include that the Shenzhen local government can provide some industrial land for the joint venture, guarantee water and electricity supply, and policy protection..."

"What products are the main joint ventures established between your factory and Toshiba Group?" Zhen Xipei asked.

"It mainly produces a flash memory chip newly developed in the world. This chip technology is very advanced and can be applied to some household appliances on a large scale. The market potential is very huge. Once the company is put into production, it is guaranteed to bring us Shenzhen Huge economic benefits." Duan Yun said seriously.

In fact, Duan Yun also knew that he certainly didn't understand the technical aspects of the product when he talked to Mayor Zhen, so he simply said that after the establishment of this factory, it would bring huge benefits to Shenzhen.

"You still need to apply for industrial land? How much do you need?" Zhen Xipei asked.

"According to the Japanese side, at least 300 mu of industrial land is needed..."

"300 acres!?"

Hearing this, Zhen Xipei frowned immediately, and after a while, he said to Duan Yun: "Xiao Duan, you don't think our industrial land here in Shenzhen is Chinese cabbage, do you? Your factory already has more than 300 mu of land, which is a total of more than 200 mu of industrial land! You must know that this year alone, more than 500 companies have come to Shenzhen to set up factories. Several industrial areas are already overcrowded, and your request for such a large piece of industrial land is a bit too much..."

In fact, Zhen Xipei was already quite polite to Duan Yun. If Duan Yun's Tianyin Electronics Factory hadn't paid tens of millions of taxes for Shenzhen and actively invested in municipal construction, Zhen Xipei would have issued an order to evict him long ago.

"Mayor Zhen, this joint venture between us and Toshiba will not only bring huge economic benefits to Shenzhen, but more importantly, it will enable Shenzhen's electronics industry to leapfrog from the low-end to the international high-end level in one step. Very important! Once this kind of chip is put into production and launched on the market, not only will there be a huge domestic demand, but it will also occupy a large international high-end chip market share. This is a golden opportunity for the development of our chip industry in China. I hope that the municipal government will Here we can seriously consider this matter..." Duan Yun said with a slight frown.

"Duan Yun, I know that you have made a lot of contributions to our city of SZ, but apart from the issue of industrial land, there is also the issue of your private enterprise and foreign enterprises' joint venture policy. Previously, the state only allowed state-owned enterprises and foreign companies Joint ventures, but there is no clear regulation that allows your private enterprises to operate joint ventures with foreign companies, so regarding this matter, our city government may not be able to do anything..." Zhen Xipei spread his hands and said.

In fact, as Zhen Xipei said, there is indeed no domestic policy that allows private companies to establish joint ventures with foreign companies, but there is no provision prohibiting private companies from establishing joint ventures.

In fact, it was not until 1988 that the state promulgated and implemented the "Provisional Regulations on Private Enterprises", which clarified that private enterprises can have several forms of sole proprietorship, partnership, and limited liability company, and stipulated that private enterprises can develop joint ventures with foreign companies.

At the same time, the restrictions on the business scope of private enterprises are only in the financial industry and the military industry.At the same time, the regulations also allow resigned and retired personnel from state-owned enterprises to engage in private enterprise operations.

So far, the government's private economic policy has been stabilized by the legal form; the main legal obstacles hindering the development of the individual and private economy have finally been removed.

In terms of joint ventures between private enterprises and foreign companies, private entrepreneurs have long been ahead of the policy.For example, by the time the "Provisional Regulations on Private Enterprises" was promulgated in 1988, private enterprises in Fujian Province had already accounted for one-tenth of the province's foreign joint venture projects.

In the final analysis, the local government has the final say on whether private companies can set up joint ventures nowadays, but Zhen Xipei, the deputy mayor of SZ City, is relatively cautious and has no clear policy regulations, so he dare not set this precedent in Shenzhen.

"Mayor Zhen, this joint venture with Toshiba is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I hope that the city government can give our company corresponding policy support. This is also very important for the future development of Shenzhen's electronics industry. One thing." Duan Yun said seriously again.

"Then I think this is fine. Regarding the joint venture between your factory and Toshiba, our municipal government will hold a meeting to discuss it. You can go back and wait for the notice..." Zhen Xipei waved his hand, indicating that Duan Yun can leave up.

"Mayor Zhen, I only have two days to reply to Toshiba. At present, the representative of Toshiba is still living in our factory and will leave the day after tomorrow at the latest. So I hope to get a reply from our city government as soon as possible..." Duan Yun said.

"Understood!" Zhen Xipei nodded upon hearing this.

"Then Mayor Zhen, you are busy." Duan Yun saw that it would be useless to continue talking, so after saying a word, he got up and left the deputy mayor's office.

After walking out of the city government office building, Duan Yun took out a cigarette, lit it and took a puff, his face showing a bit of worry.

The thing is obvious, the SZ city government did not realize the significance of the establishment of the chip joint venture. In their eyes, this is just an ordinary joint venture, so they did not show the slightest importance.

In fact, this is also a very normal thing. If Duan Yun and Toshiba jointly produce TV sets or video recorders, the SZ city government will definitely take care of them. After all, these are very popular products in China. Foreign companies come to Shenzhen to set up joint venture factories to produce household appliances, and they will be valued and welcomed by the local government wherever they are placed in the country.

However, things like flash memory chips are new products that have just appeared in foreign countries, let alone in China. The market value has not been verified, and there are very large commercial risks. Mayor Zhen is unwilling to provide government resources for this kind of chip companies. It's also normal practice...

(End of this chapter)

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