Countercurrent 1982

Chapter 1182 New Era

Chapter 1182 New Era

"Can you manage the electronics factory and the video recorder factory at the same time?" Duan Yun frowned slightly, and continued: "Especially after the introduction of the video recorder factory, the debugging work is also very troublesome..."

"Didn't you say it? Let Zhao Xuewu and the others cooperate with me. Anyway, you are already going to set up a new chip research and development team. At present, these people in the R&D center of the electronics factory are under my management. I know that you don't need these people to develop chips now." , It would be too wasteful for them to only upgrade and improve Walkman products with such a high salary..." Cheng Qingyan said.

Cheng Qingyan's words are very clear, that is, Tianyin Electronics Factory, including the R&D team, is under the management of Cheng Qingyan. In the past, Duan Yun was in charge of public relations and entertainment and technology research and development, but now, Cheng Qingyan is also preparing to take care of factory management and technology research and development, so that the entire The company is divided into two parts. Cheng Qingyan is in charge of electronic products, while Duan Yun can devote himself to the chip project.

The advantage of this is that the introduction of the video recorder production line can maximize the use of the product technology research and development center team established by Duan Yun at the beginning, so that retired professors like Zhao Xuewu can play more waste heat, and Duan Yun will use Huang Lingyi as the core. Set up another chip research and development team, split the entire company into two, and the husband and wife each take care of one share.

"I'm afraid you're tired..."

"Aren't those workers tired? They are paid hundreds of dollars a month to work overtime, they don't have time to eat, and they don't dare to go to the toilet. What right do I have to say I'm tired?" Cheng Qingyan shook her head lightly. , and then said: "We are actually very lucky. Although we have made sacrifices, the rewards are also very large. Tianyin Electronics Factory is the brand we established. I hope it will continue to be brilliant, even though your heart is already on it. Over at the chip factory, I also know that you have a bigger goal in life, but I won't just sit and watch the Tianyin Electronics Factory decline little by little..."

"I understand." Duan Yun was slightly touched when he heard this.

Different from when she first came to Shenzhen to start a business, now Cheng Qingyan has become an entrepreneur who can stand alone after more than a year of experience. Although in terms of vision and technology, he is definitely far inferior to the prophetic Duan Yun, but Compared with ordinary entrepreneurs, Cheng Qingyan is already very outstanding.

So now that Duan Yun has helped him find a good project like karaoke, and the foreign exchange in the factory is enough to buy a second-hand video recorder production line, it is completely feasible for Cheng Qingyan to lead the old team to continue the glory of Tianyin Electronics Factory.

"After the Chinese New Year is over, you can help me contact the foreign trade company. I can send Zhao Xuewu to Japan for investigation and let him be fully responsible for the introduction of production lines and equipment debugging." Cheng Qingyan thought for a while, and then said: "I don't know How much does it cost to buy a production line of VCRs now?"

"I have inquired before that a second-hand video recorder production line in Japan is at least between 500 and 800 million US dollars, but you have to discuss this with Zhao Xuewu and the others..." Duan Yun paused, and then said: " Before that, we still had 120 mu of industrial land in Bagualing, which was originally used to build a video recorder factory. Now the factory has been built, and the equipment can be directly installed and debugged if the equipment is imported to China. If the efficiency is high enough, before the end of this year , the video recorder factory will be officially put into production.”

When Duan Yun and Mayor Li Hao visited the new library expansion project together, he took the opportunity to apply for an industrial land from Li Hao.

In addition to the 120 mu of industrial land, Duan Yun also rented 45 mu of land next to it, where he built a warehouse, and his two apprentices, Dajun and Erhu, also managed a fleet of vehicles there, specializing in the production of electronics factory products. logistics transportation.

However, the 200 mu of industrial land that Duan Yun applied for with the chip factory was less than 500 meters away from this land. It can be said that Duan Yun transferred the focus of the company's future industry from Shangbu Industrial Zone to Bagualing Industrial Zone.

"I know this. I actually don't want that piece of land to be idle. That's why I thought of restarting the video recorder factory project. Fortunately, the factory building has been renovated there, so we can save us a lot of time." Cheng Qingyan said.

"Then it's settled." Duan Yun said.

"sleep early."

"You should go to bed earlier, my mother is nagging you all day again today, are you annoying?" Duan Yun said with a smile.

"Old people are like this, it's nothing." Cheng Qingyan smiled slightly, and then said: "It's a pity that my body hasn't responded yet..."

"It's useless to be anxious about this kind of thing." Duan Yun curled his lips, and continued: "But I have thought of some new tricks recently, I can try it tonight..."

"You bastard!" Cheng Qingyan blushed when she heard the words, and gave Duan Yun a blank look, but the next moment, Duan Yun grabbed her waist, and the two of them fell on the bed at the same time...


After the fifth day of the lunar new year, the workers in the factory began to return to work one after another, and the construction site at the chip factory also resumed three shifts.

After Zhao Xuewu and others returned to Shenzhen from Taiyuan by plane, they were immediately called by Cheng Qingyan to have a meeting to discuss the introduction of VCR production lines to Japan.

Now Duan Yun and his wife have re-divided labor, Cheng Qingyan is in charge of the electronic factory, and Duan Yun is devoted to the joint venture chip factory.

Soon, Zhao Xuewu embarked on an overseas inspection trip again, while Duan Yun welcomed Huang Lingyi and others.

This time, Huang Lingyi and his former colleagues from the Institute of Microelectronics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences came with him. There are three people in total, two men and one woman. It can be said that they are all top-notch development experts in the field of chips in China.

Duan Yun drove them directly from the airport to the product research and development center.

"This is my wife Cheng Qingyan, and this is Peng Chaoming, the supervisor of the Mechanical Department of our factory's development center..."

Duan Yun began to introduce several core backbones of the current product R&D center to Huang Lingyi's team one by one.

Except for Zhao Xuewu who went abroad for investigation, the other four retired professors were all in the R&D center. They were also deeply surprised when they learned that Huang Lingyi, whom Duan Yun brought this time, was the director of the Institute of Microcomputer Research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Undoubtedly, for all scientific and technological personnel, the Chinese Academy of Sciences is undoubtedly a dazzling gold-lettered signboard, because it is the highest scientific research institution in the country, and Duan Yun can invite these "national team" players to his company, which is simply embarrassing. Said to be supernatural.

The arrival of Huang Lingyi and others also means that Duan Yun's Tianyin Electronics Factory will usher in a new era of alternation between the old and the new. The new "pillar"...

(End of this chapter)

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