Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1155 Scientific Research Gap

Chapter 1155 Scientific Research Gap
After visiting the factory equipment of Toshiba Chip, Duan Yun visited the headquarters of Toshiba Electronics in the afternoon.

For a long time, the Japanese government has given considerable support to the electronics industry. It not only provides tax relief and support, but also encourages top university graduates in Tokyo to join chip industry companies. Therefore, in the Toshiba Chip Electronics Department, many students are from A top student at Tokyo National University and Keio University.

Compared with the workshop of Toshiba Electronics Chip Division, Duan Yun was most surprised by the scale of the R&D team here. The headquarters building of Toshiba Electronics Division is 13 stories high, and according to Shinichi Tanaka, there are only two floors at the top. The first floor is the company's management finance and personnel department, and the remaining 11 floors are all product technology research and development personnel.

There are a total of 47 departments and teams in the Japan Microelectronics R&D Department, and the total number of R&D personnel has reached an astonishing 2300. It is a relatively small branch of the entire chip research and development department, and the internal technical personnel are basically top students from Japanese national universities, and some even have experts who have returned from studying in the United States.

Just seeing the composition of Toshiba's R&D department made Duan Yun feel a deep gap.

At present, his product research and development center in Shenzhen has a very "luxury" lineup among private enterprises in China. There are 5 retired professors, dozens of college students and technical secondary school students. This kind of talent composition even exceeds most state-owned enterprises. enterprise.

However, compared with Toshiba's product technology R&D department, Duan Yun's so-called R&D center is not worth mentioning. Just their department for researching and developing wafer grinders, the team of experts has far crushed Duan Yun's entire R&D center. team up.

In fact, Toshiba can have such a powerful and luxurious R&D team. In the final analysis, it is inseparable from the high attention and support of the Japanese government. Without the strong support of the Japanese government and providing them with so many discounts and talent support, it is impossible for them to develop The center is so big.

Seeing this scene, Duan Yun fell into a brief contemplation. There is no doubt that he wants to use the advanced equipment and technology imported from Japan to achieve cornering overtaking in the next few years. These few equipment alone are not enough , How to recruit domestic and international top talents is the most difficult thing. The road to future chip research and development has a long way to go.

"Our Toshiba chip research and development team is considered top-notch in the world..." At this time, Tanaka Nobu was a little proud, and he continued: "Of course, in the future, your company will buy us For Toshiba's equipment, we will also give you long-term technical support..."

"Thank you so much." Duan Yun smiled and nodded.

Duan Yun actually didn’t take it seriously when Tanaka said that he would provide long-term technical support, because Toshiba would definitely not provide Duan Yun with the most advanced technology. Yun is "disobedient", and Toshiba can "stuck his neck" at them at any time.

But these are all things to talk about. For now, the two parties are still in the "honeymoon period" of cooperation. Toshiba still needs Duan Yun to purchase their previous-generation chip production line to maximize the benefits of their company.

After the visit in the afternoon, Duan Yun and others were sent back to the hotel. Before entering the hotel, Toshiba staff had ordered dinner for them.

In fact, Duan Yun really wants to go to some of the more famous restaurants in Tokyo to eat food, such as Longyin Restaurant or the shop of Ono Jiro, who is known as the God of Sushi, but in fact this is impossible, because he wants to eat in such top-end restaurants. To eat, you need to queue up in advance, and some even need to wait for more than half a year.

However, the catering provided by the Tokyo hotel where Duan Yun is located is also very high-end. They also provided Duan Yuan with two options, one is Japanese food and the other is Western food.

Duan Yun does as the Romans do, so he naturally chooses Japanese cuisine. As for Western food, it is basically red wine steak. The style and taste are far from Japanese and Chinese food.

"Is this sushi?" Seeing a plate of salmon and seaweed sushi brought over by the hotel waiter, Li Yun asked curiously.

"This thing is seaweed wrapping rice balls. Japanese ingredients are all about freshness. They have their own characteristics with our domestic dishes, but generally speaking, there are fewer tricks and the taste is not complicated." Duan Yun said to Li Yun with a smile .

"This...isn't it really raw meat?" Li Yun was even more surprised when she saw the salmon sushi on the table.

In the 80s, domestic magazines introduced a lot of Japanese customs, but most of them mainly introduced the prosperous cities and advanced technology in Japan. There were relatively few introductions like this kind of Japanese cuisine, although Li Yun also introduced it before. I've heard of the name of Japanese sushi, but I didn't expect their sushi to be made with raw meat.

"That's right, it's raw meat." Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Eh..." Li Yun immediately looked disgusted when she heard this. With her eating habits, it was obvious that she couldn't adapt to eating raw.

"In fact, things in the sea are the cleanest. This kind of salmon sushi is freshly cooked. It is very fresh. There is no problem with eating it raw." While speaking, Duan Yun picked up a piece of salmon sushi with his chopsticks and dipped it into the plate After picking up the seasonings in the recipe, she said to her: "As for the seasonings, they are mainly soy sauce and mustard. You can try it, it won't spoil your stomach..."

"En." Encouraged by Duan Yun, Li Yun picked up a piece of salmon sushi and dipped the wasabi and soy sauce on the plate.

Li Yun obviously didn't know the power of wasabi. The moment she ate the sushi, a strong spicy taste filled her mouth, so that she immediately covered her mouth, tears almost flowed out.

Li Yun was sticking out her small tongue and sucking in the cool air. She looked very cute. Duan Yun, who was sitting opposite, suppressed a smile, and said to her, "The mustard is more irritating, just dip it a little less."

"Then you didn't say it earlier..." Li Yun complained to Duan Yun with her mouth curled up.

But after all, Li Yun seems to like to accept new things very much. He quickly liked the fresh and sweet taste of salmon, and ate several sushi in a row.

But sitting with Duan Yun and eating together, Li Yun was more reserved, raising her head to look at Duan Yun from time to time, her face brimming with happiness.

This trip to Japan really opened Li Yun's horizons. She saw the prosperity and advancement of technology in Japan with her own eyes. All of these touched her a lot...

(End of this chapter)

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