Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1177 Disillusionment of Dreams

Chapter 1177 Disillusionment of Dreams

For a long time, Duan Yun has used two methods to recruit talents, one is empathy, and the other is lure with high salaries.

As the saying goes, a good man comes out of his mouth. For many self-made entrepreneurs, if the trick of painting big cakes and emphasizing feelings can be used with great proficiency, then they will definitely recruit a group of loyal subordinates to work hard and start a business together. most difficult moment.

But if it is placed in later generations, it is no different from playing hooligans if they only talk about feelings but not money.

In fact, compared with those profiteers, Duan Yun is more "kind" in nature, so when he met Huang Lingyi for the first time before, he proposed to give Huang Lingyi a high salary, and he would also send a house and a car. The conditions are quite generous. , In fact, to put it bluntly, this is also Duan Yun's respect for high-tech talents.

However, when he found out that high salary and high benefits did not appeal to Huang Lingyi, he quickly adjusted his strategy and began to talk about his feelings with her.

In fact, for those older generations who came from a special era, they are really emotional. At this moment, Duan Yun's good eloquence and sensational ability played an important role at this moment.

"Our country's chip industry is really not good..." Hearing what Duan Yun said, Huang Lingyi frowned.

In fact, in the 60s, the gap between China's chip development and the world was not that big, only a gap of 3 to 5 years. However, after a special era, China's chip industry completely stagnated. There are signs of recovery, but there has been a gap of more than 80 years with foreign countries.

In addition, in the era of turmoil, Chinese science and technology were destroyed, many scientists had nothing to do, even lost their wages, so they had to leave Europe and the United States to contribute to the development of European and American science and technology to suppress China, but a small number of people persisted, like Huang Lingyi , always stick to the first line of scientific research chip research.

However, Huang Lingyi’s life in scientific research was not easy. Last year, the academy arranged for her and another person to go to Hong Kong to help design chips for three months. It is less than half a month's salary for an ordinary Hong Kong dishwashing worker, and the courtyard also told the two that if they can't make chips by then, they must return 5000 Hong Kong dollars for living expenses.

This put a lot of pressure on Huang Lingyi. After arriving in Hong Kong, she wished she could use it for two days, and finally made a qualified chip before the deadline, which saved her life.

But after returning to China, Huang Lingyi had to face the situation of having nothing to do. Her superiors did not approve the funds. The computer institute she worked in had no money or projects, so she could only occasionally assist local enterprises with "odd jobs".

"Mr. Huang, although our joint venture chip factory is currently provided with technical support from Japan, I don't want our domestic chips to be controlled by others. Once there is a dispute with Toshiba in the future, people can use technology to jam your neck..." Duan Yun was also a little emotional when he said this, and he continued to say: "So our domestic scientific researchers must be self-improving. Only chips developed by our own strength will not be controlled by others..."

"I understand what you said..." Hearing this, Huang Lingyi also sighed with emotion. She didn't expect the young man in front of her to have such a high patriotism. In fact, she recalled Liu Chuanzhi and others who worked with him back then. , originally had a patriotic passion, but in the end he chose to start his own business due to various objective reasons. Duan Yun seemed to be the same kind of person as them, so he said: "I have my own difficulties. I work in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and I am getting older now, although I am in good health, I will retire in another 10 years..."

"Mr. Huang, in my opinion, you are still in the right age. Maybe you don't believe it. At present, there are 5 retired professors in the product technology research and development center of Tianyin Electronics Factory. They are much older than you, and they can work hard. Still not bad young people, often take the initiative to work overtime until midnight..." Duan Yun said.

"There are 5 retired professors in your factory?" Huang Lingyi couldn't believe it when she heard this.

"It's true. If you want, you can visit our factory. I think they will welcome you very much." Duan Yun smiled slightly, and then said: "The working atmosphere in our R&D center is very good. There are people of all ages, so you don't have to worry about finding like-minded friends there. In addition, if Mr. Huang knows other experts and technicians who study chips, you can introduce them to me. Feel free to mention the conditions, as long as I can meet them. Yes, you must be satisfied!"

"Xiao Duan, I think we'll be here today..." At this moment, Huang Lingyi glanced at his watch again, and said to Duan Yun: "I have to rush home to cook, and my wife is about to leave work."

"Mr. Huang, I'll buy you a roast chicken, you go back and eat it..."

"No need, I'm actually quite touched by what you said today. I really didn't expect you to have such a strong sense of national honor at such a young age." Huang Lingyi smiled slightly, and then said: "But it's very Unfortunately, I still can't leave the Chinese Academy of Sciences, because our institute will soon start researching large-scale integrated circuits. Once I leave, no one can take my place. As for your investment in chip factories, if we If anyone in the firm wants to leave the company, I can introduce them to your company..."

Huang Lingyi finally rejected Duan Yun's invitation.

In fact, Huang Lingyi is deeply anxious about the current situation of the research institute, because there is no chance, and their computer institute has not had a large national scientific research project for a long time. Hope was ignited.

In October last year, Huang Lingyi had just returned from a mission in Hong Kong. Zhou Jie, the director of the Science and Technology Department, found him and asked him if he wanted to study large-scale integrated circuits in the computer department.

Huang Lingyi was taken aback at the time, and immediately answered decisively: If computers do not carry out chip research, people who will design computers in the future will only know how to use chips, and they will not know what is inside, so it is impossible to design a good computer.

From then on, Zhou Jie promised her to apply to her superiors and try to help him win this project. It was precisely because of this sentence that Huang Lingyi's hope was rekindled in her heart. Since she could engage in chip research and development in the institute, she naturally I will not go to Duanyun's company to develop chips.

The current computer room was built by Huang Lingyi and others for more than ten years. There are too many brilliance and memories of her in it. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, Huang Lingyi will definitely not leave.

"Mr. Huang, I have always thought that you are the most suitable leader in our chip research and development center, and I can understand your current situation..." Duan Yun pondered for a while, and then said: "It's better to be like this. I will stay in BJ all the time, if you change your mind one day, please call my hotel immediately, Tianyin Electronic Factory will always welcome you.”

While Duan Yun was speaking, he handed Huang Lingyi a business card with the hotel phone number written on it.

"Okay, see you later." After Huang Lingyi finished speaking, she got up and left the hotel.

After seeing Huang Lingyi leave, Duan Yun took out a cigarette, lit it, raised his head and blew out a smoke ring...


In the next few days, Duan Yun, who was still in BJ, was not idle, but went to Zhongguancun to inquire about news every day to see if he could find suitable talents.

In fact, not only Duan Yun's Tianyin Electronics Factory, but many private companies in the south have also begun to extend their hands to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Openly poaching the corner of the national scientific research team seems unbelievable to outsiders, but in Zhongguancun in 87, it seems to have become an open secret.

Due to the lack of national scientific research funds, many scientists have no projects or even wages. As a result, more and more people go to sea, and those who are capable start their own businesses from scratch. Those who are not good at doing business either go abroad to work in foreign technology companies, or in China Hired by private companies and joint ventures with high salaries, even in Zhongguancun in 87, there were all kinds of professional headhunters.

In terms of financial strength, there are not many private companies in China that are rivals to Duan Yun. Although his high salary has little effect on a sentimental scientist like Huang Lingyi, a 4-digit monthly salary is the starting point for most middle-aged technologists with huge family economic pressures. The personnel are very attractive, so in just one week, Duan Yun recruited several experts in microelectronics from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After Duan Yun paid a deposit of 500 yuan in advance, these people will Rush to Shenzhen to work.

However, the talent Duan Yun wanted the most was Huang Lingyi, but at present, Huang Lingyi's attitude is very firm, which makes Duan Yun feel helpless.

The time has entered mid-January in a blink of an eye, and there is still more than a week before the Spring Festival. The streets of BJ are filled with the joyful atmosphere of welcoming the Spring Festival, but Duan Yun has no intention of returning to Shenzhen.

At the same time, the research and development of chips by the Chinese Academy of Sciences finally took shape.

This morning, Huang Lingyi was notified to go to the vice president's office.

"Dean, are you looking for me?" After entering the dean's office, Huang Lingyi greeted him politely.

"Xiao Huang, sit down!" Zhou Tielin, the deputy dean, signaled for Huang Lingyi to sit down, and then said: "Your computer institute has already applied to the institute before, and you are going to set up a project to develop computer chips. You should understand this matter."

"I know!" Huang Lingyi said bluntly, her heart skipped a beat when she heard this.

"...Your computer institute's enthusiasm for research and development is commendable, but the funds in our institute are too tight at present, and we can't afford to support the research of large-scale integrated circuits..." Zhou Tielin said, looking directly at Huang Lingyi.

"Dean Zhou..." Hearing what Zhou Tielin said, Huang Lingyi was a little anxious, and she continued: "Our country's chip research and development can no longer be delayed. At present, the gap between our country's chip level and the international level is getting bigger and bigger. ..."

"I fully understand your idea." Zhou Tielin interrupted Huang Lingyi directly, and said: "But the state funds have given so much. The main task of your computer institute this year is to realize the Chineseization function of computers. At present, our domestic Chinese card The demand is very large, if we can complete the task, there will be very considerable economic benefits..."


"I called you here today and I have another thing to tell you." Zhou Tielin took a sip from his teacup and said, "I have also held a meeting with the leaders of your institute to discuss it. Starting today, your department will also Join the Hanka research project team, the academy has provided enough research funds for this project, I hope you can live up to the expectations of the academy and complete the task as soon as possible!"

"Merge into other departments!?" Hearing this, it was a bolt from the blue to Huang Lingyi.

She understands what Vice President Zhou Tielin's words mean. The team department that once gave her all her youth and carried too many honors and memories of him will soon become history completely.

"Don't have other ideas. We must have a big picture when we engage in scientific research. The funds allocated to us by the state are really not much. All the money must be spent wisely. The research and development of large-scale integrated circuits can be delayed..." Zhou Tielin looked at Huang Lingyi With a glance, he said: "In addition, the leaders of our school will be aware of your work achievements. If the task of Hanka can be completed this year, you will be given a one-level salary increase... that's fine, there is nothing else to do. , go get busy."

"En." Huang Lingyi responded, got up and left the vice president's office.

As soon as she walked out of the gate of the North Building, Huang Lingyi burst into tears...

(End of this chapter)

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